Are you able to find female characters physically intimidating?

Are you able to find female characters physically intimidating?

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i find all objects, animate or inanimate, to be physically intimidating

Yes as long as they dont do a hurricanrana

no. any time a TV show or movie has a female character trying to appear physically threatening it always pulls me out of the movie because it's not believable on an instinctual level. It's a bit better if they add some super-natural magic or sci-fi effect for why the woman is stronger than she looks but it still feels off. At least with male "strong" characters they'll pick a tough guy to play it, but they always pick the tiniest little scrawny girls I could chuck across a room as the "strong female character"

I could literally kill a woman in a single punch. doesn't even have to be in the head. I could punch her in the sternum and probably break it, she would suffocate. so no

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>as long as they dont do a hurricanrana

A what?

t. actually met a woman before

>no. any time a TV show or movie has a female character trying to appear physically threatening it always pulls me out of the movie because it's not believable on an instinctual level. It's a bit better if they add some super-natural magic or sci-fi effect for why the woman is stronger than she looks but it still feels off. At least with male "strong" characters they'll pick a tough guy to play it, but they always pick the tiniest little scrawny girls I could chuck across a room as the "strong female character"
This, and to add to what user said here
>At least with male "strong" characters they'll pick a tough guy to play it

I'm sick of "Strong Female Protagonists" who are only "strong" in the sense that the script has them acting like catty bitches. No, making a "zinger" about a man's dick size doesn't show that you're "tough". It just makes you unlikable.

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yeah man. Angel Dust was done well in Deadpool. and uhh...a few others.

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>be 17
>fat girl samoan bullies everyone especially me
>decide to talk back to her after years of harrasment
>she pushes me several times until she grabs me and throws me down
>starts attacking my face
>say hell no and punch her right in the face
>she freezes and everyone gasps
>shove her off me and start pounding her face
>teacher pulls me off
>i get 3 day suspension
>she gets expelled after a 3 strike rule
>she finds out the path i walk back home
>wants to start a fight
>fuck it
>drop my backpack and hit her right in the face
>after a couple wallops she falls down and i kick her in the side of the body until i got tired
>called her a fat bitch and walked home
>last time i saw her
Everytime a fat bitch starts to give me attitude i always laugh and walk away. Women, all shape and sizes, are pathetic

A woman with proper training and proper equipment can shoot and stab anybody to death, so I don't get what the past 10 years were about showing 98 pound Harvettes beating the shit out of 250 lb men with her bare hands. irl she'd break her hand before she knocks out an adult male with a punch

sternum are easy to break retard people do it when they do cpr all the fucking time

I better hit her in the skull then so she has a chance at surviving. Immediate blunt force trauma and brain swelling. She's not gonna make it

>things that never happened

lmao have sex incel

no i'm not even that tough and i've easily beaten the shit out of every woman that i've fought

you should have raped her

no. only women i found ever intimidating was some wnba player i met at the airport. this dyke was on some power trip when she heard me i tell my friend how much i like nba. she went out of her way to try seem tougher than me.

intimidate penis xD

Only female I'll ever be intimidated by is my mother

Fuck no

Have you ever fought a female before? It feels like child abuse

My girlfriend does MMA and I can dominate her in like 10 seconds without getting serious

Muscle and bone density is a motherfucker

the only woman who could ever intimidate me was named m*gan but she's uninstalled the internet

The girl i loved in high school used to beat me and thats how i developed a fetish.
Unfortunately most women are scared of me because i am big and strong.

only 600 pound hamplanets that are still capable of standing upright

unironically this. would've gotten away with it too

This. It's like fighting a literal child


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Checked and why did this give me a boner

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based but you're lucky she didn't have a big family. Samoans are not above calling 12 cousins to gang up on somebody with weapons when they lose a fight

Correct. My gf has done kickboxing for years. I had never done anything but lift before I met her. When she got me into kickboxing despite me knowing nothing about throwing a punch, it was aparent the first day that I was too much for her and they got me a male sparing partner.
Its also why weight classes are a thing, you could be a 10 year veteran and some fat drunk russion double your size could lay you out.


Even if a man and woman are the exact same weight, the man will still be way stronger in terms of force and punching power. Pound for pound a man can punch about twice as hard as a woman just because their muscles are lined up better.

The average male is about as strong as an elite female athlete

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wtf is going on with the weakest males?


>hand grip


probably some sort of genetic condition

Estrogen in the water supply

This is why trannies dominate female sports. If you were even a slightly above average guy you are esentially unstoppable

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major genetic disorder like dwarfism. A man literally needs to be a genetic mutant to be as weak as a woman.

le badass female characters are always cringe. females should be pretty.

Only if they have a gun

Imagine having a hot girl physically bully you daily, it definitely wouldn't be the high point of my day haha

Never did, even when I was younger.

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Wanna fight?

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>Average male punching power found to be 162% greater than average female punching power: the weakest male in the study still outperformed the strongest female




I live in Long Beach, CA, and your story is maximum bullshit. If that had really happened, there would have been 10-20 Samoans at your house that night, or 10-20 Samoans on youy path home the next day that would've killed you.
Autistic fantasy/10


>haiiiiii yahhhhhhh
>watch out user before I whack you with my uhh rope and ball thingy!

Attached: great female warrior with a bolas Vikings.S05E10.webm (1000x562, 2.98M)

what the fuck

Oh god what the fuck is this awful shit

Vikings season 5 from the historically accurate History Channel


Anybody have the webm of the fat chick in the fast food restaurant throwing people around like ragdolls?

The fact that the average woman is weaker than the average man does not necessarily indicate any genetic predispositions, and can be accounted for as a result of different environmental pressures being applied to either sex.

You will never pass

I am giving this post a based/10

>but there's one they fear
>in their tongue
>he's dovahkiin

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How do you explain the strongest female athletes not being stronger than the average males who likely do not train at all?
