Tfw racist but Sisko is my favorite captain

>tfw racist but Sisko is my favorite captain

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Avery Brooks was entertaining because he's completely out of his fucking mind

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Sisko is based aside from the whole Emissary shit. He was much more interesting as an aggressive Starfleet captain than as some alien Messiah

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DS9 was not real Trek.

DS9 >= TOS > ENT > TNG > VOY

it was all those marijuanic cannabinoids

TNG's ship is so fucking ugly

Watching through the series on Netflix now. Probably my favorite Star Trek series. Sisko fucks

You're right.
It was better.

It is well established that even if you are a full bred coon hunting racist, you are still allowed to like Sisko

He only fucks other nogs and takes care of his kid. What's not to like?

Imagine if it remastered in HD like TOS and TNG. Its already a 10/10 but wiuld go up to 11 with a remaster.

The Emissary shit would have been great if the prophets and pahwraiths did absolutely nothing in the show. Sisko slowly believing everything terrible he's doing will is okay in the end as he's on the 'good' side would make Dukat's fall and Sisko's realization that he's turning into Dukat near the end somewhat more impactful, instead it's like a shitty anime complete with crappy special effects.

Me too

>instead it's like a shitty anime complete with crappy special effects.
That's because they had to slap something together in a hurry to make Dukat pure evil, because the fans liked him and sympathized with him too much.

Ayers, stop posting on Yas Forums

i just assumed he's black kirk

I'm not saying this to be contrarian, kirk and sisko are the only captains I can tolerate. Fuck picard, janeway and archer

kirk and sisko were a bit more souful, a bit more american. havent watched enterprise yet, but janeway and picard were more of the brooding type, kept their shit close to the chest (or at least tried). they occasionally put lives at stake for the sake of misplaced ideals. i get what youre saying.

that said, picard was the most appropriate for a captain

Will never happen because CBS blows

>Star Fleet Captain.
>Never goes anywhere.

>have a such a badass star fleet outpost that other quadrants come to you
sisko solved the whole exploration bullshit.

He's based as fuck also my favorite captain

I approve of this ranking

The action comes to HIM

Back in the day TNG was my favorite. Then one day I decided to give DS9 a try and it happened to be the episode Visitor. The feels from that one got me hooked immediately.

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Yup, I only watched DS9 a few eps here and there, but after seeing that ep, I taped the re-run and watched that ep a dozen times. Even that shitter Jake manages to eek out a great acting performance. Best ep of the series (that I saw).

Not really a Trekkie, but got mad Babylon 5 feels from a lot of this show. Actually binge watched the whole series a couple years back. Good times.

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I've been meaning to do that since I just finished B5, anything to know specifically before hand or could i just watch it with my limited knowledge of Star trek

But he's black. Fuck all black people. They are robbers and burglars. They are so dumb and lazy. I'm based. I pay taxes to feed black people. They still complain. They have it so easy. Yet the complain. Fuck them. They don't even work. Ever. Just whine on job and get paid. And they all steal. Not in my neighborhood though.

Nah, just dive in. Gotta get through I think the first five or six, which were pretty basic, but after that I enjoyed it all the way through. Even the Messiah storyline reminded me of b5 a bit, so I was chill with it.


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Sick thanks

Sounds like you're doing a lot of complaining in this post.

>Babylon 5 feels
That’s because B5 was pitched to paramount originally. They stole the idea and adapted it to the ST universe.

The alternate reality one where Sisko was a badass but also subservient to badass Kira was really good. You could tell they all had a lot of fun doing that one lol

>Picard: "Every conscious being has the right to express their agency, and Starfleet' continuing mission is to bring new galactic compeers into the embrace of peace and progress."
>Sisko: "Inform their lieutenant that I don't quite give a DAMN what they demand, when they place our people in jeopardy. Tell them they have 24 hours to comply."
>Janeway: "New contact, Captain They're hailing us." "Ensign, scan their propulsion systems for anything we can retrofit. Seven, grab me a heavy phaser from the armory. Transporter room, beam me onto their bridge in 5."

>it's a sisko commits war crimes and gets away with it episode

Holy crap, totally forgot about the lawsuit. Funny stuff. Thx bud.

>he pays taxes

Ds9 is just the only star trek worth anything

Same here. Thought, I'm not racist in the extreme sense.

Deep Space Nine, what a fucking show. Just watching it for the second time and somehow it's even better than for the first time.I'm really considering buying the fan made novels.

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You like him because he's racist too. Most of the DS9 crew is except Bashir and Dax.

i always like that like the first thing his old best friend Cal Hudson asks when theyre in private is if he's tapping that new Dax ass
rules and rank be damned

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Cool, thanks. I wasn't sure ENT > TNG was gonna fly well here.

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.

Rip Jakes hairline

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He wasn’t a Captain until later, and by then he actually did have a ship. It started out as a bullshit assignment for a “not quite right since the borg killed his wife” guy that he intended to dip out on, but shit started popping off quick because he was the goddamn emissary.

A simplistic but fairly accurate description, we never really see how Sisko would captain an exploratory ship and we never see how Kirk would run a space station

there are black people and there are black people

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The arc about Sisko being a fictional character of a negro sci-fi writer was pure unadulterated kino.

He leaves jake homeless and alone.

Racist reporting in, I never had a problem with Sisko.

It never felt like they were shoving a nigger in my face, I think he was really the best for the role and only improved as the series went on.

Had some good "It is REEEAAALL!" threads back in the day.

He fucked Nog???
wtf i dont remember that

>Putting TNG that low
Fuck you smoking?

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Well, maybe you guys aren't actually racists, just misguided by the Yas Forums retards

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Literally the worst actor in the series and the least interesting. Also not a captain for 90% of the show. Odo Qwark and Worf carry the shit out of that show. Most of it is terrible.

30% The Data Show feat. Picard
25% Leftist PSA of the week
15% Worf & The Quest For Honor
10% Fan-Scapegoat nerd kid character saves the day
10% Token episodes for underused ensemble cast
10% Top-tier Space Adventure
TNG is great but overrated to shit. Ensemble cast was criminally underused and any character outside of Data and Picard were instantly shoehorned into a niche. Deep Space Nine was far and away a better character drama plus it had plenty of adventure.

Can you not enjoy a show without generalizing it like that? I didn't say it's the best, just that it's too low, it's barely above Voyager, which I find pretty insulting

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I said it was a great show though, in general all the (now classic) Star Treks were, why they were so dominate. I religiously watched TNG when it first aired.