Orlando Jones got fired from American Gods. He's on the warpath now, condemning Ricky Whittle as a white supremacist

Orlando Jones got fired from American Gods. He's on the warpath now, condemning Ricky Whittle as a white supremacist.


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based evolution man

Show sucks, don't care

Wasn’t Jones sorta the reason why a lot of season 2 sucked? I thought I read that they made him a writer and that he incorporated all of that black injustice plotlines that went utterly nowhere.

the chimpout is more entertaining than the show

especially since Jones was clearly the one who turned S2 into Black Lives Matter shit in the first place

His character was racist as fuck on the show against whites. Is anyone surprised it carries over into real life?

He was the worst part of the show. Glad he's gone.

>Ricky Whittle
am i to understand that the dude on the left is a WHITE supremacist?

On the flip side, surprised and refreshed that Ricky Whittle is genuinely chill about it to the extent people are seething at him for "NOOOOOO YOU DONT HATE WHITEY ENOUGH"

I didnt know anything about this but just by watching him during season 2 I could tell the show was way more than acting for him, it seemed like he truly believed all of that.
Why did he get fired tough?

It is pretty based. Hoping for a kino season 3

>to the extent people are seething at him for "NOOOOOO YOU DONT HATE WHITEY ENOUGH"

You mean race-baiting "intersectional feminist" websites?

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what the hell even happened? shitty article doesn't mention why OJ was fired or left or whatever.

Now granted, I might be nuts or blind or illiterate here

But that screencap sort of looks like Ricky was incredibly reasonable and respectful and Orlando posted it with "LOOK AT THIS FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT" commentary that comes from nowhere but his own psycho imagination

black jamaicans are huge white supremacists user. don’t be naive

>He's on the warpath now, condemning Ricky Whittle as a white supremacist
Fuck I thought Orlando was based, not some race-baiting pedophile cuck. Fuck him. Too bad, one more potentially based black guy crossed off an ever-shrinking list.
I think Falcon is the only black person in Hollywood left who isn't a seething, psycho racist.

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lol ok
a classic
>Clarkisha Kent
LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL best parents ever
Superman confirmed as a black woman

Hope shadow moon knocks him out

I think that tranny named himself

White supremacy is diverse as gender, user! (and that's a good thing)

>I get that THEY cost you money
Who could he possibly be referring to in this sentence?

New showrunner (again). Guy has worked on Dark Angel, The Shield, Dexter, Walking Dead Season 1, so I'm actually cautiously optimistic.

Also it looks like Jones snapped the fuck out on him, check out the one minute vid and laugh at talking this shit about your boss


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is there a single TV show left that doesn't have this as its premise?

>guy is literally wearing a Black Panther Party shirt
>guy directed a documentary about how great Obama is
>black guy still hates him for being a stormfag
what do these assholes actually want lmao

His performance left me uncomfortable, self-reflective, and angry, but in the best of ways. I humbly posit that Mr. Nancy is NEEDED in this time. Sad and angry that we will not hear more from him. Thanks for not allowing them to sweep him away quietly.

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you didn't get the memo?
complete extinction of white people.

White woman here. Can confirm. His character me uncomfortable, contemplative, and wanting to be better educated. That is the mark of a great actor.

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Lost money for not being in season 3 most likely. He's not getting paid for the 3rd season as he isn't in it.

They want to eradicate whites because they're racist. He's white, and therefore an evil Nazi. If Orlando had a problem with a black guy he would have made up some other issues, or maybe just called him a Trump supporter.
It's all bullshit. Libnazis are evil, racist fucks.

This is a confederate flag waving, cross burning, klan hood wearing nazi in America

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>If Orlando had a problem with a black guy he would have made up some other issues
That's literally what this thread is about, Orlando is lashing out at white guy Eglee and black guy Whittle for teaming up to racially oppress him

How is he being racially oppressed? Black people are literally making shit up. They're legally more free than any person in the country, besides maybe Jews through sheer affluence.

Black people should always side with other blacks against whites, even if the other black is fucking wrong. anything else is being a nazi uncle Tom!

Okay, not as saucy as I expected it seems.

>that video
holy shit he got trolled hard

>Fuck I thought Orlando was based, not some race-baiting pedophile cuck.
You didn't see his ice bucket challenge video from him a couple years back?

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honestly I think most people just fondly remember him from 20 years ago

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If only all those young African kids didn't attack the police officers that shot them, no innocent police would have been killed by racists and rioters.

This was me until I learned he was some race-baiting piece of garbage.
Right into the bin of feces with Oogabooyega, Michael B. Jordan and all those other talentless race-baiting affirmative-action shoe-ins.

>New showrunner (again).
Jesus. It's like the third or what?
I dropped the show after watching the final episode of the first season because it was too shit.

Really? From season 1 I only remember him asking the slaves to burn the ship and shitting on the MC (the black guy who was in jail) for his retardness.

>I think Falcon is the only black person in Hollywood left who isn't a seething, psycho racist
same, I actually don't mind him, but im sure he'll spaz out soon...

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His character got a lot worse in season 2. In fact his slave monologue in S1 was a highlight of the series because Mr. Nancy clearly DIDN'T have real racial ideology, he was just being a dick to trick a bunch of morons into killing themselves and he generally holds black mortals and white mortals in equal contempt.

In S2 he becomes some kind of bizarre racial crusader, to the extent that Ibis even calls him out on it, pointing out that Gods don't have "races" at all because of the way they're created, and Nancy fails to make a counterargument but just seethes at him.

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The only reason I say that is because he recently spoke out against Disney and media in general explaining the stagnation and why everything is garbage.
He's based, probably threw away the role of Captain America to say that shit.

>Jones later called Eglee a "culture vulture" and a "60 year old wigga"
lmfao this guy is trying to be unemployable isn't he

ummm sweetie it's called internalized white supremacy..

like Candace Owens

I like him cause hes actually a good actor. m.b. Jordan is one of the worst actors working today, and I always hear his name thrown around for everything. also boyega, glover, all those others suck shit as well. denzel and fishburne are alright too...

>>Clarkisha Kent
no that can't be real
checks image
holy shit

Oh shit u rite. Lawrence is absolutely fucking BASED. I used to like Denzel 10 years ago but I feel like he became kind of a sellout, same with Morgan Freeman.
Although Morgan Freeman went on record saying all the racism in the media is just fueling more racism, and to truly eradicate racism, actually live as though there is no race, unlike the """"progressive"""""""""" media who are the most evil, racist, mentally-ill Nazis of all time.

I thought he incited the slaves to burn the ship because sacrifices make the gods stronger or something like this.

Well, yes. He didn't want them free, he didn't want their dignity or their aspirations, he just wanted them dead. The point I'm making is he wasn't rallying them to an act of righteous heroism, he flat out blatantly went

[Speech 100] kys my man

but he literally heaps praise on Gaiman and Fuller in that 1 minute video. Didn't you watch it?

Looks huwyte to me.

In my defense I have no idea who those people are. Freeman defended them? Who are they, ZOG agents?

Orlando sounds like a douche

To be fair, look at any 4/pol/ meetup picture and you’ll see lots of nonwhite white supremacists.

Enjoyed the show until S2 when they ruined Media and went full on KANGS

That's weird because the only reason I didnt want to watch this show was because of all the colored flooding the screen

good he was terribly miscast

>if it were somehow possible to read those DMs with my eyes closed, I would have assumed that a caucasian man from the Caucasus mountains wrote that.

out of context that video looks hilarious, it's just a shame when you realize there's actual butthurt behind it