Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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not true superman could laser her head off lol


Unironically this, but about being a white straight male.

Is this from a amazon prime show?

>wah wah wah I'm such a victim but IM STILL STRONG KANG WOMEN
Shut the fuck up bitch.

Based or cringe? Conflicting.

why would you kill your kid over throwing up on a non-carpeted floor that takes 2 minutes to clean

I think it was a nanny senpai.


Now you're catching on. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with their genetics.

Who filmed this? What is going on.

It was a hidden nanny cam in like uganda or something

lol uganda is shit, so glad to be white and american

i mean what are the odds.

>I'm a black woman in America
>It's a struggle
Where would she rather be?

Africa obviously, didn't you watch Black Panther?

Nigeria, getting raped 99 times before being put to death with gasoline fires and rock throwing.

Not racism though so its ok.

>Then why didn't daddy stay?

Sierra leone where police don't exist and fun has no limit.

amerikkkans created the coronavirus

First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated; the first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later – two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.

Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute. The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified. Curiously, in their defense the sponsors of Event 201, now say,
“We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 (which was also used as the name of the simulation) outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

And third – the timing, hitting China right on their most important Holiday, the Lunar New Year, when people are traveling, uniting with family and friends, when there are usually huge festivities with lots of people – an event of celebrating happiness – all cut short by the outbreak that put Wuhan and portions of Hubei Province, and a total of about 50 million Chinese in quarantine; and more – no shopping, no exchange of presents, no celebrations – a huge economic loss.

did the tranny jannies delete the truthful webm? Sad, many such cases!


Being raped and cannibalized

If it makes you feel better the dad saw the vid, hunted her down, then beat her half to death. Was only in jail for a day or so cause the cops saw the vid and just let him go.

>beat her half to death
he should've finished the job, desu

>cops saw the vid and just let him go

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Silver age hal jordan would fuck her day up

Drunk Hawkeye could destroy her

Why would the the faggot limp dick jannies delete kino of a black women beating her children to death? Its clearly related to the topic of discussion.

Americans created a flu?

the show sucks but the soundtrack is pretty good

Um yeah
Us Chinese are dying because of amerikkka

based burgers


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another one to add to my filter. Got any more trump wojaks?

This but unironically

filters don't work anymore. People can rehash them easily

>sóyjak being pro trump and anti nigger
this is character breaking, it doesn't fit the meem.

>waaaaaaaa I live in a first world country with everything I could possible imagine better than most third world nations

>congratulating yourself because of your skin color and gender constantly isn’t obnoxious and shallow at all

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they can rehash them but they don't. Like the nazi tranny spammer. I never see his stuff anymore because that grabbler is too lazy to rehash the pics in his spam folder

Actually its >BLACK PEOPLE GOOD you dumb moron

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skin color? Look at that kids skull shape, my man


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>Where would she rather be?
In the parallel universe where blacks invented the wheel, duh, racist.

srs are they not? Like iam from europe but what from i get they are entitled and cause problems wherever they go Either its white people segregate and thats racist. or white people take black culture. I dont really care since in my eastern yuro shithole we have other problems, but whats to like about blacks?

>making fun
you are misusing it, sóyboys do not endorse trump, this is not how this archetype works.
Then you wonder why can't you meme, its like all you can do is pull different shapes of 'no u' when its not even applicable.

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there's more to memeing than taking a meme Yas Forums invented and putting a maga hat on it. Did this book tell you to do that or something?

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leftists can't jpeg.

Was this kino?

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while the no u thing is 100% true, there is a huge amount of soibois for trump, just check out the donald, you should go back aswell

Ah yes the wakandan parties i keep hearing about


absolutely delusional, this is reality

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>never seen the video of the chinese killing children
It's not genetics, dumbass.

It's not the janitor, its users reporting. Are you retarded?

>yes but seriously go back
even the 'go back to redit' you are attempting to reuse.
give me please PLEASE one decent lefty comeback, doesn't even have to be a meme at this point, just coherent and original.
i will wait.

>they 'no u' me at work
>then everyone clapped
ah yes another famous REAL lefty stories


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notice that there was no political connotation to any of it, excellent cope my man

why they always gotta show a ho with a proud well cropped afro

This is why its unefficient when you do it, you seem unaware it doesn't work, i am trying to help you improve, you need precision for that, if someone calls you a fat fuck and you are the only fat fuck in the room, you cannt return "no u are a fat fuck" and repeat it until the cows come home.
Memes stick around because they represent real archetypes, unless theres something real behind them they will not resonate.
Its not rocket science, you don't even need to try hard, you just need to, well, try.

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