The Expanse

I'm about to start watching The Expanse, what am I in for?

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beltalowda kino, copang



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based BELTALOWDA bro

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Taylor Lautner is relentlessly handsome.

A great show

based lik pashang

Help me out, fellow beratnas. Does the full intro scene play during every episode of season one, or it started around episodes 7-8? I remember watching it on Netflix and they had a short intro first, but when shit got real suddenly it had the full intro, which was a great touch thematically. Was that on purpose or just an idea of mine?

it's a great show
the characters, except Naomi, grew on me but I didn't like any of them outside of Miller for a while

read the book desu

shit 4th season

Pleb status: filtered

It's really good. Hope you like it, OP.

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The best science fiction tv show since 1990s star trek.

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Absolute Kino.

Best SciFi show ever created
Feels like a billion dollar budget (exept the actors).
And it's not even pozzed which is a herkulean feat in 2016+4

>Best SciFi show ever created
It's great but let's not get carried away friend-o

Correction only the Mars part is a bit pozzed which nigs and some mytery meat mutts

To be fair season 4 was a little bit pozzed.
Murtry did nothing wrong.

Firefly comes to mind.
What else is better?
>Inb4 Startrek
Just no

Muttry is a corporate cockhole
His motivation is solely shekels from his ZOG overlords for the planet

Ugly ass incel also wanted to kill /ourguy/ and Chad Amos
Based Ashford

is she mommy-tier or too old?

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>this whole post

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Amos best boy


>Managed to create amazing chemistry between Gramps Ashford and Hapa QT Drummer without creepyness or sexual innueendos

How did the do it?
It too pure for 2020
Certified grade A KINO

>Best SciFi show ever created

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at first I didn't like the belters because they just seemed like typical rebel alliance type annoying upity niggers. But they're actually the most kino faction and Ashford, Fred Johnson, and Drummer are kino.

Season 4 wasn't pozzed, it's just that they went full "muh emotions" so in the end it felt like nothing happened.



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>lets a terrorist go because poor disadvantaged belters.
Kind of pozzed.

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>ywn have your life saved by Amos in between getting viciously verbally abused by him


mi gonya race it im till i'm xush
Namang na gonya beat my ship
mi gonya bek da fash da lush


gib beltalowda gf

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it fucking sucked. i watched the whole series. had it playing in the background while i was depressed. porn tier acting and storyline

>weak acting
>weak plot
>blue space magic

massively overrated

>had it playing in the background
opinion discarded

Belters are treated like crap by the Earth and Mars. That's not pozzed, that's world building.

He was right though. The belters did kill his crew.

3 people attacked him so he decided to try and wipe out the entire colony. He was an amoral thug and got what was coming to him.

They set up the bomb that killed half if not more his crew during their landing, you brainlet. And then they had the gall to try and kill him.

How old is she exactly? It's mentioned that the average Earther's life expectancy is like 150. Do we even see people that old in the show?

Starts off really slow but its great. If you can make it to the point where they get picked up by the Martian battleship then it picks up.

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>I didn't watch the show
>now watch me give my opinion on it

watched all of season 4 yesterday

what a boring fest
only thing kept me watching was bobby
was hoping for more world exploring not politics
and season 5 is gonna be aboot nigress prolly trying to unbrainwash her kid

best to just never watch past season 3

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>only thing kept me watching was bobby
I didn't hate the mars parts but they were definitely the weakest part of the season

for me it's this slut

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Fucking subhuman
You will die Young, rockhooper scum

Fell off once the ring opened, particularly the main story line.

What I liked about the early seasons was the worldbuilding and the quasi realism. Dealing with the protomolecule/hybrids was fairly entertaining thriller as well.

The laws of physics going haywire, having to deal with deadly slugs or swarms of metal flies isn't that interesting. Worst of all are the forced moral dilemmas. Running out of oxygen on a stranded ship is somewhat realistic, having the captain and co-captain crushed by a piece of machinery in a manner that will only let one live is not -- and they didn't even have the balls to kill the character after setting this situation up.

For season 5, I'm more interested in Bobby hunting down belter terrorists. Hopefully, Amos kills Murtry and gets on Earth's bad side.

Also, the main characters aren't really as interesting as the show thinks they are. It's taken four seasons for Amos to be anything other than a killing machine, Holden went from a guy who wanted to be left alone to a flawless leader way too easily.

gonna miss that guy who got spaced



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based first 1.5 seasons

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I need her to piss in my mouth mate.

I gotta agree. But somehow I find it extremely comfy, I dunno if it's the world building or sets and overall production design. Also bitches in tight jumpsuits