Listen, might I direct your attention the city-wide dumping ordinance? Look it's a fine mattress...

>Listen, might I direct your attention the city-wide dumping ordinance? Look it's a fine mattress, nobody is arguing that, my clients just feel this isn't the proper disposal protocol and they don't want things to get ugly.

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you better quit threatenin


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How did it turn out for these guys?

The law doesn't like people sticking up for themselves, so they're prob still in jail and will get railroaded come trial.

Do Americans really just throw their trash on the street?

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They were out, bail got increased after shitstorm. Now they’re out again awaiting trial. Millers are gonna walk, seething aaronfags redditors will forever weep. Nice trips

I'm sorry judge, I move for a mistrial, "Jaffa"? These skype calls are clearly interfering with the jury's ability to hear my client's case

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Ignore the arm folks! Its a... nervous tick, he does it when attention is on him. Now, my client, what he did, valiantly fighting off SEVENTY children... he should be given a medal, not put on trial.

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Now I won't yank your chain here, folks.
>My client here, Dylann Roof as you've come to know him. He can be a little uh..... let's say kooky. I mean, for pete sake look at the kid's haircut. Sorry, kid.
>So you may know Dylann as what these BOZOS in the news have been calling him; a white supremacist, a violent racist, an evil gunman, yada yada yada. But what if... I told you.. that Dylann here, in his own special little way, was trying his hand at some vigilante justice?
>Yes, you heard me right ladies and gentlemen of the court. Since he was a little boy all he ever wanted was to be a superhero, you know he really really respects justice and law, that's why we me and my buddy Dylann here get along so well. starts getting dirty looks from all over the court Aheh... yeah.
>But anyway, poor Dylann here though there was some, eummm, we'll call it a congregation of "shadow monsters" at church here. Jimmy points at a random jury member You've seen Lights Out right? Horror flick? No?
>So my client here did what any courageous and good-hearted well-meaning citizen would, he went to work. He got his weapons, his LEGALLY PURCHASED WEAPONS, MIGHT I ADD. I mean, come on people, this isn't Ricardo buying ivory coated AK-47s from the black market.
>So, he goes to work. But ahh, ehh. Not all goes to plan. My client, after not getting the help he rightfullly should've gotten, misinterpreted those poor churchgoers as those uum.. evil shadow creatures WHICH I still fully believe to this day he was really trying to vanquish.
>But, uh, yeah. He made some mistakes. People we killed.
>BUT HEY, we all make mistakes! Right?

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>Ok guys I know what you're thinking, yes he's dancing with a guy dressed as a biker from the Village People. But, believe it or not - it's all a joke! My client is not a fag, he never was! it's his medication, fucks with his head, he can probably get a letter from his doctor!

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>bribes jury member with an unclaimed storage shed full of garbage

based saul poster

Awful forced meme. You should head on back to rebbit bud. Your memes just ain't up to par with the big leagues

My client is gay, so what? Who hasn't sucked a few cocks? Not a crime to guzzle cum.

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Fucking based lmfao


>My client is not a fag, he never was!



stop trying so hard to push this unfunny meme.

if any of you actually find this funny just go back to r*ddit please.

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it was good but got stale halfway through the first thread

Okay sure maybe 25 cocks at once is a bit excessive, but who else never went back for 2nds or another scoop of ice cream? If my client is guilty of anything its being passionate about sucking cocks

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And I'm not even talking good lookin' cocks. Irish, baby. 2, 3 inches long. Buried in white-red pubic hair. Stinkin' of alcohol.

Its still got some life in it

Someone do the trial from Goblet of Fire.

If you're actually doing new stuff you really should do Lanza

Made me laugh.

>The call was perfect!

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Can someone do the Vincent Ambrosio from To Catch a Predator?

Your honor, I know what you're thinking, "Allowing all of his friends to be slaughtered in order to chase his dream, WOW, this guy must be a monster!" Well, I'd say the entirety of Midland seems to have forgotten about who put an end to the 100 years war and the subsequent Kushan invasion. I know, engaging in sexual activities in front of his best friend may appear weird to some of the members of the jury, but I mean, who am I to judge what rocks people's boats am I right? Besides, she had repeatedly mentioned how much she desired him, yet now she somehow puts on this phony act of short circuited memory!

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Sort of like a tripcode?

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Ah fuck

Designated garbage streets

Finally, a decent meme to come out of this show.

fucking hell lost


There was potential but your writing sucks.

Sorry we don't flush it all down the loo, Nigel

I almost choked on my johnnie cake laughing at this one

Yeah not quite as good as your Saw threads amirite?

This meme can keep going forever and anyone who says otherwise is a newfag and doesn’t remember pre-sneed Yas Forums

Janny, there isn't even a rule against sneedposting!

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heh i made that yesterday, thanks for reposting it and im glad it got some lulz

Fuck you cocksucker

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as a meme expert myself I'll weigh in and say this is equivalent to tax posting. keep it up



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trial has been pushed back multiple times because everyone knows they're going to walk

do Saul at the Nuremberg trials

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>10 minutes of the fat fuck and his son eating peanuts


Take this, too.

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Lol you got fucking rocked kiddo

>Now gentlemen, let's not pretend we all haven't been there. Have you even seen how awful those TV shows are nowadays? I mean, there you go, comin' home all tired and sweaty, you sit down, and what? New McDonalds for 5 more dollars because the meat looks shinier on this one commercial? Even better, you're waiting for that spicy call from that one girl you met last week at Norm's (excellent burger, highly recommend), and then boom, some guy in a six-armed accent calls you to offer some credit card. Who needs all that? Teddy here did what we all thought of doing lots of times. Are we going to punish the one person who carried out what we all wish we did? Ladies and gentlemen as far as I remember it goes ''Land of the Free, Home of the Brave'' here, and that sentence always goes with both parts.

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Yes we know thanks

You cough within 3 feet of me, I'm gonna quarantine ya

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I honestly appreciated this, saw it on my phone yesterday and wanted to open it on my computer today to read it and you saved me the effort of finding it in my phone's history.

this is comedy gold my man

the top of the top keks

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Someone do Palpatine.