The Trouble With Being Born

Will you go see it?

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it seems artsy, so maybe

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I want to see it but do not live where it would be shown. No doubt it will get banned over here in the UK.

Do we actually get to see him fuck the loli robot? If so then yes.

Check the trailer for clues. I doubt it though. Probably just heavily implied.

Why? I already have Instagram

Looks like she has a mask or is cgi'd.

its a mask to protect the actress's identity

westworld would've went there if they had any balls

roasties gonna freak

There's only one reason to, but the mask is too offputting for me so no.

lol wut? I won't bother to search but I'm certain she's credited.

This is Yas Forums's fault

She’s listed under a pseudonym for obvious reasons

>for obvious reasons
What fucking reasons? It's not like child actors were a novelty.

it was made by a woman

The actor is listed. The mask/CG is to make her look a bit uncanny valley like a doll.

I will watch it, but not on theaters.

More like uncunny valley.

Some women are alright I guess.

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I'll wait to watch it from the comforts of my own home with my pants down

The girl in the middle is Lena Watson. Now tell me, does she really look 10 years old?

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this girl looks like Ethan Hawke

Who the fuck would go to the theater to watch a weird robot pedo movie and not feel extremely self-conscious the whole time?

Movies take some time to get done, she looks about 12 there, so she could have been 10 at the time of filming.

non americans?

wake me up when we got some webm.

dunno what you're trying to imply, like the other user said, the movie was filmed last or 2 years ago and kids at that age grow a lot in just 1-2 years

damm, already hitting the wall


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I will download it for sure.

jesus christ
this is literally me

is that the same pantsu as Masha's?

she cute

Oh, so she's meant to look like that?

It’s already playing in my bedroom, and it isn’t a robot


Westworld with loli/shota bots wouldn’t last long, as they’d blackmail all the clientele with such proclivities into bankruptcy in a matter of months.

Julia Butters is 10 yo and she looks like this. She even sounds like a grown up when she talks. what the fuck are they putting into water?

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If you don’t already have the proof, you never will, fbi-kun

She looks and talks like she’s ten. What the fuck is wrong with you?

buttersfu looks exactly her age, she is a precocious young lass though

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Westworld in general wouldn't be a thing, as everyone with the means would purchase the Hosts for their own private use. There'd probably be brothels you could go to fuck the hosts even the kids.

Better picture of the mask

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looks kind weird, but her body is kino

>uncanny valley intensifies

have you ever heard her in an interview? she doesn't talk like your typical 10 yo, she talks like a person at least twice her age. it's almost scary.

They could make some shit version to milk the mass though.

is 2020, all men are pedo rapist

old enough

the most unrealistic part of ww was the complete lack of lolibots, am I really supposed to believe there is no demand for such product

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>see it
haha hell no

In their original script yes, but then she decided to cut them because they wanted an actual 10 year old for the sake of authenticity

It's called being intelligent user.

Raffey was so damn cute in that.

She's not average for sure, but you are exagerating a bit, have you talked with many little girls? They can mature really fast when it comes to social skills.

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The lolibots are for the VIPS only, its like the secret bar in Disneyland, the only place you can get alcohol in the original park.

She's polite and very well spoken. But if you look at her insta and seen videos where she's interacting with her parent or other co stars, she acts like any other kid and she has a massive sense of humor.

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Uncanny, but it will please the nut

She really is a qt

Apparently the actress will appear nude, but it's CGI because even Europe can't do real nude kids anymore. She wore a "bikini" on-set.


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Uncanny? More like uncunny

system crasher has nudity and was recently released, also a german flick

Tell us more about those movies

Wasn’t blackmailing clientele over their proclivities a key part of the WW show?

Redpill me on this, all I can tell is it's some 9-year-old

It’s the idea that the first people to figure out “host” tech would have patents and copyrights on it, forcing the rich into their parks.

Didn't know about that, is it kino?

It's about an lg with severe anger issues. Movie is actually pretty decent, there's a couple of topless shots and a bathtub scene. lg is kinda meh though

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It doesn't matter because things like a Host are the result of multiple inventions that would be known. You can patent an idea but you can't patent the ideas you built your idea from. A Host as shown in the park would represent multiple major improvements in several disciplines which would make Host-like robot tech available to any company that can afford the overhead.


Based pedo getting all excited a topless lg. Even the Disney film Secret Garden has a topless lg.

It's not that obvious but it's the same arguments used against loli. Depicting an adult falling in love with a child will inspire more adults to do the same blah blah.

Holy fuck that was good. Where does a ten year old even hear Sly, never mind doing a one-take spot-on mime?

You freaks should be ashamed of yourselves.

Blessed post

Found a torrent, will check it out, she looks fine to me, not 10/10, but nice enough.

Why are you calling mods? What do those white letters say user? She did this in front of hundreds of people in public. Maybe you're the one trying to suppress your fantasies?

Lips made for kissing

Why do you care so much