What's a good movie to watch with your fun aunt?

What's a good movie to watch with your fun aunt?

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No such thing.
>inb4 creepy incest fetish user whose mind has been corrupted by anime, hentai and porn

Imagine if auntie start rubbing your pee pee with her feet during the viewing


That's too much wine for one person lol

To think, alcoholism was once thought as a male disease.

IKR she might have to go to the hospital or something

t. too much retard for one person


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Seriously, that glass is so big it's completely impractical! What company would manufacture one like that?

>halfway through winebox and chill when your aunt gives you that look

Imagine how big the love must be for that martini lmao!

Private Teacher

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What's the point of this?
Even as a novelty washing that glass would probably take an hour

a serbian film

I was really attracted to my aunt even way before I even knew what sex or masturbation was.


I legit have dreams about me telling my aunt about my foot fetish and asking her help. Then I wake up just as I'm putting her toes in my mouth. Then I spend 3+ hours cringing at it but also low key thinking about asking her irl.

hahaha wine!!!

I've never got the wine aunt thing, no one is like that in my family.

what's the worst that could happen? she says no? big deal. go for it user

Dora the Explorer: Egg Hunt
The Easter Egg Adventure
Angel's Egg
The Egg and Jerry
The Pigeon Egg Strategy
The Serpent's Egg
The Egg
Back to the Egg
The Egg Race
The Killing of an Egg
The Egg and I
A Day in the Death of Joe Egg

>low key

once a girl has tasted a bbc they need everything else in their life to be supersized, too
a cautionary tale, really

Amelie is the only answer

idiot, the glass is close to the camera

There's literally no reason to not try.

Best case scenario you fulfill your dream. Worst case she's disgusted, tells the rest of your family, and you're disowned.

There’s a few in mine. Some wine moms too.

If you're not willing to sacrifice everything to achieve your dream, are you even alive?

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My wine aunts live off CNN and like Bernie because their daughters do

>I've never got the chink thing, no one is like that in my family.

What does that even mean you fucking Yas Forumsester?

The thing is, she used to do really weird shit around me when I was a kid. Not closing the door when she took a piss, coming out of shower naked and dressing in front of me, wanting to look at my penis to check "how I was growing"... Brainlet me couldn't figure out how weird it all was until I grew much older. Probably why I'm being bothered by these dreams.

How do I get a hot auntie to have sex with which also leads into having sex with my hot mommy?

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you went to far I know you're lying now. faggot.

Are you a roastie? Just because you personally don't know about something doesn't mean much of anything. Only a roastie could be such a braindead narcissist.

>he didn't fuck his aunt

Tell her about the supplements you take specifically to make you have huge cums and how you edge for hours to get massive cums. That should pique her interest ;)

Should I tell her that what I make cummies too?

I know it's weird but is it THAT weird? Oh god, oh fuck...

Actually my aunt showed me alot of kino. Texas Chainsaw, Evil Dead, Silence of the Lambs, Terminator 2, Heat. Everytime my parents left me at her house i knew i was in for some good movies

Euroimpoverished, everyone


If you'd just look to your left user

On an astronomical scale, you're correct

>implying a Yas Forums autist can get with a mature woman
trust me ive tried and its all bullshit

It's pretty obvious if you're not a retard. You're not a retard are you ano-
>f-fucking Yas Forums! *shits self*
Oh never mind.

How many fucking bottles did she pour into the glass holy shit

you're just a manlet

>That aunt who gives you adult kisses and let's you touch her special place

Take me back fuck I cant Dew this anymore

that is so funny! big wine glass!!!!!!! thats too much wine lol!!!!!!!!!!!

The most sexual movie you can possibly think up. Any other answer is a BETAKUKKED



I chugged a glass like this in Uni and then everyone called me Wine Glass Wally even though my name is Steve.

reminds me of doublemint dave

Unless it is s monday!!!...then its not enough!! lol! can you send me the vacation pictures

based wineglass steve

How the fuck can't you spot clear sarcasm in these posts?

tell us more wine glass wally

I think the first one is ironic

Do people ITT think big novelty wine glasses aren't a real thing?

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>it's real

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>that list

how the hell is she even holding that up? barely looks like shes excerting any force.

there's probably someone holding the stem out of frame.

I watched Knives Out with my pre-wine aunt gf last night. It sucked,.

>pre-wine aunt gf
explain yourself