"I don't think they're coming"

holy shit bros this was sad

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This movie still affects me to this day.

a ghost story?

the song in this movie, especially in the context in which it plays, "I get Overwhelmed" is the saddest thing ever somehow

This film was great, truly haunting in a special way.

dang bros I thought i'd get attacked for this. glad to have ya aboard. beautiful film. what do you think the note said? Give the lyrics to the song and how the verse ended, I think it said "You are not alone"

I think the point is that it doesn't matter what it said. The ghost spent the second half of the movie wondering what the point of everything was if it all fades away and nothing matters but upon seeing the note he realizes that nothing lasts forever, the point is that it happened and that can't be taken away.

This movie was The Lighthouse of 2017. A truly great little gem that most people can't even begin to appreciate because they don't have real feelings anymore.

this arthouse movie fucking sucked. another a24 movie out the window

I agree with this user. It is about not holding onto the past, which was what he and his gf/wife were fighting about as well, she wanted to move and he said they had history there. Then he gets stuck in time because his soul or whatever can't move on. The girl is always moving houses as a kid but she leaves the little notes as some kind of part of herself, so she can move on as she goes, it's a little emblem of the time she lived there. So when he reads the note he understands that, the portion of life they had together in the house and he can let go.

See, I interpreted it differently. I just assumed he accepted he lost and faded away because when he opened the note, it said the game

filtered hard

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>when he loses his connection to time on his way up that skyscraper
absolute fucking kino holy shit

because Yas Forums is 95% a coom board.

You people too cool to post sources are the true kinoseurs. Stay exclusive.

File name, nut fugger.

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File name and second post. But you're a faggot regardless, because you have not seen it and therefore have nothing to offer the thread.

Yas Forums is le epic pop culture reddit colony where we can use the N word without downvotes you don’t need to watch movies

which is why we need a heavily moderated /film/ board

>heavily moderated /film/ board
Just /film/ thanks
Power tripping faggoty mods wont make the discussion any better
If there ever was a sit morons would likely stay here anyway

the pioneer sequence was kino

seems like a copy of ocarina of time forest temple theme

should i watch it?

go to reddit if you want a bunch of fart sniffing self important douchebags

The quick edits from the child wandering and humming the melody to to suddenly seeing the family slaughtered and then him back in the house again in just a few minutes was emotionally jarring.

Yes, but you need to be very patient

>heavily moderated
That’s just reddit, the mother country for everyone whose part of the problem

I would have gotten bored after like 2 hours and just get my ass into heaven. The fuck was his problem?


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judge for yourself

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I think it just had his name.
I can't really remember why I thought that, but it felt like he'd forgotten who he was by that point and his name would bring that and his life back and also proof that she loved him.

Why would I got to reddit when Yas Forums use to be like that before reddit cried to the mods(that you now pretend to hate) to make it more pleb and reddit friendly?

I know...that other ghost brought such a tremendous feeling of sadness. I wonder what it's story was

t. guy who doesn't understand that it's better to have never loved at all rather than to have loved and lost

>No one has complained about the pie eating scene yet

Based kinoisseurs

It was a kid, right?

Please don't compare this work of art to that garbage please.

i saw it as an elderly woman


I only say heavily moderated so that all the coom shit and naked women fucking up my nofap will go away. The mods would be nearly invisible if just regular discussions about film was taking place. I could hang out there forever.

Reddit is fucking garbage. You can’t post screenshots or webms to go with your posts for one thing. Yas Forums shitposters are incredibly obnoxious but Yas Forums’s imageboard format is vastly superior.

I just watched it today so I need to rewatch. I didn't pick up any clues except for the pink floral patterns on the cloth, hinting it could be a woman. She "they're" not coming, which could refer to a child.

I guess these movies are supposed to reassure you in the end but they only remind me that nothing good lasts forever and nothing really has meaning

this was hot garbage though

Yes but put your phone in another room and pay attention. It’s a beautiful movie.

this was pure CRINGE

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Thoughts on the monologue during party scene? It seems to be the most divisive part of the film outside of the pie eating.

hipster/redneck faggot trying to be deep but failing hard was laughable

Is Casey "The Cuck Fuck Hack" Affleck any good in thism

more Illuminati subliminal end of the world shit. get prepared now bros.

here's your girl user awarding the best man

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Well he’s covered in a sheet not speaking for most of it.

AP: How did they convince you to be in a movie where you are acting through a sheet most of the time?

AFFLECK: I may be unusual, I can’t say for sure in this regard, but when I heard that I was like, “I’m totally in.” The idea of being hidden somehow was so appealing to me. And David doesn’t have to persuade me. I have so much fun working with him and Rooney and his producers. It was a three-second conversation.

AP: It’s a fairly contemplative film, do you think it has a broader audience than just cinephiles?

AFFLECK: I don’t really consider myself a cinephile. I have pretty mainstream tastes. I have an appetite for some difficult movies like Tarkovsky movies or Bela Tarr movies. But I also kind of really just love “World War Z” too. And I love this movie. I think it’s really, really moving and romantic and sweet and full of ideas that I wasn’t really aware of.

A good movie tends to bring out all of these ideas from other things that you read and this movie does that in a way that’s really accessible. I don’t think it’s a weird, esoteric, experimental art house movie at all. It’s very touching, just not dumbed down.

ghost story was pretty rad

Yeah I was thinking maybe a mother that had died and she was waiting for her family to come back.

That's my favorite scene ever
>it's not on youtube
Fuck kikes

It would have to be from a different time though right? Wouldn't it seem weird if there were two deaths at houses right next to each other? Or were both houses getting demolished at the same time just a coincidence and the woman ghost is from an entirely different time frame.

I only buy blu-rays and 4K's if it absolutely necessary kino. Does this make the cut? It's got decent visual grades:


True, it’s hard to say how long she’d been there.

Casey Affleck is a terrific actor and it’s a shame how lying roastie whores have most likely excluded him from ever getting a big role again

Underrated actor. Like Jeremy Renner. I wish both of them could team up in a crime movie or something as supporting actors like they did in Jesse James.

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Sounds like something S. Craig Zahler would do.

>when everyone at the party stops dancing to listen to his pseudo int spiel

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