Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a great movie

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a great movie.

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cute apeboy

A cute ape!

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You wouldn't know a great movie if it swung from a branch and bit you on the ass

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christ how many times do your faggot spammershit threads need to be deleted before you fuck off

kill yourself

Imagine raping the ape

lol nigga just look away LMAO literally just close your eyes

She cute

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Someday you will grow up

But also imagine having consensual loving sex with the ape


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You know it's true.

I'm starting to buy into the "Sophia Lillis looks like a monkey" meme

I'm starting to visualize her hooting "ook oook ook" as she angrily squats on my dick

It actually wasn't, and it was ridiculous enough it kinda ruined what had been a pretty solid trilogy for me.


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Best post on Yas Forums

She has a bit of an apelike look but I don't imagine that because I'm not a fucking weirdo

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>tells others to grow up
>daily spamming of his waifu collection to jerk off on the internet

lmaoing at your life. kill yourself fucking basement dweller.

Wait I'm thinking of War. Dawn was the second one? Shit.

walled puta

Grow up

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This desu based user

Imagine raping the ape very lovingly

>the same autistic faggot spamming the same 5 pictures of some literally who every hour
Hello, bitch department?

ok so basically im a monke

You do not belong here

I didn't make this one though, faggot.
Kill yourself, schizo.

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hello butthurt department?

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>stars in kino
>kino personality
>extremely cute tomboy
>makes Yas Forums seethe
How could it get any better?

I made it!

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Are you the same (based) autist begging for Lillis fakes on /r/?

imagine waifuing some goblina whos taken miles of dick already lmao

No, but I made the /hr/ thread

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I would hope not. Sophia is not for lewd.

Sophia is for cumming on

Shes for mating press creampies after marriage

must create a cute monke baby inside her

The funny thing is that Moner is closer to an ape than Lillis will ever be.

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Most kino thing I could imagine
>after marriage

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lel she's not my waifu, nevertheless she's more attractive than lillis

sophia is the one with the fucked up genes and is closer to a crab than an ape

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>marrying Sophia Lillis and then forcing her to watch you passionately fuck Isabelle Moner in your honeymoon bed

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*high-speed wall impact*

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Yes. Imagine carrying her bridal style while she’s blushing and laughing and wearing a tux and throwing her on the bed and making love after your wedding. Would be heavenly. I’m gonna cry.

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>she’s blushing and laughing and wearing a tux
She does seem like she would make a great husband


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I will never be happy now that I have imagined this

Neither will I and I wrote it.

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Kek you just know that Moner will age swiftly and poorly, the writing is on the wall.

It starts with the name; "Moner". It paints a perfect picture of what she is good for, and all she is good for. She knew and that is why she is now named Mercer instead of Moner. She is insecure, stressed and probably on a lot of drugs.

Now take Lillis, from the flower "Lily". Beautiful, soft, pure and strong. The discussion is over, Sophia wins.

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She seems very shy and reserved

Based, truly we are the ones who control this board

It's pretty cute huh

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Already happened. She looks like Porky Pig now

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Why did she do it?

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t. seething tranny who spams cp and impersonated lillislover

>all these seething fags over moner
kay ee kay

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Make your own thread if you love her so much

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Lol look at the layers of foundation on her face, and even with a pound of makeup on, her wrinkles already start to show. I feel bad for monerfags, their taste is so bad and they don't even know it.

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I was posting Sophia than you guys brought up Merced for no reason

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It is the law of Yas Forums, make a Moner thread and Lillis will be posted and vice versa.

Looks like literally every Mexican in the US.

Italians aren't apes

Not really, it's closer to "Make any thread, and the Monerfag will insert himself into it"

I'm going to marry this adorable boy and pound her pusy and kiss her. Also I'm the most based person on this board

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Lillis is wife, Moner is sex slave maid.


She looks like a gorilla