You can't beat it

You can't beat it.

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Thought this was TCAP from the thumbnail

doesn't some dude get raped by his mom in this movie

That was scary

God I can’t watch this film the monster seems just so much scarier than it should be like fuck

Just walk into a busy place where it will definitely bump into people, then throw a blanket over it to prove it's real. Some scientists will look into it and probably solve the problem for me.

nothing scarier than a white male

what the hell wad that weird seashell ebook reader she has the whole movie?

Are lanklets really that scary?

Compliment thanks

lmao haha dont do that


it takes place in an alternate universe

>that elderly woman walking down the sidewalk at the end

no user im trying to tell you that when youre ready, you wont have to

me in the back

my favorite part of that flick was when the girl farted

god i beat it to that scene dozens of times

I don't get it. It just walks. So take a plane to a nice beach a ways away. Dig really big and deep trench. Cover in tarp, disguise drizzled with sand. Stand on other side of pit and wait with three to four cement trucks at your side. See it walking on the horizon. Wait. It falls in. Trucks dump cement. take a step back, sit down, enjoy a mai tai, jerk fuck a bunch of whores on its cement tomb as a power move

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>that scene where it walks towards her in the school hallway

All she needed to do with throw a blanket on top of it and everyone would believe her

Look at this doofus. I bet he doesn't even know how to use three clamshells.

i've never had sex


This movie is such dogshit, and is unironically a prime example of self-fart-sniffing faggots who think that it's "LIKE, WHAT HORROR SHOULD BE, BRO!". It's basically the same concept as Marble Hornets, but worse in every single way, with no nuance whatsoever.

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Do what they did to the T1000 in terminator two.




Are you me? Haha

What if I kill myself? Check mate monster thing

>I can't beat it

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The thing is It is invisible to anyone that isn't cursed but it isn't intangible. The movie never really demonstrated how strong It was though. Considering a single bullet at least dropped the thing, you could conceivably just trap it in a vault or something.

you could get baptized and become a born again virgin

It would have been unironically better if the friends could not interact with it

They didn't want to date the film by using an actual smartphone or kindle

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That's why it's a decent movie. Dumb movie but the scares are on point.

Seriously though after it reaches the last person to bust a nut what does it do? Pick some other luckless non-virgin?

Was it feet kino?

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have sex the horror movie

the entire movie is about not having premarital sex you retarded faggot

> Trick the monster into stepping onto a giant hamster wheel
> Sit at the end of it
> Monster walks forever
> Wheel is hooked to a generator
> Free energy

>The only time suicide is the only option
At least the guy that she fucked had a swift death. The girl in the beginning had a worst death

They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't want to see your face, you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear

She'd probably get charged with kidnapping though.

>not having premarital sex
Is that what you tell yourself to feel better about being an incel? It was if you don't have sex then you die

>Throws blanket on it
>People think a ghost exist becuase they see a floating blanket
That would be pretty funny actually

>Is that what you tell yourself to feel better about being an incel?
ah yikes, that projection

they should make a sequel starring user where he does this and then the thing kills him afterward

Someday you'll meet that special someone at the church picnic to get married to and finally lose you virginity

I've never seen ANYONE mention the mom and son relationship in this movie, they were clearly fucking

What's wrong with that

Unironically based and the best way
>forming a strong bond
>finally get to bust nut with women you've developed big love for
like this wouldn't be better than all the one night stands.

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She won’t be a virgin though and you’re a simp if you believe otherwise

Nothing as long as you don't inject your virginity into film theories

i'm not a virgin, and if she goes to church she's taken less dicks than the average thot

god I wish I believed in jesus, then I would just troll RC churches for my future wife.

Why didn't Maika Monroe's career pan out?

>if she goes to church she's taken less dicks than the average thot
I have some bad news for you

the real horror was living in detroit

Hmm I've never heard of the Marble Hornets but you probably have a small penis and are very awkward with it

>just trap it in a vault
doesn't it slasher teleport a couple times?
bullets drop mike meyers too, that doesn't mean he's playing by the rules

One of the best horror movies in 20 years.

what if monsters are like aids guys lol

>kills only the people that had sex
Was it an incel?

The problem was the promotion for the film and the positive reviews were all pushing it as "the scariest horror film ever made ever objectively!" so all the normalfags went it like a challenge already determined to come out of it saying they weren't scared because thumbs up points? So rather than just taking the movie for what it was and enjoying it or disliking it on its own merits they took the WILL IT SCARE ME!!?!? Clickbait challenge.

Great film btw. I'd say it has some pacing issues, especially in the second half and the finale with IT gets a little silly. Still it's incredibly atmospheric, features a classic new horror music score, really good acting, good Carpenter like cinematography and a cool concept. With a few actually creepy scenes that stick with me. What i like about this movie is, unlike a lot of supernatural threat films, IF doesn't spend most of its running time with the main characters friends and family openly not believing the protaganonist. That squabbling bullshit tends to just be awkward family drama more than anything and takes away from the central threat. This forgoes that as her friends are pretty much on board in short order and the adults are wisely kept in the background, so the kids feel more vulnerable. Most importantly there's just an uneasy, unsettling feeling in the air the entire film. You don't see a lot of that anymore.

Based opinions. I agree

i-is that Lacy Green?