What's the most he could have been charged with?

What's the most he could have been charged with?

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Literally nothing. He's a child defending his home and it's fucking America. He could have legally killed both intruders.


murder because he lacks the genius of Jigsaw

>he lacks the genius of Jigsaw
X to doubt

Credit card fraud

same person dumbass

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Nothing would have stuck, he's a child defending his home. No jury would convict him

Solid case of murderous behaviour.

It's normally illegal to set up traps in your home because it might catch police or innocent people like curious children by mistake, but in this case there was an immediate and obvious threat to his life so it would be legal to set up those traps.

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Hello, I'm a Judge on the US Supreme Court. He would have most likely been tried as an adult and faced the death penalty here, possibly a life sentence on appeal.

Trespassing in Carnegie Hall.

Is it illegal to rig your house with explosives that are connected to a big red button? The other day I was thinking about how I want my future house to have a self-destructive mode just for the fun of it.

the genius of kevin mccallister is he didn't actually set traps, he was just a kid who left toys and stuff laying around and people tripped on them. the most you can charge him with is trespassing into his neighbors' home at the end

>and it's fucking America
He's in a blue state.

explain that to me like i'm an autistic foreignfag

States like Illinois where the movie takes place are majority democrate and thus are stricter on stuff like guns, so say one state over you could blow away someone in your house no problem, but current law in Illinois says you can't kill people threatening you in your house.

He literally could've gotten away with murder. No jury would've convicted him. Maybe some therapy at the most.

His actions were justified in Home Alone 1 but he did some illegal shit in Home Alone 2 mostly with the credit card and the brick throw might land him in trouble

blue state cringe
red state based

I don't think there's any specific law that says you're not allowed to rig your house to explode. It would be illegal to actually blow up your house or have it automatically triggered in any way, though.

Actually both Illinois and NY have Castle Doctrine so Kev should have been fine... though in the second movie the fact that it's his Uncle's? home might complicate things.

i see, thanks

Those exceptions only apply if they can prove you had an opportunity to escape and instead chose to stay and kill them. If you're stuck in your house and believe your life is in danger then lethal force is justified anyplace in america. The only question, state by state, is if you MUST flee if you have the chance.

Kidnapping at most

Nothing criminal, but the bandits could have sued his parents for a good sum in civil court.

It's like mounting a gun on your car, legally if you have all the right paperwork for the gun it's fine but actually using it is another story. But I would say if you actually activate it you wouldn't care to much.

Setting traps is still ridiculously illegal. He could have just shot him with his dad's shotgun or something and been fine, but once he brings traps into the equation the situation gets a bit more murky.

don't listen to these cunts, even in blue states in the USA you can kill a home invader.

The only difference is that some states let you kill somebody who invades your home in pretty much any situation (Castle Doctrine) but blue states might say that you can only kill a home invader as a last resort. For example, lets say you knew several hours ahead of time that some thieves were going to come to your house, as is the case in home alone. In a red state, it's legal to stay at your home and kill them as they show up. In a blue state, you need to take that time to leave and avoid any potential loss of life. The core concept is "stuff isn't worth a persons life, even if that person is criminal scum". For example, the kid could have just went and stayed at somebody elses house instead. Or better yet, walk to the police department.

>8 years old
It would be impossible to convict him of anything.

Misprision of a felony

That's what I was thinking. If I have to activate that thing, getting arrested is probably the least of my worries.

>he could have legally killed both intruders
I live here. You are 100 percent wrong.
The kid would have to articulate a threat to his life and/or a serious bodily threat and in Illinois, simple burglary ain’t cuttin’ it unless the thieves enter in a riotous manner (ie busting down front door at 3Am)

Damnit Clarence, don’t make me turn the router off.

didn't they dress a boy up for that gag because they didn't wanna make a girl go through that?

> The kid would have to articulate a threat to his life
lol no he wouldn’t, he’s a fucking kid

It's not "ridiculously illegal" at all, though. At worst you'll just get a civil penalty aka a cash fine. It's not something you go to jail for.

even in 1990?

It's illegal but I wouldn't call it "ridiculously illegal". especially considering most of the traps constitute funhouse shit.

he's like 8 or something

>8 year old getting his home invaded by people who don't stop even though they know the house is occupied and who use destructive entry methods like crowbars
there's a very clear threat to his life

>For example, lets say you knew several hours ahead of time that some thieves were going to come to your house, as is the case in home alone. In a red state, it's legal to stay at your home and kill them as they show up.
You are a goddamn fucking moron. Enjoy prison.
>In a blue state, you need to take that time to leave and avoid any potential loss of life.
Try again dipshit. Some blue states are “duty to retreat” and some arent faggot. You have shit for brains and a YouTube
Law degree. kys

Why didn't he just call the cops?

Some of the traps were really obviously traps, though. For example, the paint can on the string.

Also, this trap and also the electrical shock one are probably the only two traps in the entire movie that would probably actually kill somebody IRL.

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>they don’t try kids
Based retard

>The kid would have to articulate a threat to his life and/or a serious bodily threat
Which happens in the movie. Harry was going to bite his fingers off.

I want to kiss him insanely

Actually it’s not. But hey maybe the cop who instructed my CCW class was full of shit.

even "duty to retreat" allows you to defend yourself with lethal force in your home, when you're in your residence you can't retreat anymore

And it wasn't even his house

0% chance a kid in this situation would get indicted. DA wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole.

I dunno, getting a blowtorch to the scalp, falling down iced steps, or getting a rusty nail through the foot could be potentially lethal as well

Since the robbers were known and prior criminals, Kevin could be justified in using any action, even up to lethal means, to defend himself.

Now, if Kevin had gone further than death, say rape, there might be a case against him.

Neither were killed were invading his home while he was alone, and even if Kevin had killed them, the police had been looking for the Wet Bandits anyway and still wouldn't have charged him.
If anybody was gonna get charged it would be Kevin's parents for leaving him at home, even if they had no idea they'd left him due overcrowding. He was 8 years old at the time.

Even if he was convicted of attempted murder (2 counts), he'd walk with a few years of probation.
>under 18
>no priors

the idea of the home alone kid raping the wet bandits made my laugh hard, good job user

>falling down iced steps
winter in chicago, not even his fault

>tfw pizza delivery boy
>get to the house and theres a not telling you to walk around to the back door
>annoyed and don't want to, but I have no choice and do it anyway
>get to the back door and he tells me to leave it on the ground and slips my money through the mail slit while being extremely rude to me the entire time
>leaves me a shitty tip
>suddenly and out of nowhere he threatens my life and begins to fire a gun at me
>I flee for my live panicking trying to get out of there to safety as quick as I can hoping I don't get shot to death
Can someone explain to me why the pizza didn't call the police? It makes literally 0 sense.

what's he going to get? a couple years a juvy?

Where I live, you could use lethal force to defend your home from invasion.

But like the poster before said, if Kevin raped the burglars, then maybe that would be seen as unjustified.

stuff like that is pretty typical. Haven't you ever had a job in the service industry?

Your average pizza cuck is either a dumbass normie or a dumbass /x/fag. The normie would've thought that his job would be on the line if it turned out he was wrong somehow (as he's a dumbass). The /x/fag would've assumed that it was literally a gangster from 1936 in a temporal thin spot and brag about it to other /x/fags.

In Chicago they'd probably confiscate all his toys since they're deadly weapons.
If he was in Texas he could have emptied a clip in their backs and would've gotten away scott free

They had no right to be in his house and his property. If Kevin wants to set up traps in his house, that is his right.

That was the night Kevin scared the pizza guy. But for the pizza guy... it was tuesday

are blue staters really this fucking cucked? if you try and invade someone home you literally deserve to die. the homeowner does not know if the intruder's intentions are to steal something or to murder. you should always assume the worst in a home invasion

>if he was in Texas
I think you mean Mexico, and that may be the case now but in 20 years when it's a blue state it won't be.

In America, especially in states with pro gun laws and pro self defence laws etc, what happens if somebody attempts to break into your home and your dogs kill them in the process? Assuming they break in with a baseball bat or crowbar but no gun.

There is a fan theory out there that says the pizza delivery boy actually did let his boss at the restaurant know about the incident, but because they lived in a movie world and had no purpose or autonomy, they were forced to forget the whole thing happened. Then Kevin raped them.

Absolute worst case scenario the dog is put down and you'll maybe pay a fine.

Traps are mostly illegal not because they can harm criminals, but because they're much more likely to actually end up harming random innocent people. There are more cases every year of a crazy person getting caught in their own home booby trap or a paramedic/police officer getting hit by a booby trap than an actual thief/home invader getting hit by one. In Home Alone it worked out but it's not exactly a realistic movie.

Like for example, what if at the end of the movie when his family got home, there were some traps he forgot that he set up? His sister could end up getting electrocuted or his brother get a nail through his eye or some shit.

Nothing criminal, but it's possible their estate (read: their family) can sue for damages, most likely under negligence and probably some other stuff too.

They said Texas would be a blue state 20 years ago. Fuck off and keep dreaming.

the guy was clearly from the mob. you don't snitch or you die

Nice try Bernie Bro.

Also, Kevin is a rapist.

This happened in Texas recently with a kid except he wasn't breaking in a house just tresspassing. Owner wasn't charged

Illinois cucks are pathetic

>white boy
i've read enough old crime shit to know american white boys get away with murder just because they're kids