Pure Eye Candy

and I love it

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How tall is she?


>that fake tactical chest rig with nothing attached to it
What's the point of that?

To contain her boobies user.

Fashion too

Damn, she's big. Any more cosplay pics?

To draw attention to her tits.

I miss the days when only Who-nerds knew who Karen Gillan was. I want to go back.

these numbers are eye candy

i want to hug her

You guys should watch the nu-jumanji films, they're comfy as fuck

>belly piercing

Kino tummy

Fucking HOT

Why do you think this thread was made, genius?

And every time i wrote a story and specified tiny skin tight safari shorts they said it would not sell

I literally almost threw up when I saw that. Gross

Why does a hot chick gaining more exposure have any bearing on your feelings?
I was unaware this was some elitist fan club...

>useless pouches and pockets
I hate this shit, it sucks that women's fashion is already rife with functionless pockets irl now it's in my fiction too

This post is sad for many reasons

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she's 5 feet 10 max

your an idiot when ou hiking or camping w/e multiple pockets are very useful, also she is an avatar for a computer game character in the film so having excess pockets makes even more sense

She has a gorgeous face.

Attached: Karen Gillan.png (1456x2048, 3.1M)

Marsha was also an old hag, I wanted to pound glasses Jan in every hole, and she had the low self esteem to let me do it

This post is just oozing sòy

Agreed. God, she’s so hot in these movies.

That's what I'm saying - she's supposed to be roughing it - tell me, what can she put in those pockets? Do they look like they can hold anything of use? Do you see a water canteen anywhere? At best she's got a multitool or knife of some kind in that pouch but what else can she carry on her person? A book of matches at best?

Too bad this "eye candy" has no ass.

Still nothing compared to that Selfie show with Harold.

multi tool canteen, matches, water purification tabs, wire, a snack, etc. and just the idea of arguing that Karen should be wearing more is starting to piss me off so I'm done here

it's like an external bra

And it could be to hide the wire harness when she is made to jump high or get knocked back

>Fuzzy chin
>Crust around the nose
>Dandruff in the hair
>Bloodshot right eye

>Fuzzy chin
>Crust around the nose
>Dandruff in the hair
>Bloodshot right eye
none of these are a turnoff, the belly piercing tho...

are you a homosexual?

Let’s see your face, asshole.

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Based body purist

That's the male gaze and it's tantamount to murder rape. Stop it.

Wtf are you talking about?

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I can see they shopped the piercing out, smart post production guys

>ywn play video games with karen

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I would hate to have this eagle eye user. How can you even stand to look at yourself in the mirror?

and dropped. I don't see the appeal of this lanky girl when Debicki is far superior.

Or Pictionary.


who? what? fuck off

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someone post the webm of her holding the game controller incorrectly

nice shoop

Fuck off with your shit taste.

Attached: Elizabeth Debicki The Night Manager E1 2.webm (1080x1080, 2.48M)

I think it's supposed to be some sort of scabbard harness. I haven't seen the movies.

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just looked this thing up
>random model who played in capeshit
why wuld you think anyone knows or cares who the fuck this androgynous lanky bitch is?

why are you posting some hideous """model""" as if shes an actor?

Attached: OBOASOJDSA.jpg (1600x900, 103.5K)

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Attached: BUILT LIKE A GRECIAN GODDESS.jpg (1600x900, 172.09K)

Jumanji 3 was fucking ocmfy

Attached: OOOH BOYYY.jpg (1600x900, 346.69K)

I dated her cousin. AMA

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