
Bump Limit Enforcement Edition


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picard is a disappointment, and discovery is a waste of potential


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Trelane did literally nothing wrong

This is hoax thread that is secretly a rape thread,
Get out while you can.

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For me, it's Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective

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'ate VF
'ate Tillyfag
'ate Discord
'ate trannies
'ate homos
'ate space niggers
'ate improperly made /trek/s
love me cap'n
love me ship
love me scotch
love me properly made /trek/s
Simple as

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>why ur u nurt wurching muh show?

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Really? For me, it's Porthos.

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Wait so are the cute Rommies the Norf ones or the South ones?

umm.. southern, i think?

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BASED Scotty


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autistic pleb general

t. discord

Jolan tru! Welcome, friend!

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Why did they name it Star Trek Picard, but its not about Picard?

Why did they name it Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, when they're not in deep space and they just walk around a mall instead of trek around stars?

okay tranny

>discord tranny desperately tries to dissimulate after being outed in the tranny-free thread
Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, constantly.

>Utterly shameful dogfucker tranny thread
Mister Laforge lock onto it with a tractor beam and send it toward the sun

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What did he mean by this?

Fuck off back to your tranny thread

Stop trying to hump my leg, tranny fucker

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why do these geek imposter interlopers make anything the way they do? literally 1/3 of the "Skywalker saga" isn't about Luke Skywalker. Genre fiction is made by hack faggots now.

James Doohan was an LGBT icon he would never avatarfag or meanpost!

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It's a tranny agenda

i'd like to request the scotty "your waifu a shit" webum


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Picard is shaping up nicely

Oh hey it's that user who doesn't know what avatarfagging is

>only eight hours left until we see Rikerkino for the first time in like 15 years, lads
my man-thighs are ready

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Ya, this is the tranny thread so all the faggots are here

>this is the tranny thread so all the faggots are here
this is the post bump-limit thread. it is by definition NOT the tranny thread. It is actually the ONLY valid /trek/ thread in the catalog.

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star trek

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You're such an autistic tranny.


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Tranny thread confirmed

Repeatedly calling neelixfag a tranny isn't going to fool anyone when he's been fighting them for weeks

This is the autistic faggot thread

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Okay tranny

would rather be an autistic faggot than a tranny posting in a pre bump-limit tranny thread

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okay tranny

As long as you are happy, fren.
The early thread faggotry must stop.

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I love Rom!

>cast an actress that looks just like young Troi
what did they mean by this?

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>hear ye, hear ye
>all pre-bump limit threads are hereby adjudicated guilty of faggotry

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I'm going to have to go with based on that fact.

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>you nerds ready for Star Trek: Picard in seven hours?
>this isn't your grandpa's star trek we know how to have fun and look cool doing it

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Yep, because nothing says "hopeful post-scarcity future" like drilling an eyeball out of someone's skull on camera.

To be fair, the original actor said some homophobic and right-wing things on Twitter so they kind of had no choice but to make his torture and execution in effigy a thing on the show.

is this the new coldplay video? ;p

Sup discord?

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>stop being jelly, nerd
>ur just mad we're making trek cool now

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