What is the most kino disaster film ever made?

What is the most kino disaster film ever made?

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Dante's Peak.

Volcano, not that faggot Dantes Peak rip off shit

Titanic 2

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The Asylum is a very strange company

i miss the days where sequels just had the same characters doing completely different things
i like to imagine after tornados he got obsessed with finding the jewel

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I just miss fun blockbusters in general, so many of them today feel cheaply made thanks to CGI and terrible casting.

Thanks for the mention user. 32 year old here and I've posted a few Twister threads this week because I watched it for the first time in 20 years Sunday night after going to see Invisible Man in theaters. Still holds up and I definitely think it's one of the best disaster films ever made.

That drive-in scene is pure horror kino


You posted it. Modern CGI ruined disaster films, even though I do enjoy shit like 2012.

Why is this image so scary bros?

Yeah I saw this in theaters when I was in 3rd grade and it freaked me out. Sensory overload. Especially the last act when Bill and Jo are wedged on the tree as the gas tanker truck and F5 tornado draw near. Jan De Bont is one of the underrated action directors.


It's a brilliant shot, just mixes themes of luxury and the peril of the natural world to me.

Also great, but it's a downed pylon, not a tree. Great scene though. .

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The idea of being stuck on a ship in the middle of the freezing North Atlantic, with no lifeboats left and slowly pushing towards the inevitable point of sinking with you stuck facing a gruesome demise no matter what you do is a scary thought.
Cameron captured that sense of fear perfectly with this movie, I still feel both sad and unsettled when watching the last hour of this film knowing there’s no way to save those people from their doom.

Fuck this still makes me tear up

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it's just water lmfao just swim!

Appreciate your candor but it's definitely a tree with twigs and branches up and down.

Titanic sinking was an insurance scam. That wasn't the real Titanic. Look into it.

To where? You won’t last long in freezing water, better to try and stay on the ship as long as possible.

you probably think the world is flat too huh retard

It's a big ocean

The not so kino misconception about not enough lifeboats.

Of course not, I'm no fool. Everybody knows the Earth is hollow.

There weren’t enough though, plus the fact that they sent out a bunch of lifeboats early on in half-full capacity or less.

Yeah absolutely, then all the lights suddenly going off must have been scary as shit. Slowly plunging into dark, ice cold water that's literally miles deep.

I think you're thinking of the wrong movie my man, it's like a corrugated metal shape it's not a branch.

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If you think that's scary then just imagine what it really looked like, the movie was well lit because it had to be, in real life it was much darker, basically like picture related, and pitch black when the lights went out

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Which is why it's a misconception, as it's really a half truth. The issue was that they weren't filled to capacity, but they couldn't launch all the lifeboats she carried. You have to remember also that they were lowered manually, and it was time consuming, add the cold weather and impending doom and it added to the stress. Most of the crew lowering them weren't very well trained either. More lifeboats could've actually made things more dangerous, adding to objects in the water, the mentioned time spent to attempting to lower them etc.

based. Pompei was also kino

Titanic by far, its great movie (minus the dialogues). The second half is pure disaster kino. Cameron is god in terms of his attention to detail and directing. Imagine being director on a movie like Titanic, how hard its to direct movie like this, direct every person working on this + the technical complexity of it. I would want from him to make some high budget historical epic, instead Avatar 2.

Absolutely, The attention to detail for the staircase, the resturant on D deck and so on. Would've loved to walk on it. The largest shame is the scrapping of her sister, the Olympic. Imagine being able to walk on a virtual copy of the Titanic, and the amount of history it has. It's sad it never got the same fate as Queen Mary.

I know right. He's wasting his talent making cartoons.

I haven't watched titanic in 20 years, should I? Does it hold up?

I feel like now I'm just gonna get disgusted by the roastie behavior

Recommend watching this

It absolutely doesn't hold up and James Cameron is reprehensible for writing fanfiction about a real disaster.

Not to mention how hard the press was railing that the movie was going to be a box office disaster from the day they started production on it (they had a Titanic doom clock in some rag).
I wish Cameron would make kino again too, this scene still stands out to me after all these years:


Yes absolutely, I actually enjoy it more now that it reminds me of a bygone era of filmmaking when Hollywood wasn’t afraid of funding grand epics with brilliant production values and enjoyable cheesy romance. I feel like Rose is still very likeable.

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It is beautifully made. Absolutely no argument can be made there to the contrary.

Want a fun night? Grab a six pack of beer and start up The Swarm (1978)


This but the exact opposite, Cameron showed a lot of respect to the tragedy and captured the horror experienced on that ship perfectly.

I must ask anyone who has seen this movie... was its nomination for Best Costume Design justified?

it seems like a weird choice of a nominee.

For me a big part of the fear is the idea that once you're in the water there's nothing below your feet but 2.37 miles of pitch black abyss. Now combine that with the knowledge that this gigantic ship will sink down through that abyss to the ocean floor, still with people inside it, where it will lie (mostly) undisturbed in the dark forever. Fuck that.

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Yeah, the scene with the couple in the bed, ida and isidor straus, going down with the ship together, refusing to leave each other. That's fucking love.


>tfw the wreck of the Titanic will most likely be completely gone within the next decade or so
I sometimes wonder if we should do more salvage operations or just leave it alone to disappear from the earth.

90s born queer detected

Leave it alone. She deserves to become one with the earth again for her final sleep.

>Turning Murdoch into a murderous loon instead of a hero
Why? Even the version with the talking mice and tappin dog made him a dick.

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If it disapears we still have plenty of recordings and artifacts already and accounts of people's stories also recorded. We really just have to preserve those so nobody forgets.

It is sad the false truths about him.

>character named murdoch
>commits murder

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To be fair he’s portrayed pretty sympathetically in the film and only shoots that Irish guy on accident (then killing himself out of guilt).

stories need their villains

>swimming generates heat
>generate heat faster than losing it
>stay alive

What is so hard about that?

Still one of the best film endings ever made in my opinion


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Ever see the alternate ending where Bill Paxton and the others actually see her dropping it?

pure roast kino

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Oh btw here it is

Yeah, I’m glad Jim didn’t go with that.
It kind of ruins the somber feeling after witnessing Rose’s ordeal and it works way better as just Rose having her reunion/closure with Jack after 85 years.

In a way I wish they kept in some of the deleted scenes dealing with the other passengers but I suppose that would detract from the story of Jack and Rose.

absolutely based

Lol that is a random nomination because it was just a bunch of old Hollywood actors + Michael Caine and Katherine Ross in the usual 70s garb. Strange

A Night to Remember remains the best telling of the Titanic story.


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Began my life long appreciation of Deep Purple. Hoffman was a kino actor that elevated every movie he was in. I wanted to be Bill so I could ride around in a truck with a cute blonde like Helen Hunt.

Huh, never noticed that reference Cameron makes to this film with that Mr. Andrews scene.

I like that the scene isn't melodramatic. No music, no crying. He just keeps watching the clock.

Wow this is just like the sinking scene in Titanic except it's worse