I Am Jazz General

I Am Jazz General

Discuss the hit TV show

>From Time-Life Music, /IAJG/ Sings the Classics!
>Now Hormonally Corrected and Vaginally Re-mastered!

>Twisted Sister - We’re not Gonna Take It

>Rage Against the Machine - Bulls on Parade

>Gotye - Somebody that I Used to Know

>Butthole Surfers - Pepper

>Dire Straits - Money for Nothin

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nice op pic.

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What is granulation? I don't want to google it.


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any good vocaroos of these threads?

Take a moment and imagine being our guy Greg. What would you do?

why does she still act like a dude trying to act like a girl when it was groomed at 2yr to be a girl?

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What is dilation?
What is granulation?
What is discharge?

So many questions

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Can someone more talented than me make some side-by-side OC using Noelle (while wearing her face mask) and my favorite Cenobite, Face?

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His brother was loving life as a drag queen last episode. I think it sangria first time in heels and a skirt.

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Jazz is a very, very hungry young girl.

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remind me why this general exist

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>a teratoma the size of a tangerine

based incel containment thread

To help spread the teachings of dilation nation

so we don't forget to DILATE!

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you forgot
>NSYNC - Pop (Official VIdeo)

What if jazz neovegana just got the shit pounded out of it
Would it withstand the battery

my man

Thread theme


>tfw jazz is too lazy/retarded to dilate her 200 000 dollar wound.

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Good boy

Not meming-what the fuck is a teratoma and what does it have to do with trannies

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When the body reacts to a severe wound by growing teeth, hair, and even eyes. Trannies can get this in their neovaginas.

when the colon vagina gets a tumor that fills up the fuck passage so you can't dilate

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These are the deep mysteries of the human condition we gather here to contemplate.

Teratoma is a kind of tumor that occurs when the body is so badly damaged it can't recognise where the DNA ends and begins and kind of randomly stuffs the cells with its best approximations.

That means that it becomes a tumescent lump that can feasibly grow ANY OTHER part of a human body on it - teeth and hair being the most standout, some say fetal limbs.

Nigger what THE FUCK

So what you’re saying is
>jazz gets neovagina
>this is essentially an open festering wound >she has to dilate to stop from healing
>the body doesn’t know what to do so it grows a tumor in the wound with teeth and hair and stuff

Fucking kek.

>Wen Oi wush in Buhma ...

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>During the migratory phase of wound healing, granulation tissue is:

>light red or dark pink in color, being perfused with new capillary loops or "buds";
>soft to the touch;
>moist; and
>bumpy (granular) in appearance, due to punctate hemorrhages
>pulseful on palpation
>painless when healthy

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Truly cronenbergian

>Madballs are real
OK, I'm out.

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Why are trannys so bizarre and quirky?


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this could be jazz's neovagina, i... have no words.


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Damn, imagine getting drunk and taking home what you think is a girl and when you pull off her pants and panties to fuck you're hit with a rotting, festering, putrid smell from a necrotic gaping hole with that thing growing out of it. I think it could make for a good B horror movie.

Jazz is mentally ill to the point where if you respectfully disagree with her you get the full waterworks.

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Do you think our DNA is programmed to rebuild face parts more frequently because that's the most useful part that will keep us alive? Or do you think face parts just stand out to us because we're programmed psychologically to see faces in things?

Our bodies are truly fascinating. That tumor has some well developed-looking eyeballs, if it's real, I'm surprised our own eyes can't regrow like that. An argument for stem cell and CRISPR research if ever I saw it.

>Ok, who's next?

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Something to note is that the hole itself cannot seal up. The way the neovagina works is that the "labia" have skin on them. This means the hole will shrink and the labia will rub on each other, which results in sores. Sores that will require constant monitoring. Sores that can become something far worse, with urine burns. It's a nightmare to heal anything down there. Actual female labia have evolved to to avoid this, as their skin is loose and flexible. The neo-vagina labia isn't build like natural labia. It's an emulation of labia.

Dilation is necessary to prevent this.

The human body will regrow anything that isn't a heart, brain, limbs, fingers or genitals.

I've fapped to many things but this...

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>Or do you think face parts just stand out to us because we're programmed psychologically to see faces in things?
This. We can see faces in things.

And as you run screaming from the room, you hear faintly:

>Quaaaaaid ...

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What's this look mean?

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Well well, looks like the doctor's in the house tonight!

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so jaron have one of those doom demons in his mangina?

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Likening the "doctors" who did this to Nazi doctors is doing the Nazis a disservice. This is beyond Lynchian, and dare i even say it - lovecraftian.

I was going to go with pain element, the lost souls will be like the globs of hair and puss that get pulled out.

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last thing i heard was she was too depressed to go to college. Any news?


ok I don't want to know what dilation is anymore.

Jazz stays with Mother.

It's not real you retards. Goddamn it this site has been turning into reddit since it turned sfw.

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It's Lynchian people allowing Kafkaesque situations which spawn Lovecraftian abominations.


>star in tv show
>organize drag show
>prepare for Harvard
How does she do it?

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I'm too scared to find real images though

Murder(the entire family, grandma and grandpa included)-suicide

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