Star Wars



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The goods just keep on coming

so palpatine isn't even really her grandfather then, she's the daughter of a mutant palpatine clone

>Snoke, Palpatine and Palpatine's son are all clones

The sequel trilogy is about a clone creating clones until one of those clones has sex and has a kid

Man, imagine sinking all that effort into StarWoke only to have the mandalorian obliterate it right out of the gate.

"Strandcast" was a term invented just for baby yeed, and now they're trying to tie it in to this perpetual trash fire.

I don't know, I don't care

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I'm so glad I've never bothered to watch more than the first 5 minutes of TROS & just went back to rereading the EU again.
They can never take that 30 years worth of books & shit away. It'll always exist & even at its worst blows this wishes-it-was-even-tryhard shit out of the water.

The Star Wars saga is literally a story about "have sex incel"

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polish that turd

Emperor Palpatine groomed fucking Gallius Rax as his true son, and the motherfucker had no force powers but went on to put together the foundations for the First Order.

The Emperor had so many non-force-using servants who furthered his goals greatly.

>Kept a defective clone around just so it could fuck a woman instead of using that clone as test material to create better clones
I don't even know why the even bother with the Sequel trilogy anymore, they just keep making it worse the more they attempt to damage control it

They also revealed Luke was a clone all along, of a guy name Lke.

What about Luuke

Star Wars/Blade Runner cinematic universe confirmed?

So palps didn't have a wifu then?? Also what does that make rey?? o.O

Why would you need natural methods? They have cloning, but not artificial fertilization?

>when the patch accidentally breaks more things

Did they get Yodas DNA from his little robe from his fight with palpatine that he left in the Senate room?

No they're trying to clone Yeed, although I'm sure they'll be completely retarded and explain his backstory

>Also what does that make rey??

Isn't a clone more like an identical sibling than a child? Really I think this make Palpatine like Rey's uncle rather than grandfather.

Thanks user

>They also revealed Luke was a clone all along, of a guy name Lke.
Are you fucking kidding me?


I honestly don't, I just want to know who in the right mind fucked a palpatine

You people are stupid

>bolstering this (mary) sue

Was he Triclops?

>Clone/son has no powers because his genes didn't turn out right
>Rey inherits high force potential anyway
Is there ANYTHING she can't do?

>that prose

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She can't die apparently

Just fucking do away with the cloning thing, Disney. It was only cool for the Clone troopers, that's it.

They should've just kept it at her being a nobody, and that her parents sold her. Makes her more compelling as a character since the friends she made are her "family" The ride never ends. the damage control never ends

>kylo: your parents were noboys.
>your Father was a failed clone of emperor
>nobody's I say.

Yeah, how'd she get the Force Dyad? Makes no sense. Ben's powers passed from Vader to Leia to him, Rey's just skipped a generation?

Amazing they haven't gone crazy whit time travel yet.

Imagine having such a pathetic life that you have to type in caps lock the most meaningless shit ever

Do you consider Boba Fett to be Jango's brother rather then his son?

And even if her parents being nobody was a terrible decision, it's a decision that was made in the second movie. Bluntly, obviously, for everyone to see, for better or worse. You can't go back and un-decide it without ruining any sense of weight that any part of the narrative might have had.

>30 years from now when all the OT actors are dead they're gonna reboot it again

feels good man

The Force is female, incel, not from your grandpappy's balls. Cis scum.

It's decent compared to the shit people like Cuck Wendig shits out.


Lke, son of Look.

i thought only jedis could leave their bodies and go to force heaven

>Master Yoda, is Darth Vader my father?
>Your father, he is not. Gullible, you are.

>40 years of lore n shit
>nah fuck that, the sith just find a new host for their conciousness when the current carrier is dying, the most iconic villain in cinema is actually just a fleshbag clone

What was even the point in plagueis? Why did palpatine even kill him when he could’ve just shifted conciousness into palpatine who ended up receiving the conciousness anyways

They just keep doubling down on the retardation and keep digging

TFA showed them fly away leaving her on a junk planet. mainly becuase of jj mystery box shenanigans. But it did set her apart from Luke and Anakin

That you could spin. Maybe they left her reluctantly or there was more going on than she knew at the time. JJ deliberately left it with room for spin. But Kylo Ren's proclamation in the second movie couldn't be spun. Rian didn't want it spun. You can tell from how poorly the spin went in the third movie. But JJ tried anyway. God, what a shitshow.

>splicing tis-
Damn, I thought the first half was going to be Mary.

In the TFA maz straight up said they're not coming back .

Maybe Plagueis was the original Palpatine and then one of his clones ussurped him.

How so? The only ones to ever had sex were Anakin and Padme, Leia and Han, and Obi Wan and that mandalorian chick (allegedly).

>Luuke is a clone of Luke
Was Sheev a clone of Shev?

How much longer until they make Sequel Luke a clone and his force ghost was hallucination or force projection or some shit?

So what was Sheev's plan in creating Anakin since he knew he was gonna betray him? Just a tool to help wipe out the Jedi and then... nothing?

They retconed that. Anakin was still created by the force

it's only a matter of time until it shows up in the movies

Too bad you gotta crack the code to get in

Isn't there literally a current canon Darth Vader comic that explicitly shows his creation in like a dark side force vision where Vader is this red/black twisting maelstrom of evil in human shape?

I think that was a nightmare / fake vision or something. Vader's fear, but unconfirmed.

Is this how you do in English?

Yeah it's a double retcone. you see Anakin was made by the force then they imply that that sheev did it in the force nightmare/vision. Then reylo happen so they had to backpedal on that and went back to Anakin was made by the force

Sure, but maybe you could find out more about why. Although you're right, that should have been the end of it there. It was certainly the end as far as Rey's character was concerned, you're supposed to get out of the scene that Rey fundamentally agrees, if they haven't come back by now they aren't going to.

In the TLJ they even give a why. They sold her away, and Kylo tried to use that advantage by trying to get her to join him. If anything she should've said yes would've been a cooler twist.

So then she's palpatines daughter not his granddaughter

Pretty much

Your son only has half your DNA, Boba is Jango's pet identical twin.