Move away from the table

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This movie was great, and the scariest non-horror movie around. That said, I'm not too worried about Coronavirus. Look at Spanish Flu, which all evidence originated in the United States (Albert Glitchel), completely over-dominates what is occurring at this point.

I help at a medical clinic for homeless folk and poor people in a big city, I hope I don’t get this shit. Case of the virus was identified 100 miles away

Let’s rejoice in the fact that several of us anons will die, and we could really use it

i ate at a restaurant last week and there was an asian sitting near me
this week i'm having trouble breathing and a sore throat

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It is gonna spread further, the global economic reality makes it nearly impossible for it not to. My Mom is on a regional committee with the Red Cross, and this shit isn't going away quick. Some surmise that Coronavirus will become as common as the common cold, meaning it will be here forever.

I was in Chicago, around large crowds, a couple weeks back. I've been having shortness of breath the past few days, and I feel a sore throat coming on. See you on the other side.

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you guys are such pussies. i live in japan(im white though) and interact with asian people everyday and still havent got the virus. even if you get it chances are it will just keep you im bed for a couple days like the flu and then you will be finw

Christ, take a joke you fucking sperg.

Lol and I'm in Washington state which was hit the worst. I'm within a 20 minute drive of every town that has infected people. Also, tons of poos, chinks, hobos/vagrants, and faggots here so it's the perfect breeding ground for diseases.

Kate Winslet ;_;

me too
went to the store and they were all out toilet paper and disinfectant

RIP user

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I just wanted to take care of her :^(

Just go to the dollar store my man, I've been to 3 in the past week and they've all been stocked. Although, I use a bidet so I don't need toilet paper and don't need sanitizer because I wash my hands and don't shake hands with minorities.

it burns when I pee



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GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>it takes a pleb virus to make people appreciate this kino

>tfw inherited grandparents forest acreage in battle ground, and have been living like a prepper hermit for the last 8 years
closest neighbor is 6 miles down a gravel road, and i only go in to town every 6 months for my twice yearly costco visit. i just hope the corona virus isnt airborne

Watched that movie on a long distance flight from Taipei. Good Times

one of the most boring uninspired piles of shit I've ever seen

they must have hired someone from some shitty weekly serial and told him to make a movie

What are your coronavirus predictions, lads?
>10 million dead by the end of the year

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I'm a little cautious but I'll put it in the 6 digit range

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The US Government covered up Spanish Flu. It's called Spanish Flu because the US government fucking lied.

Oh look, the current US Government is pulling the same bullshit. I wonder how that will turn out.

>The US Government covered up Spanish Flu
What exactly did they cover up?

What did the US have to do with it? It originated in Europe and only became globally known when it started spreading in neutral Spain, hence the name.

I don't think it's going to be that bad

It's going to fuck up africa though

This, they minimized reporting of the illness spread in the European countries involved in WW1 and the US in order to keep morale up, but they didn't really cover anything up

>it will be here forever
It's one strain of a flu, it can be vaccinated against.

>have tripped planned for Mexico in may
Better not be a travel ban before then

based on what?

This shit isn't THE coronavirus, it's A coronavirus. It's just a novel strain that can be specifically immunized against.

It's too hot in Africa.

>threads start dying
that's the real contagion, the mods

>can be specifically immunized against
Not for a while yet. And the more people it infects the greater than chance of new strains appearing with different properties, i.e. vaccine resistance, lethality, infectivity.

> Americans scramble to get into Mexico to escape the Boomervirus.

Less male competition for the invisible girlfriends?

I has to listen to Governor Cuck today make this out to be the next 9/11, and STILL somehow blame it on Trump.

Every person who's died here has been old as fuck and/or had pre-existing health conditions. It's literally nothing worse than the usual flu unless you're a chain smoker or geriatric boomer, both of which I hope get purged.

(however I can't wait to see Seattle get full Outbreak'd once it hits the druggie camps)

>Not for a while yet
Right, but it won't be as pervasive as the common cold, which is caused by hundreds of strains.
>i.e. vaccine resistance, lethality, infectivity.
Holy shit you're actually retarded. This isnt' a fucking videogame like Plague Inc. or Contagion. When viruses split into new strains 99% of the time they end up weaker.

based coronaposter

If it becomes an endemic disease it will trend towards lower lethality due to evolutionary pressure, strains that kill or hospitalize the patient can't infect nearly as many people as ones that simply inconvenience.

Way more people died from SARS, this is just the Jew media trying to instill fear and stop Trump from winning

>When viruses split into new strains 99% of the time they end up weaker.
No shit dumbass. These viruses are essentially tiny shells with RNA and no error checking when they reproduce. You multiply this happening billions of times in each host and across thousands and then millions of infected hosts and that 1% becomes significant.

You play too many videogames.

Again look at Albert Glitchel, he is the best guess at Patient Zero of the Spanish Flu. He was an army cook stationed in Kansas, putting his hands on the food of thousands of troops who were sent off to numerous overseas positions. As another user mentioned, the flu was censored by most nations since it would distract from the war effort. Spain was neutral and retained freedom of the press to report on the sickness without censorship.
> the current US Government is pulling the same bullshit
There is zero evidence of that, though it is easy just spout something as if it were true.

From what I hear, Americans have to pay $3000 to be tested for Covid 19.

If you're uninsured, you should still go to work if you have Coronavirus, as if you don't you will lose your job. Trump is so thick he doesn't know people are uninsured. Pence is friends with the AIDS virus, having gone out if his way to help it spread in Indiana.

The uninsured people in America will NOT self-isolate. Why should they?

>a disease that is finished by now has killed more than a disease that is just starting
whoa thanks for the analysis asshole

Based microbiologist anons.
Today I will sleep peacefully.

SARS-CoV killed under 800 people. SARS-CoV 2: SARS Harder has killed >3000 in a quarter of the time.

Not even a microbiologist if you fucking retards would just read the CDC website you'd know this shit.

>There are probably lots of poor souls who lived through the entirety of WWI only to get home and get raped by a virus and die

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>From what I hear, Americans have to pay $3000 to be tested for Covid 19
My county and state health departments are literally testing for free, and major hospitals are setting up screening centers.

>If you're uninsured, you should still go to work
Or use sick leave, which you accure as a full time employee. Or if you're a part time employee, just call out sick. It's literally illegal for them to fire you for being sick, they just won't give you paid leave.

>The uninsured people in America will NOT self-isolate. Why should they?
The uninsured in America are 99% retarded poors and minorities who make shit life decisions, or old fucks who made shit life planning decisions. Both parties rely on Big Daddy government. Both parties can fuck off for all I can for costing me 30% of my income in taxes a year and counting (inb4 MUH ROADS). And the skyrocketing healthcare costs Euros now troll us over accelerated 3000% after Obamacare was passed. Funny, that.

Like I said, if you're reasonably healthy and not old, you'll be fine. If not, good luck. Maybe you shouldn't have had McDonald's and a pack of smokes daily for 20 years (like my welfare leeching in laws, who hopefully end up in a mass grave soon)

It's literally SARS 2

> Countries are not co-ordinating together to fight the virus. It's every man for himself. Perfect ground for Covid to triumph over weak, selfish, divided humanity.

> Governments of Iran, UK, US, all covering-up their incompetently slow responses. The UK government has no plan other than "wash your hands and sing Happy Birthday".

> Many of the old are wealthy, and think their wealth makes them immune to viruses. The Boomers believe Corona poses no threat to them.

It seems I have a Bat in my belfry.

At least if we survive this, given the trilogy rule SARS 3 will kill basically no one

And what would your ground-breaking plan be for combatting a smoke and mirror virus than only kills the old and already ill?