My 600 Pound Life FATKINO General #2

if only you knew how bad things really are edition
previous: Season 8 Episode 10: Ashley B's Story
>At 600lbs, Ashley has to move home so her mom can help care for herself and her newborn daughter; Ashley must overcome a liftetime's worth of unfortunate circumstances and get Dr. Now's help in Houston.





stream2watch dot ws/live/tlc-live-stream


watchnewslive dot tv/tlc/

I also want to say hello to my good friend user from /asp/, the best board, who is joining us here tonight

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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: anon.webm (1280x720, 881.96K)

Don't be so lare making the next one faggot


Attached: not_the_father.webm (600x338, 1.42M)

Stop drinking soda.

Attached: soda_pop.png (700x270, 200.29K)



Diet plan for the new anons

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There's some lady with a nice ass doing gymnastics over a volcano on my local station. What the fuck is this for everyone?

>weight loss nurse is overweight
Only in America

Attached: 1473367866059.gif (389x259, 992.12K)

Get your $500 NOW. Just pay back in 20 small $50 installments.

I haven't had syrup on bread in 10~ years.

Jazz/fat kino crossover when?


Attached: 877 cash now.jpg (800x400, 63.99K)

its texas

now that's a chimpout


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Orange Vanilla Coke is my drug now

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justify the existence of this general

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uh, i lost mine


Attached: big_furry.jpg (1920x1080, 405.27K)

>interracial commercial
>buy car commercial
>ice cream commercial
>walmart commercial
>buy car commercial
>womyn stronk make-up commercial
>mexican buy phone commercial
>black family buy pizza commercial
>beta male racially ambiguous woman bank commercial
>JJ jew-worth
>big fat fabulous cunt
>Master Distiller
>90 day fiance commercial
America, what the fuck is wrong with you

We had a tranny episode last season. Pic related.

Attached: destinee.png (1324x570, 39.3K)

everyone already did you ding dong

>her friend is named faith
You can't make this shit up

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>plucks eye lashes

Attached: lolwut.jpg (800x450, 52.25K)

>live in Canada
>all we get is Diet, Zero, or Regular
>literally no fucking variation
>Cherry/Vanilla is hard as fuck to find
>Vanilla Coke (I think) was banned at one point because it was "'too sweet" deemed by the government

why didn't you call me and ask for a new one?

She makes her daughter do everything
Thread theme

>no fruit juice
nani? Is it really that bad?
I mean like full pulp stuff from a carton?
Its the only thing i drink besides water and protein shakes

god that ass is phat

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Cher's not looking too good, bros...

Bitch looks like Andre the Giant

Attached: ATG-Photo2.jpg (1190x1250, 266.2K)

Cable Television is dying and networks are keeping it on life support by turbo injecting it with nonstop advertisements every 5 minutes.

This is so fucking good.
Everyone else I know hates it.

we share a border with mexico

we draw dimes brother

fuck that I'd rather fast
I can't count calories at all every meal taking packaged food everywhere nobody can live like that.

literally a drug and this guy's on too many as it is

lmfao i love how their asses are always flat from sitting down all day

>women is so bed they had a bed permanently placed in the living space
How, just how does one get that big?

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Kek I gotta watch that.

She looks white in the sunlight and black in the shade. What power is this?

Keep in mind this is for 600lb people
It's not a normal diet, it's for extreme weight loss

Why doesn't she smile anymore?

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South american monkey here, its crazy to me how many variations of coke people have over there
we also only have zero, diet and regular
is vanilla coke good?

Commercials targeting unemployed or otherwise out of work people like daytime television because it's the same demographic as lifetime.

I think we see more failures this season because of the generational shift. New episodes are now centered on millennials, more of a victim complex than meeting the weight-loss challenge.

>walking is trauma

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Too many lying fatties broke her optimism for the world

she cute

The fats weigh her smile down.


>a bit higher than expected

someone obese does not have to go that strict. not even close. for huge fatties they can cut a few things out and lose lots of weight. going top strict theyll like binge at some point

Oh i get it, excuse my dumb-assery

Same here. I've had friends and co-workers say it tastes awful.

Vanilla coke was the SWEETEST fucking shit I've ever tasted. It's diabetes in a can. It's like, melted ice cream in a coke can? Like you know ice cream floats? It's like that in a can.

So we don't have it anymore. It's been 15 years. I still remember the taste.

>637 lbs
I SAID 641 IN THE LAST THREAD mark it boys

Really is interesting to observe. Look at the wikipedia page, more "dismissals" and "exited the program"s the more you scroll down the episode list.

Damn Dr, calm the fuck down

>no cliffhanger before ad

>Faith trying not to laugh

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I don't like it but there's better stuff like Mountain Dew Baja Blast

So you from Louweesiana huh?
So you 637 huh?
So you fat huh?
So you immobile huh?

No comfy road trip? We must be getting some kino scenes to make up for it.

Can you email it to me? I think I lost it in the rental car.