Everytime I see Melissa her nudes come to my mind. I literally cannot watch Supergirl or the Crisis crossover...

Everytime I see Melissa her nudes come to my mind. I literally cannot watch Supergirl or the Crisis crossover. I see her and I want to puke. How can a good looking man like Chris Wood marry someone with such pictures available for everyone? I think it's ok to have sex with this type of woman, but settle with them? I just can't process this and when i try i just feel something dirty and disgusting.

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Get over yourself OP, and your higher than thou beliefs.

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>it's ok to have sex with this type of woman
you are part of the problem

Every-time I see her I think of her getting hit in the eye by a flying iphone.

A woman who can be talked into making amateur porn for you can be talked into doing a lot of things OP.

What kind of man would marry such a woman you ask? A man who fucks, that's what kind.

Is this femcringe?

I usually hate when girls do this type of shit but... I enjoy this one

Yeah, but will she be a good mother?

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user, I'm a man. A man who enjoys sex when I have it, which occurs every now and then. I'm just seeing a seething incel, get pissed off at a women for something he has never experienced himself. People (normal people) have sex, and enjoy it. That is about the best established fact in human history, because we are still here. Yet you are judging her because there is photos of her doing it? How crude are you? And how much of your opinion is based in your own inability to have sex? To have fun?

I feel my dinner coming through my mouth. No man should settle down with a used woman.

I want to simp for her

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Digital cameras were a mistake.

bad tits and a large clitoral hood

You might as well be a pedophile. People have sex, that is a fact. There is nothing wrong in it, and the fact that you think it is tells me you will likely be forever alone if you hold such standards. Grow up, and meet modern day reality.

mmmm domestically abusable!

>Everytime I see Melissa her nudes come to my mind.
news to me. Where?

He's full of shit, they don't exist.

My I refer your faggy eyes to

>higher than thou

What was inaccurate in saying that? Superiority Complexes are very typical here, and this is just another case of it occurring.

It's "holier than thou"

You memed her preggers, didn't you user?

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I could not give a shit about scripture or provenance, it is semantics. They more or less say the same thing.

No need to get holier than thou



Bitch got a Gaston neck

I don't even know what you are trying to say.... As I said, you are arguing semantics. They might as well be synonyms.

> You might as well be a pedophile
No u.
>People have sex, that is a fact. There is nothing wrong in it, and the fact that you think it is tells me you will likely be forever alone if you hold such standards. Grow up, and meet modern day reality.

kek @ at this future wireless dicksucker. Those womans are nothing but a condom you put your cock inside an then discard. You must not marry with a woman who has online pictures sucking dick and getting raw fucked.

Again, that is normal modern society. Societal norms have changed, whether you like it or not. You live in the modern day, start acting like it. If only to justify your own loneliness. Even centuries or millennia ago were using alternative means to demonstrate virginity.

YOU, are your biggest obstacle. Not anyone else. So like I said, grow the fuck up and come into the real world where pre-martial sex is no longer the taboo you think it is. If you can't, enjoy your loneliness while being "holier than thou". And act like a prick.

I'm not religious, and I'll have sex with a woman if both she and I want to. Many of you, I think you use religious values as an excuse for your own failures.

spoonfeed me please

Stop projecting things. I held a bible in my life. It's just about self respect. I am probably older than you and i have a son. No man with self respect would humiliate himself like this. Imagina being her husband and someone shows your the picture of Melissa being dicked.

>search "melissa benoist nudes" on google

>You must not marry with a woman who has online pictures sucking dick and getting raw fucked.
Why would you marry someone that doesn't know how to fuck? Adult virgins are completely worthless as sexual partners.

Someone willing to document their sexcapades is going to be willing to do all sorts of kinky shit for you, you'll have a much better time with them than some self-conscious, frigid, sheltered starfish cunt that won't even poke without a blanket to hide her naughty bits.

In all my days ive never knew someone with this cuckold mentality. What is wrong with you?

Nothing, you're the one treating inexperience and ineptitude as a virtue, literally celebrating ignorance.

>i like used woman, if you don't you are the problem

You are probably right and older than me (31). I'm not religious, but I believe in forgiveness. How about you? She did nothing wrong, she did what comes natural to human beings, she only got on photo doing it.

You honestly sound like someone who believes in honor-killings the way you have fixated on this so much. Sex is the most natural thing human beings do, and photos of it occurring doesn't make them anymore wrong. The betrayal of trusted friends/partners are the ones who should be on the line for fire and damnation.
> I held a bible in my life.
Which neither makes you judge, jury, and executioner.


I mean, people get better at sex with time and you can always teach a virgin how to please you. A slut can't get un-dicked, though.

>but I believe in forgiveness. How about you?

I meant to say i have never held a bible in my hands. i hate this phone

I am not religious. I don't need to believe in magic to know what is right and what is wrong. The way you talk makes me wonder if you would marry i girl that i fucked 5 minutes ago.

Supergirl is a good show. I'm glad Benoist is in my life.

huh, had no idea she got married. that's just the world we live in OP. a decent looking successful goy like chris wood ends up with a roastie that's the same age as him, and she's over 30 so her fertility is just nose-diving.

But she makes more than him so he will never pay child support if they break up.

What is bothering me is why would he end with her? He isnt a Henry Cavill but he's not ugly either. And he probably has some nice cash. He could easily find a younger girl.

>I am not religious.
> I don't need to believe in magic to know what is right and what is wrong.
Neither am I.
>The way you talk makes me wonder if you would marry i girl that i fucked 5 minutes ago.
I'm not that guy either, and you have made a lot of ASSumptions.

I still believe in forgiveness, having been influenced by Western religion. The way you talk back to me makes me believe you are an angsty child before adulthood, or well past it.

Don't damn a person for doing the wrong thing once, because admit or not, you are likely of having done something similar. And I wouldn't hold that act against you, we all fuck up. To ere is to be human, and you have done wrong at one point or another. Whether you admit it or you don't. Like I said, stop grandstanding as if you are some model of being better than others. You know what you have done, so stop trying to kid yourself that you have never done wrong.

farewell superbody

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> because admit or not, you are likely of having done something similar.
>and you have done wrong at one point or another

Now you have made a lot of ASSumptions. I am above religions and i am above the dirty of lowest humans.

Enjoy fantasy land, and complete dishonesty against your own memory. You'll do the same shit again, because you rationalize that it is not wrong, since it it you doing it, and therefore no fault on yourself.

You're genuinely afraid of women that have had more sex than you, you're the weakest, lowest cretin on this board and your played up disgust and obsession with unsullied cunt are just a projection of your own crippling insecurity.

I am not afraid i am disgusted. I don't even want to hold their hands or greet them with a kiss.

Enjoy dying alone, while not so subtly trying to justify why you will die alone. You are the source of every unhappiness you receive. You are pathetic, and you deserved to be called out for it. Grow the fuck up you man-child.

Grow the fuck up you man-child.

How ironic. You cuckold with no balls calling me a child.

Will they cancel Supergirl for good now? They have the new Superman show to replace it with

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what do you even by that? you want to get treated like shit?

2 CW actresses marrying white men and having white children? is that even allowed?

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>What about the mothers that hate their child/ project onto them by being abusive to them.

How am I a cuckhold? And how are you any better than the self-portrait (self-loathing and blaming anyone but yourself) you have shown yourself to be? I'd rather be me than you, because you act and sound like an angsty teenager who knows he will never have the happiness that you so much desire, while rationalizing your fate by blaming everyone else but yourself? You are truly and utterly pathetic.

>Supergirl is a good show
sometimes. she does make it easier to watch.

>Yet you are judging her because there is photos of her doing it?
How many people willingly take photos of themselves having sex?

When will the cousins meet?

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A lot actually.

>teehee look at how superior i am and how sad you are for not accepting used whores

If my son becomes a """man"" like you i'd kill myself asap

>A lot actually.
It doesn't make it any less cringey.

Judging by the celeb leaks, almost all of them. You haven't tried it yet, user?

>tfw no gf

Oh right...

It's only cringy to incels.

I started respecting women way more once I simply accepted the fact that they're all absolute whores. Although respect is perhaps the wrong word here, maybe...apathy?

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>women liking sex bad, they whores or thots
>men liking sex good, muh key to lock

Has there ever been a TV version of a superhero who ended up on the big screen?

That is if you ever have a son, or at least have sex. Why someone would with you (son or sex) is completely beyond me.
>I started respecting women way more once I simply accepted the fact that they're all absolute whores
You are deluded, and I bet you haven't gotten far with such a mindset.


Who cares, her body is perfect. Nice perky little tits and that ab split hnnnggg.

>Judging by the celeb leaks, almost all of them. You haven't tried it yet, user?
Well, nude pics are one thing. Staged porn shots seems like another matter entirely.

The only ones who complain about women being whores are the men who somehow can't have sex with these so-called easy women.

They make a good couple.

> Why someone would with you (son or sex) is completely beyond me.

People know that different from you i am a man with dignity.

>staged porn shoots
Sex tapes are a thing. If you can shoot a nude, you can shoot sex. Many of those nude leaks include sex, blowjobs, facials, the works.

>The only ones who complain about women being whores are the men who somehow can't have sex with these so-called easy women.
Pickup types seem to think that way as well, but that kinda busts your point.