Cast her

cast her

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>cast her a cliff

yellow fever fags be like

What point is this picture trying to make

It's funny how her instagram avatar also has wide eyes

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My jap wife hates koreans and chinese so much it’s funny

never understood the yellow skin stereotype though, they're brown if anything

Hummina hummina hummina BAZOOING

This dumb ugly chink bitch knows her eyes could be blinded with a shoelace. She's just pathetically insecure.

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The tweet is from an asian cartoon artist complaining about what she calls racist depictions of east asians, but she herself resembles the supposed "racist caricature" more than her preferred version.

asians have disgustingly large faces

>consider why you chose to depict us that way
Distinct visual characterization, but she's a CALARTS grad so I can't expect her to understand that.

>stop portraying Asians with slit eyes, says the Asian woman with clearly visible slit eyes

Personally I'd cast her into a fire

Koreans have the fucking smallest eyes of all the Eastern Asians. They shouldn't be the ones taking about Asian characters having eyes too narrow.

ah, thank you

Nah, that girl specifically is just unattractive. There are hot and ugly people of every race, Ana de Armas and I come from the same city but she's hot as fuck and I look like a LOTR orc.

The eyes don't bother me but making them yellow is weird. Not very many of them have jaundice.

That the slit eyes are not a caricature in her case but a realistic representation.

Again I just want to declare how ugly this fucking bitch is. Disgusting, just like her personality. Chinks truly are insects.

>There are hot and ugly people of every race
Post some hot aboriginals
Good luck

>slits for eyes

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japanese are self loathing asians.

not really asian people have statistically the largest faces of any race i think koreans are 1st

are you joking? koreans have monolids but the mongolians and the chinese have them beat for eye size by a mile


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What's with all the anti Asian sentiment lately?

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I was thinking the same thing. Nothing about the “caricature” version is fucked up except the skin tone.

damn it's almost like there's some anatomic explanation behind it

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Does anyone still draw asians yellow though? In all the western animated shows I've seen in the last 20 years or so, asian characters usually have realistic skin tones. Like in Avatar everyone in asian but nobody has yellow skin, it ranges from more or less white to dark brown.

Mickey Rooney

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you're all just jealous you don't have a kgf

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westernized liberal asians are simply the worst, the self-delusion that they are white like the majority in their host nations sickens me. Fucking hell have some self respect.

>There are hot and ugly people of every race,

everyone hates china


People mad that blacked is being made fun of

is that a guy

>everyone in
*everyone is

why is her face so big jesus it's comical
lil chinky eyes too

>Post some hot aboriginals
aboriginal is not a race.
it's a species

nooo it's not true
>Squall was designed by Tetsuya Nomura, with input from game director Yoshinori Kitase. He was modeled after late actor River Phoenix.

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lol how the white chicks eyebrow is all scultpted and hot and the asian girls is just sitting there a natural blob

Got someting to do with a plague and bat soup, something around those lines I think

relax relax theres something for everyone

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>all scultpted and hot
cause it's plucked
I bet you think makeup looks good too

>scultpted and hot
Have sex (with men)


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huh? so this chink wants people to draw asians with white features aka anime? asian sjw are the worst.

lets turn this into a jav thread not a faggy kpop thread.

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Most Asian girls posted are not Chinese though

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pig facial structure with soulless beady bug eyes

>slits for eyes

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It's the new samsung galaxy. This time with 0.5% less plastic.

Bruh they all look the same
China, japan who the fuck cares

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once again proving that anime girls are white


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I wish

Nope. Mongolians maybe. But Koreans have the second most narrow eyes. They don't have much genetic diversity, resulting in very pure "mongoloid" features. Japanese and Chinese both have mixed with larger eyed natives.

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Made for Big White Cock.

wh*te "women" and their pathetic white knights

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If you don't have this in your life you may as well kill yourself. You heard me.

avatar is kind of an anomaly inasmuch as the entire cast is asian so the show runners didn’t have to bother with using artistic shorthand to show everyone is asian. they were able to throw in a lot of visual variety.
i agree that the shit twitter girl is talking about is kind of a nonissue since the 2010s, though. you’re more likely to get asian characters who look like artemis from young justice now - noticeably asian but not alien looking

Can you post someone who is not mixed?

First one: Soulless
Second one: Also Soulless

I've lived in China for a year and seven months and when I ask them what colour their skin is they nearly unanimously say "yellow"
of course its yellow but neither is ours "white" or "black"
Asian people have a kind of very light orange complexion if you look closely, kind of how whiteys have a very light pinkish complexion, and black people have brown complexions.

A lot of them have differently sized eyes too. You'd be amazed at the diversity of faces if you spent time analysing them like I do.

that's funny because she looks more like the gook on the right

why are wh*te women like that?

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she is a jewess tho

Do you have it in your life user? :/

I wanna destroy their assholes and bully their small penis

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>A lot of them have differently sized eyes too. You'd be amazed at the diversity of faces if you spent time analysing them like I do.

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So lads, genuine question, doubt I'll get a genuine answer though. What do you think the latest permavirgin obsession will be this year?
We've had chinks, trannies, travelling, tattoos, pitbulls, jews, women, nigs, liberals and I'm sure I'm missing a bunch more.

arr rook the same

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Right is garbage but your chinkoid also looks like a fucking disgusting insect.

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It takes a few seconds, but there are some differences.

I'm concluding that Koreans have the best women of the 3, and Japan surpisingly has the best men.

Japan has the worst women and China has the worst men, but there is a huge fucking powergap. Like holy shit, they're ugly next to their neigbours.