For me it's Churchill vs Teddy

For me it's Churchill vs Teddy

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wasn't their hulk one shit because it was clearly biased and one sided in bruce jenner's favor

Idk wikipedia that


hulk only had two verses, jenner like eight

they also were clearly shilling for clinton but accidentally made trump based

Edison vs Tesla was always one of my favorites

Their recent ones have been fantastic. Teddy vs Winston, Joker vs Pennywise, and Bond vs Austin Powers are like top 3 kinos

I personally liked the black beard vs al capone & the washington vs wallace.

So, ERBOH bros, what battle would you like to see?
>Lovecraft VS Mary Shelley
>Woody Allen VS Roman Polanski
>Charlie Chaplin VS Mr Bean

Also what did we think about the latest one? I think it's almost criminally clever to give kids such a cool introduction to Oppenheimer and package it in such a way that they come for some Thanos jokes but leave wanting more of the guy who led the Manhattan project.

Thanos's raps were a little weak

Tolkien absolutely crushes GRRM in their battle.

GRRM's foot fetish line was fire though

arnold vs stallone
amber heard vs johnny depp

I almost think the purposely made Thanos a lightweight, taking a shot at silly super villain antics to underscore the weight of being a key player in creating one of the most destructive weapons on earth.

Oppenheimer killed him with "You wanna talk about Death? How about the one who looked at you and swiped left?"

Only comic fans will get that one.

Based Dan Bull always improves the ERBs he’s in

>I *wikipedia fact* this and *wikipedia fact* that while you*pun based on thing you did*!!
yeah, wow, good work guys. Please scream at me more. That's how rap works.

holy shit, they did christopher lee dracula

>I *wikipedia fact* this and *wikipedia fact* that while you*pun based on thing you did*!!
whoever came up with this wikipedia shit pushed it for MONTHS on end until faggots like you gave into the forced meme
legit worse than the battles themselves

yeah man how dare they say true things

desu the worst verses are indeed the ones where the character just starts listing shit they did without really addressing the other


>have infinity gauntlet that can do almost anything
>get cucked by an insane man covered in cancer tumors
Poor Thanos would want to kill everyone after that but then he'd be the only person not close to death

I can hear the beats right now, such kino
Vader vs. Hitler 2 was the best out of all three, Hitler was just too savage

I'm still waiting for my Bismarck Vs Thatcher

>I like watching literal autists rap about dumb nerd shit
This whole thread reeks of underageb&
Refute it, then.

Talk about misogyny, your Bills worse than cosby, he made a mess on that dress like you made in Benghazi.

Jack the Reaper vs Hannibal Lecter is the most kino

But part 3 had "...And you fired up" which is easily top 5 lines the series has had

James Bond vs Austin Powers was great

>Let me just say I respect all females...
>But your lines are trash. Put em next to your emails
He literally annihilated Hillary in first 2 lines

Also the great ones were great, especially Friedrich with his flute

that has good beats too
I agree all three had great lines, but imo it's 2 that's the best

this shit is pure cringe

Is this the resident zoomer tourist thread?

ok boomer

bringing out the thanos copter was 10/10

He forgot to slap Hillary in that battle

truth doesn't equal meme-ability
its blatant they look stuff up?
how do you think people write bars?
its just unfunny bullshit like the raps themselves threads for morons

The Stan Lee vs Jim Henson one is worth watching for the ending.

Why are
you typing
like a
fucking retard?

>how do you think people write bars?
t. Doesn't know a damn thing about rap
This dumb shit is not like actual rap

sneed vs chuck

That one has an amazing beat, and Lloyd's Hannibal Lecter is spot on.

faggotenjoy perpetuating an unfunny meme, you probably made all those threads

Despite the fact it was so biased for one side, Hulk won the entire thing because he had the only good line

Why is the Tony Hawke Wayne Gretzky battle so underrated?

literally no one knows who Wayne Gretzky is

>She 18? Hulk Smash

Attached: Niles13.jpg (500x372, 31.82K)

That ending is incredibly dark. Disney smiling through the whole thing makes it even creepier.

I like the group ones like Stalin vs Rasputin (and Lenin, Gorbachev and Putin), Eastern vs Western Philosophers, and the movie directors one (where Michael Bay comes out at the end and shits on them all).

The undisputed BEST is Jobs vs Gates. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

This is the first time I've ever even seen this zoomer shit pop up on this board and I haven't relished posting in the thread. You can rest assured that I haven't posted/wouldn't bother posting a whole thread dedicated to shitting on this garbage because it shits on itself by existing. Anyone over the age of 16 already knows that.

Yeah one of my favs.
Great beat.

Only 2 bad battles
>Bruce Banner vs Bruce Jenner
>Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
I’m kinda shocked after so many years, everything else is average at worst to absolute kino at best

Ooh the turtles vs renaissance artists would have been kino if it were just a bit longer.

>Lovecraft VS Mary Shelley
All your matchups are decent, but I like that one especially.

I didn't like the last one.

The Michael Bay beat is to this day my favorite they've ever used

Steven King vs. Edgar Allan Poe is kino

For me:

Post best beats
>Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong
>Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter
>Mozart vs Skrillex
>Stephen Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock
>Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury

Theodore Roosevelt vs. Winston Churchill
Steven King vs. Edgar Allan Poe
Deadpool vs. Boba Fett
Ghostbusters vs. Mythbusters
Donald Trump vs. Ebeneezer Scrooge
Master Chief vs. Leonidas

Gordan Ramsey vs. Julia Child
Wayne Gretzky vs. Tony Hawk
Ash Ketchum vs. Charles Darwin

We all know Lloyd is the superior rapper and disguise actor right?

Artists vs. TMNT

We may as well just post a link to the whole playlist at this point

you're right, every one has an at least good beat, one that's easy to remember

Alexander the Great vs Ivan.
Frederick steals the whole battle imo.

Joker vs Pennywise one was pretty good. Joker fucking killed it, though I have to give credit to Pennywise for "No one's dying to play with Joker except for maybe Heath Ledger." Yeah, he went there.

Frederick the great had my favourite verse out of all rap battles.