Hey guys, my name is Dave. You’re going to watch my new TV show on FXX tonight, right?..... R-right?
Hey guys, my name is Dave. You’re going to watch my new TV show on FXX tonight, right?..... R-right?
lil dicky got a show? or is this a different guy
This is the jewiest guy I've ever seen
After seeing his ads on FX I can emphatically say I will never watch this shitty fucking show.
Nope same guy.
Hair did get longer the last time I saw him.
Hey, it’s the I LOVE THE EARTH guy who hangs with celebs that have private jets that run way too many carbon emissions.
I heard his song with Chris Brown and I legit thought pop rap was dead. Man was I wrong.
It’s unbearable.
Remember when he made a song about white privilege and then scrubbed it off the internet after people pointed out that Jews aren't white?
This looks obscenely unfunny. I really hope this fails. Fuck you Dave.
Macklemore is a goy though. That's why his career is dead now
Unironically a great song
I don't understand why the rest of the country enjoyed his terrible music.
T. Washingtonfag
Lil Dicky is trying too hard to be Donald Glover, who was trying too hard to make fun of white people because half his fanbase is white.
I think we all know how this will end up bros.
Macklemore is white. This stunt killed his career
Walk into the gogue like whattup I got a cut cock
I thought it was him trying to be like a mix of Seinfeld and Larry David.
Because Jewish humor.
>a mix of Seinfeld and Larry David.
Just say Larry David. He wrote all the best Seinfeld episodes anyway
>Donald Glover
Dude was already a writer on 30 Rock.
plus when the stand up money checks came in, he stopped caring about funny a long time ago.
>Did a song with Chris Brown
>Used Kikestarter to fund his career
>Made that preachy-ass “save duh Earf” song
As anyone else bought their way into rapping in recent years as blatantly as this guy
I still don't understand how Drake became a rapper
This guy is still going? Last I heard of him was "ex-boyfriend" and "let me freak" in what, 2013?
I saw his face on the promo and all I could think was jew jew jew jew jew
I thought it was my brain on 4channel but then my gf walks in and asks "who's that jew?"
looks like an antisemtic charicature I had no idea it was that little dicky faggot
Plus, you can’t like a Bill Cosby these days.
Sociopolitical messages and race-baiting sell more than actual funny material from comedians these days.
yea but he has connections if uk what im saying
The song with Chris Brown catapulted him to the charts. Plus, his Professional Rapper CD managed to get his name out there in the first place.
He was born into it
Canada wanted their own Mickey mouse club to popstar burnout pipeline and his dad is a producer
>trying too hard to be Donald Glover
nah he’s trying too hard to be a Jew
Wow this is a huge shill post. I knew this thread stunk of it but damn man conceal yourself better.
How long until calling it kino becomes the cool contrarian Yas Forums opinion? I give it three months
rich jew producer parents
Rap isnt music
Ive ignored the genre for this long i can keep going
>First off I'm a dude so
>There was a one in two chance of that sucking
>But now I can run a seven minute mile
>I can defend myself adequately
>I can be logical
>I can get along with my roommates
>Watch serious movies without being scared by them
I liked Lil Dicky til he did that track with Chris Brown. I cant support anyone that associates with Chris Brown's faggot ass.
Another tribe member
>Lil Dicky is trying too hard. Period.
Only thing Dicky has on Glover is that he’s the better rapper. Glover has slightly better art, but that’s not saying much.
Try Eddie Murphy.
Even Cosby didn’t like him.
if there was one meme rapper from last decade to give a show to it was riff raff. FX fucked up.
Glover is the derrick comedy guy so automatically he's better than dicky
>Lil Dicky is trying
Fixed fixed
>if there was one meme rapper from last decade to give a show to it was riff raff
riff raff isnt progressive enough
This thread reeks of a social media intern desperately trying to get things back on track and in a positive manner.
This was actually impressive.
Granted the rhyme scheme was corny, but the message is perfect for today’s day and age.
>trying too hard to be a Jew
but that’s not Seth Rogen
How so?
>Granted the rhyme scheme was corny
How so? It's well above average. Not everyone can be Biggie
It says a whole lot more about the consumers that like that kind of stuff than actual people who think “HAHA WHITE PEOPLE SUCK AND IM KIND OF WHITE”
Imagine being this type of person 24/7
It sounds like he was trying to rap like Donald Glover a little bit, but that’s just me. Song is cool.
Reminder that Dicky cuts in line to get pizza
Friend of fellow yid epstein is he?
Thanks for reminding me to set my dvr. Looks like it'll be unironic jewish kvetching gold like curb your enthusiasm.
Damn, colin kapernik has his own tv show now?
My good friends have said i look like little dicky.
When long I have curly jew hair(not a jew) and grow a short yet full beard, trimming cause it never grows good long.
I swear, i'm not that ugly. I think it's cause I have a mushmouth and am retarded.
I've also been compared to Michael Cera by my older brother and his friends, cause when hair is shorter it looks shit like that, and I'm a quiet yet goofy personality.
why do i have to be compared to beta jews
jews > you
Thanks for reminding me that I have to watch Falling Down
there are niggers in this very thread who actually listen to modern rap music.
I aint no lame niga. I got bitches to fuk
Your beady little rat eyes sure are close together, Dave
Even worse, there are white people discussing rap as an artform.
No, from the commercials it looks dreadful. Nothing about it seems entertaining.
No. You look far too jewy.
Wow Seth Rogen, the vile jew who made fucking Sausage Party wants to talk about cultural and religious insensitivity? What a fucking kike.
Wow you're such rebels. You don't follow the rules and dislike things that are currently popular. Damn you guys are just on another level. Really cool dudes!
It’s a nursery rhyme rhythm with thug lyrics on top lol
Thanks kind stranger, I knew this place wasn't all that bad.