
what the fuck was up with this character
they fake her death twice? will there be no abigail spinoff?

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>it's a Hannibal thread

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She dead homey. In S3 she's just in Will's head.

She's dead, Jim.

this is her btw

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i wanted to protect her

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Why didn't you?

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She was perfect

Yeah the ghost Abigail shit in season 3 was dragging on way too long

IDK man, but she's a cutie π

>you can never go back

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Man, that one guy couldn't even

>no witnesses

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>Season 3 immediately undoes everything the ending of season 2 did


I forget, who did Hannibal feed her to?

himself. but she was still alive when he ate her. if you catch my drift.

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oral sex????

She survived in the book. They spent 2 seasons kind of playing "we're not really deviating from the books, it's just Will Graham was an unreliable narrator so his interactions with Lecter were different." Then they realized no one cared about fidelity to the text so they offed her.

geez, user, have some restraint

which one

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Why not both?

hanibal was the last show I bothered to watch on tv, how did they even get away with showing all of the gore?

>check out her instagram
>short dyke hair
Fucking ruined

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she also supports antifa

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Double ruined

I still can't believe that show ran on network fucking television for 3 full seasons. Forget the gore, it was a slow, artful, cerebral show where the best scenes are just Will and Hannibal sitting in a chair talking to each other. The balls on Fuller getting that thing not only on air but on air for 3 full seasons. Great show.

fuller is a cuck he never killed freddie lounds

I think she shaved her head for a role or something

Do Americans really see Euros as "too gay"? How? Because of the kisses on the cheek and the more coloured outfits?

Too cute to kill, though she was a vile cunt on the show.


What are (you), a faggot?

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The smile on Will's face there, though it was all just a ruse.

That and the general feminine attitudes towards anything masculine

>he doesn't know

I remember watching this show on my phone from some terrible streaming app. One of the most re memorable scenes was when Will ran into Hannibal's house and saw some guy who should have been dead. Will started to cry and asked Hannibal if he was going crazy and hallucinating. The guy in the chair kept quiet and continued to eat his own leg as Hannibal comforted Will. I got a boner and tried to rewatch that particular scene many times. The app wouldn't let me rewind so I had to start the episode over again whenever I wanted to see it again.

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Is this achievable natty?

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I really wish I could see what you all see in this show, it has to be one of the most overrated things I’ve ever seen. And the second half of season 3 is just insanely bad.

>Is this achievable natty?

No, it's a tattoo.

who was the guy eating his own leg? was is that guy that killed the nurse and the paramedics?

It's a great show. I even have the first season on DVD. The second half of season three isn't great.

Wtf I thought this guy was huge when I first saw this movie

>The guy in the chair kept quiet and continued to eat his own leg as Hannibal comforted Will

Abel was not yet eating his own leg

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>when he literally becomes a CGI devil
what the fuck

I think it was a guy that was convinced he was a famous serial killer, but he was just crazy.

Hated Abigail. Such a stupid mutt.

Pretty sure it lasted for one episode

>I got the show on blu-ray after the fact and missed all the live threads

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Yea I just looked it up, we were both right

He definitely dragged that out just to fuck with her, she had it coming though.

this. the writing was really bad at times. it had great actors and some cool visual but that's about it.

What was he eating then?
Is that how he got to Hannibal's house? By killing the paramedics? I don't remember much about him.

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I feel like re-watching this show.

How do convince my squeamish gf to watch it as well?

She doesn't handle gore that good, but i know she would enjoy the show.

Tell her to stop being such a faggot

tell her mads is a total daddy

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>Will and hannibal have canon sex meanwhile eating corpses

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She shaved her head for a movie were she played a fake cancer patient.

>clarice sterling reboot
>no fuller involvement
>no dyke ellen

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