Woah, that’s powerful

Woah, that’s powerful

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I genuinely do not understand the analogy.

>paying for cable
>The Atlantic
Double Yikes

imagine unironically paying for cable

Bernie Sanders appeals to people who forget to drink water.

Who the fuck has cable anymore?
Fucking boomers

what cable bill

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>not drinking fresh tap
How do they do it?

Good thing that Netflix uses auto-pay

zoomers seething

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>Cable bills
Boomers were a mistake

>biden good
>bernie bad
>no change allowed except on the right
yay democracy

>paying anything

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the image that ended an entire revolution

How is paying cable bills unrelated to TV?

ahahahaha lefties fucking seething at negroes

Joe Biden appeals to people who like to catch pokemon creatures

If that's true then how the hell did Biden get the black vote?

Genuine question, what is cable?

aren't all television services nowadays subscription based and charge you automatically?

Ah sorry, I meant the record player!

>blacks are the only thing preventing America from electing a socialist.

Imagine not waiting till the last day to pay bills lol

Bernie supporters are children and adult losers

>food analogy

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Still trying to figure that one out. The polls are either heavily fucked with, or the DNC are bribing them. Never forget, that what the media says is not what's happening on the street level, like all the black hillary voters, who were bussed in to vote and paid with a carton of cigarettes. Politics is beyond filthy, and if you believe the media, you're falling for propaganda. That's the problem, you can't trust any of them - Media, DNC, GOP - none of them.

Joe Biden appeals to people with credit scores greater than 800, Trump appeals to people with credit scores below 600 but think they belong to an elite club of winners

>black people pay their cable bill

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You mean the DNC. Liberals are actually SO RETARDED that they make blacks seem smart.

Of course someone from the BBC has their panties in a twist over muh tee vee loicense.

>bernie is so dead the shills are shilling for biden now

i thought biden got the black vote

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this guy gets it. you can't trust anyone unless it's an aging jewish socialist, totally trust worthy guys traditionally.


niggers don't have a credit score to begin with

Who still has cable?

David Frum and Bernie Sanders are Jewish and therefore cannot be trusted while Biden is a holdover of the Anglo-American aristocracy which ought to be restored if America is to survive.

Biden appeals to the dudes who never pay their bills on time. Bernie appeals to the dudes who pay their bills before the late fee applies and then whines about how capitalism has failed.

Yas Forums - Television & Film

Nice to see the Bureau is still churning out the good ones.

wtf I love biden now

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Thank you based black guy

I’m glad the mods agreed that the only off topic things we are allowed to spam the board with is politics

thanks blacks

kek Biden's a Catholic. you cannot get lower in the eyes of Anglos than that.

I'm still laughing at gillette thinking that a black man has ever stopped a white man from hitting on a white woman. in what parallel dimension lol


Oh shit. It's really over then.

cry more protestant cuck

Children and adult losers on one side versus boomer leftists and niggers on the other

at what age does two unrelated men spending time together become gay

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You know how television originally involved visual spectrum radio transmissions? Thing is, away from the cities and the suburbs many potential viewers could not receive those signals with their sets. Cable is, well, cables that transmit signals straight to a house with no signal noise. It is virtually the same as the difference between Wi-Fi or BlueTooth and direct connection. Thing is, broadcast television is provided for free and is paid for by advertisers. Cable on the other hand is a direct service that is charged to customers who receive it.

That help?

Biden is Irish/German Catholic trash from PA

> Amerifat thinks cable is a food
Is there anything you won't eat?

it’s at least slightly amusing how literally the opposite of everything you believe is true

>Cable on the other hand is a direct service that is charged to customers who receive it.
>still has ads
why did boomers tolerate this shit?

But Biden is more conservative than Trump. Bloomberg is literally Trump, in every aspect.

Bernie got cheated in the last election in favor of Clinton and now it's the same in favor of Biden. It's either boomers massively showing up or there's cheating.

Trump appeals to manchildren who don’t pay for Netflix or HBO and instead use their parents’ accounts

The jews hate Sanders because of his stance on settlements


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anglos are getting extinct. if biden play catholic card, he's gonna win by a landslide. do you know how many catholics are there in america? and they want another catholic potus. it's happening. him and then AOC.

>voting demorats

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So basically old vs young


That I have no idea about. Maybe it keeps costs down for basic cable. I do know that premium cable and satellite are virtually ad-free except for in between programs and those are usually advertisements regarding more network programs so it's internal.

Based black men stopping our own tax money going to us and our fellow citizens. Israel needs it more.

Better to be trash than a slave to Jews. My heritage gives me the blood of the IRA. Britain is doomed, the English are doomed, America is doomed, only us hobbits can save the world from the Judeo-Judeo-Islamist One World Government.

>Buying into Jewish dialectics.
Dude, you're a literal pawn.

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of course, joe biden loves television.

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good thing I’m a not a conservative, nigger lover


If the boomers were leftist they would've voted for bernie

>Thought this was edited
>It's not Trump basically went up on stage like a comedian and roasted Bloomberg


kek I love this guy

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>not having IPTV to watch literally everything around the globe

>having money
top kek. Every white guy with a decent paying job is voting Trump sans kikes and a few cucks

How can anybody not love this guy?

>Jewish dialectics.
Prove me wrong. You can't. Biden will never stand against the settlements

"David Frum" is actually a long term deep cover KKK project to inspire anti-Semitism.

best thing for me, democrats HATE those fucking white males in power! evil evil white males.
who are the Dem pres candidates?
uh... a bunch of old white dudes.

I just love how we say the exact same thing.
