All these spring movies delaying only to compete during a super crowded fall

>all these spring movies delaying only to compete during a super crowded fall

what an idiotic strategy

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Based corona chan

are they gonna blame it on corona chan when that black widow flick inevitably flops?

Nooooo not my bonderino, why is corona this racist and sexist? Why does it target my strong black female bond?


Can't they just delay overseas releases?

they don't have a choice, really
better to overcrowd a season and potentially lose money than leave it where it is and definitely lose money when everyone is barricading themselves in their homes

Checkmate, familia

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Yeah but it's also here

And if things get worse as it looks like they will?

>it's also here
It's like 100 cases spread out across the whole US versus almost 100,000 in China

Delaying movies is annoying. It means you have to sit through a marketing campaign twice.

then the fall movies will delay too
in any case it's gonna be a mess

Yeah but it's going to expand

>delayed from november 2019 to june 2020 for no reason (movie has been finished all along)
>now they'll have to delay again

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>*kills capeshit*

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>Currently, Disney is adamant that they’re not moving the May 1 release date of Black Widow, and Universal is officially not changing their May 22 release for F9. Many in the distribution sphere heard rumors that Disney would move Black Widow to Marvel’s Eternals Nov. 6 release date (and thus that Angelina Jolie movie would head to 2021), but that’s not the plan at hand according to the studio. I understand Disney is telling its exhibition partners that they’re staying the course with their current release slate.

Ooooo another MCU flop? What a brave call.

All this does is raise the difficulty bar for the other studios. Warner Brothers only managed to have one success from Aquaman til now, (Joker).
How many flops/under-performances can they afford in 2020? They aren't off to a tremendous start to be sure. They've got to be praying they break their long streak of underperforming sequels with WW 84', which is easily their biggest picture this year along with Dune.

I hold little hope for Affleck's Alcoholikino, Scooby or Tom and Jerry. Conjuring 3 is also diminishing returns.

Scorcese will be glad he's hiding on Netflix I am sure.

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>be me
>in theater
>gook coughs
I'm not gonna make it bros...

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What again? Are we going to have this declaration of "first flop!" every year now?

>Disney brags about how Black Widow is super duper anticipated in China more than any other of their solo movies
>China is dead

Disney has never relied on China to make any of its MCU movies a hit for them. They are surely happy about the China box office, but its never been make-or-break.

>WB living rent free in Disney's fanboy head

now add South Korea and Japan
European countries are also closing down theaters already
By may the same will happen in the US

>First MCU flop
Hulk flopped so bad you fags forget it even exists

I know, but Disneyfags don't count it so...

What? Are we only allowed to talk about Disney?
WB has had a long string of movies underperforming now, and one Golden Lion birrion dorrar film doesn't change that.
They have a super-weak slate for this year, hinging on audiences gettijng REALLY excited for the umpteenth interpretation of Dune.

Go ahead and talk all the Disney you like, I'm not bothered a bit.

gonna be funny when all the big releases move and all come out the same time

>user says Black Widow may flop

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Do you have any idea what percent Japan and S. Korea make up of box office worldwide?
Sure, if pandemic shuts down Europe and the US, it'll be pretty bad for everyone. Duh.

It won't get as bad as in China since we have an actual infrastructure and we don't have government run media telling us the virus doesn't exist, but shit is still going to get worse from here before it gets better.

Everyone's slate looks weak this year.

that's why they're pushing things all the way to fall
they're hoping it will have run its course by then

South Korea and China are always big for the MCU, stupid Disney shill
Without them Black Widow would gross 500 million AT BEST. But the other regions of the world are also being affected and it will be worse by May.

Fall huh? Better hope it's not seasonal

user can talk about MCU flops all he wants. Have heard it every year for the last 7 years.
I don't mind his wishful thinking.
WB movies HAVE actually been flopping, are currently flopping.
(this is where you insist that $300 million is FINE box office and certainly profitable, ect. ect.)

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I hope the corona virus never leaves

>everyone moves their spring movies to fall
>there are literally no new movies in theaters from spring till August
>movie theaters desperate to put anything on start playing classic movies from all decades
>people start going to the movies again
>sales are up
>august rolls around
>new movies start coming out
>people realize that new movies suck and stop going entirely

this is what hollywood gets for relying so much on chinadollars

South Korea is traditionally somewhere below the UK and Mexico and above Brazil.
Japan is almost a non-factor. South Korea is really a big outlier in Endgame specifically, for whatever reason.

It is fine depending on budget. This is where you pretend that isn't the case

Japan only really figures big in Disney Animation/Pixar films.

Well that's not happening. Fun to dream though

>It is fine depending on budget.
I'm familiar with your retarded "If it cost 100 million, it is fine at 300 mil box office, but if it cost 150 million IT MUST MAKE 900 MILLION TO BREAK EVEN!" bullshit.

No one has the balls to really try and compete with the chadhog after he made an example of Harley Quinn. This is his year.

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Its insane that this movie will likely surpass a live-action Pikachu movie.
How can you fuck up a popular franchise that badly?

God can this shit become bannable already

The senpai is done for this time.

>but if it cost 150 million IT MUST MAKE 900 MILLION TO BREAK EVEN!" bullshit
I've never said that and anyone who has is a retard


>new game consoles launching
>streaming services put out their biggest movies/shows

good luck

This. Fast and Furious needs China more than any franchise I can think of.

>Hasn't even made 300mil after 3 weeks
The Sonic meme needs to end

Mass replies without good reason are already bannable. Just report the post if you want.

>Its insane that this movie will likely surpass a live-action Pikachu movie.
It won't but if it does it will just be in the US and barely

It's a fake disease, china is just flexing its muscles. The new trade agreement will be more favorable to them and everything will be fine before april. 10 years from now it will be a meme like sars, swineflu and the otherones

Better than releasing in April and dealing with Final Chadasy VII

>Hasn't made 200 mil after 4 weeks
At least all the shills have shut up about BoP.

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Will it even catch Ghostbusters 2016?

>shutting down society for something not even as deadly as the flu

Thank God for BoP. It's made Sonic look like a massive success instead of a very modest one by comparison


I’m not a snitch