I Am Jazz

>when you are a tranny and do a drag show with your brother and grandpa

What do you think was going through Greg's head during this whole thing?

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I'm so glad that on topic threads are getting pruned for being offensive to our cross dressing overlords. Hahaha

just keep reminding them to dilate

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There was a thread up just an hour ago. Did our transvestite friends prune it? Luckily they're too busy cleaning their teratomas now to notice.

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yeah, 404'd


Christ this is peak clownworld
what is it with kikes?

greg secretly hates it all. he's cracking

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Why are these threads disappearing?

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Jazz is a very very hungry young girl.

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cause jannies aren't following their dilation schedule

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ya think? i dont think so. if he was capable of caring he probably wouldnt have let his son cut his dick off

Can a fetus be transplanted into her belly and grown there?

I am Noelle. I am the best character on the program.

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Jesus that has to be shooped. There's no living being that ugly

Is that your way of saying anal only?

pruning Jazz threads is clearly transphobic.

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When will he get his guest appearance?

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Get in line, bro.

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Someone must be getting paid good money to prune them.

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Come on, you guys. Let's discuss the show on its merits.

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where can I get a Sander & Griffen bf?

We're educational.

If I were to call child protective services right now on these criminals in the show (mainly the mother) would anything happen or does this family get a free pass on breaking the law?

Jazz is genuinely one of the most horrifying things on television. I'd love to see Von Trier do a film version of the POP surgery neovagina disaster.

He couldn't even stop him from getting a tattoo
He is too far gone at this point.

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No but you might get somewhere if you were able to make the one million moms aware of this lynchian atrocity.

Jazz consented to all the surgeries.

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One of your local synagogues?

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Built for gay porn.

What a pair of flamming faggots

I can't believe at least one of them hasn't come out yet

Jeanette is supportive!

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The feminization of men has gotten to the point where I can't tell what's gay anymore. The twins just feel like products, not people.

How much do you think they're getting paid?


The set/ costumes/ lighting make it look like a scene from Mulholland Falls.

Is there anything sicker than adopting a little palestinian boy and castrating him on national tv and laughing about it?

What is wrong with Jews, bros?

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No, you've had enough.

why does he pass so well?

how can goy boys even compete? jfc

Their happiness must enrage Jazz.

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I hate sports faggots

u got a knob an bollox u a lad. u got a twat an tits u a bird.
simpo as

>puts on wig
>"look, I'm a woman now!"

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Is one of Jazz's sibling a frat dudebro or something?

Yeah, well Jazz can shit his organs out of his Cloaca. I'd like to see his cis friends do that.

simple as m8

greg's crotch looks like a camel toe....and his -balled-up-fist-in-pocket is a bizarre posture.

is not brain soience, isit?

what's dialation?

>be greg
>be lawyer
>your job is listening to bullshit
>come home
>listen to jazz bullshit
he's crackin'

>google is involved with the trans agenda

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literally built for bbc

ahmir should've fucked them instead of jazz

Trump should give Jazz the Freedom Medal.

>incel containment thread

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Help me save Ari, guys!

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kinda turned on, ngl

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Do you think they ever jerk each other off while staring at each other. That's what I would do if i had an identical twin.

thats like day 1 twin stuff man. They are so awkward on camera because they're afraid people will notice just how close they are.
