/surv/ - iceman edition

new shitty heidik-less episode tonight

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>Ethan goes home when I thought that he was the safest guy on that trainwreck tribe.
So Red tribe's losing for sure this episode right?

strim where

>makes r*ddit seethe by taking away screentime from muh under the radar qweens and superfan podcasters
how can one man be so based?

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shows > channel 2

How the fuck does he do it?

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>no iceman
>no Tom
>no Chris D
>no Chris
>no Nat White
>no Russell

why are we still here

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thinking it'll be a tribe swap tonight


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Definitely this. Palau was fun to watch but they don't want it to happen again.

war ready waaaaaaaaaar ready

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who was in the wrong here?

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you forgot
>no fabio

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Varner definitely fucked up but he wasn't being malicious, just stupid.

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Oh fuck I forgot Debbie was there

This post is dedicated to Tony and my n-bomb Jeremy

where my ladderbros

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I still don't understand why she posted this.


It's likely but boooooo

reminder james was the coronavirus patient zero

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very cute mole

only a couple of months until she's back too

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adam getting bullied

The non bmx version

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"Now you see what happens when you leak information from our alliance"

Michele "The Godmother" Fitzgerald

Adam you fucking cuck

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goddamnit varner you're supposed to anonymously post that on an image board

Heh, nothing personal kids.

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That Yul speech gave me "He's fucked this episode" vibes

So do we know who got the boot tonight yet?


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>Adam and Rob/Parv on the chopping block
>Yul and the red tribe in a comfy spot

yeah definitely a swap

Imagine getting fucking bodied by Michele and Ben of all people.

>you'll never row over to extinction and make fun of the people voted out

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Red tribe's too happy, swap for sure.

very cute molepocaylpse now

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Amber a cute

cbs halted production on the amazing race and they are not filming any new survivor till the virus stuff is under control

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this music

God damn those Danni abs


We Amazing Race now

Confessionals on EoE look pretty good. Plus I'd do the trips, gives me something to do all day.

Fuck it, just have Survivor: Wuhan and the virus is part of the challenge.

Don't worry Rob, I'll keep her company.

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this is a joke compared to the challenge

good to know. they should've done a winter bigbro

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>yfw Ethan kills himself for a fire token

Lookout for that building Natalie comeback narrative bros

oh shit ethan has corona

ethan you're fucking dying please stop

>out performed by 3 girls


>survive cancer twice
>die for monopoly money on a reality show

Imagine having Natalie's ass as a test boost and still having to rest

It's kinda funny, but I like Ethan too much to laugh at the guy.

Here come the waterworks

Ethan :(

based ethan cementing himself as a survivor legend

Gay winner edit.

oh that's just wonderful

> I all of a sudden realized the bond we've created is this moment of time

I mean it's touching but also why Edge of Extinction is a shit idea

Gimme a rundown on all the advantages

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can we watch the actual game now instead of this hiking bullshit

maybe this summer's big brother can be like that shitty tv show zombie big brother for the people trapped in the house

If I get wood staring at Natalie's ass does that count as one

Is this what playing Death Stranding is like?


Ok I think that about covers EoE for the remainder

>trying this hard for some dumb advantage

wtf bro, just chill til Day 35 and win a challenge

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Uhhh Denise has an idol that she, Adam and Ben know about.
I forget who has the idol on the red team, Kim maybe? Not sure.
Jeremy has like two advantages I believe.

based team7dreamz
no shame in his game

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kim and the girl who btfo coach

> You will never have three women following you around cheering you on as you try to get wood

tfw ywn be on EoE and fap to Natalie's ass all day to kill time

morgan's milkies

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Cursed season, but his play at the final four firemaking should've convinced them to kill it off. He pretty much laid out the meta on how to beat it.

pretty nice butt for her age

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Sandra Diaz-Twine (“Pearl Islands” & “Heroes vs. Villains”)
1 immunity idol
0 fire tokens

Kim Spradlin-Wolfe (“One World”)
1/2 immunity idol
1 fire token

Sophie Clarke (“South Pacific”)
1/2 immunity idol
1 fire token

Sarah Lacina (“Game Changers”)
1 secret advantage (steal a vote)
0 fire tokens

Tyson Apostol (“Blood vs. Water”)
1 fire token

Wendell Holland (“Ghost Island”)
1 fire token

Yul Kwon (“Cook Islands”)
1 fire token

Tony Vlachos (“Cagayan”)
1 fire token

Nick Wilson (“David vs. Goliath”)
1 fire token

Denise Stapley (“Philippines”)
1 immunity idol
2 fire tokens

Rob Mariano (“Redemption Island”)
2 fire tokens

Parvati Shallow (“Micronesia”)
2 fire tokens

Jeremy Collins (“Cambodia”)
1 fire token
1 secret advantage (safety without power)

Adam Klein (“Millennials vs. Gen X”)
1 fire token

Ben Driebergen (“Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers”)
1 fire token

Michele Fitzgerald (“Kaoh Rong”)
1 fire token

Natalie Anderson (“San Juan del Sur”)
3 fire tokens

Amber Mariano (“All-Stars”)
0 fire tokens

Danni Boatwright (“Guatemala”)
0 fire tokens

Ethan Zohn (“Africa”)
0 fire tokens

I forget, what did he do?

>adam getting the dumbass edit on an all winner's season


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michelle is definitely final 3 based on her edit

stop bully michelle

mike skupin was the most based, killed a pig and baptized himself in fire, then water

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huh? production literally put firemaking at F4 in so eventually someone would have to give up immunity and make fire
they made entire edit around Dominic considering it in S36

just let me know when you want me to post bridgette

adam what a cuck

I think the runner-up guy in ghost island season was gonna do it. But Chris had nothing to lose.

this season cementing Adam as the bottom 3 all times winner
Ben has more game than him

cue all of reddit going "YAAAAAAS" over the michelle scene

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Boston Rob is a fucking GOD

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Gave up immunity so he can take on the biggest threat in the game and put him out himself. One last power play to seal his win.

so adam isn't going then

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im pretty sure that there's a found footage movie thats already like that

dakal is going to tribal then

Thanks mate

I gotta say, this season is great for Rob and Sandra just calling bullshit on people in confessionals.

>Jeremy in the power position of his tribe yet again.
How the fuck does he do it every season?

damn I forgot kim gave sophie the other half of her idol
she's never getting that back lol

oh look Sandra being a retard as usual

shame his second outing on philipines hurt his legacy

Bye sandra

He can never seem to finish the plate, however.

imagine being nick, watching this season with all your friends and family and hearing yourself say maybe three words in just as many episodes


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I mean she is right about Tyson trying to save himself. He's just also right about that alliance.

I wanna see how far she gets this time with everyone more or less knowing how she plays and her inability to switch up her gameplay.


i think being a pedo did more to hurt his legacy

i got you markie

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Nick and Wendell are getting it bad this time around. Hopefully they break out at the merge.

considering they are finally showing game talk on the red tribe, I'm guessing blue is winning immunity, so adam is safe

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probably already spoiled them that he made it to the final and won

So it's Sandra vs. Tyson?

god i want parv so bad

is that true?? yikes

Free the chickens lol

There was some guy who went deep who told his friends and family he went out early. That's the way to do it. Blindside your fucking wife.

Is it fair that Sandra gets to sit out every time?


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>Parvati still seething over HvV

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was she autistic?

What happened to the *player* sat out last time they cant sit out again, tule?

>all these manlets unable to reach the keys

based parv jobbing

as a nickbro i wish this was true, but not even chris u and natalie w were so invisible. i can't see them giving the winner of an all-winners season such a shit edit

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