
cool and comfy edition

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>25 posts early
Fuck right off

he is clearly disrespecting the woman

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Nuke the Romulans, logic war now.

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friendly reminder Gul Dukat did nothing wrong

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Why cant you learn when to make threads you useless fucking faggot?

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Based Dul Dukan poster.

just post about star trek

coffee > tea edition

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Never I will post about traps and thread limits STD and Picard.

Dul Gukat is eh cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything

>Drinking liqued poeph
Fuck right off, insaneway

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There's a picture of you above Chaotic Evil on the /trek/ poster dnd alignment chart

does bash even talk about star trek?

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Well, /trek/?

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anyway, we were talking about pleb filters

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Am I missing something about Q being on there? He's one of the biggest fan-favorite things to come out of TNG

why are there no world-killing nukes in star trek?

The post below this is a pleb filter.

q is 2 op.

you'd be suprised by the amount of people I've seen screech about him. Mostly how his episodes are boring and stuff like that

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quantum torpedos were literally used to destroy the first Founder homeworld.

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Fuck Spock

>Mostly how his episodes are boring and stuff like that
C'mon. They may complain about a lot of things but Q episodes are one of the funnest episodes on all of Trek

I guess one could also take the picture as representing TNG season 1, which is a massive pleb filter


>dog sex disco

Why doggo anger?

The Xindi built a death star tier weapon, and by the time of TOS a standard starship could glass a planet so there doesn't really seem to be a need for special world-killers.

Trek technobabbles up a new world killing doomsday technology at least twice a season. They're always swept under the rug and never brought up again.

>pleb filter
can this meme end now?

Who's the Leonidas of Star Trek?

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Because he realized this dog is probably dead now

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General Martok

>TOS a standard starship could glass a planet so there doesn't really seem to be a need for special world-killers.
Hardly, a photon torpedo only has a ~64mt yield

>it's -another- lwaxana troi episode
this is putting me off desu

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>he thinks it's a meme
You just outed yourself as a pleb

puffy pleb fingers typed this

50,000 credits to the cadet that gets me pictures of her feet

pleb general

No cheese but plenty of STD makes Porthos an angry boy

>got filtered by Lwaxana
you'll never make it

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Noooooooooo!! My reputation on 4channel is ruined!

Name them. Two for each season of Star Trek. I'm waiting. Come at me, you ewok bastard.

bitch, who said i got filtered? i made it through them but they SUCKED

Do you know what I love about Discovery and Picard? What massive fucking own goals they are for the writer's political message.

The federation is a post-scarcity socialist utopia where every sentient being from every conceivable background is perfectly equal. It also never starts wars of aggression and captains are willing to die before breaking the prime directive and they will still help out warp-capable species if they ask for it.
Not to mention the crews and captains of their ships just fly around space dabbing on authoritarians and intolerant species.

But what do the writers do to show everyone how woke they are? They turn the federation into an authoritarian shithole where people can be poor (without money) and racist who won't help refugees (just so we know fuck drumpf).
Also, their metaphors don't make sense.
The Romulans are refugees right? But they're also the space racists and the bad guys (and disturbingly infiltrators seeking to subvert the federation).
Also, the federation is implied to be incompetent self-serving and authoritarian, but every single person in a leadership role is a woman. So what, are women incompetent?

I just don't get it why destroy your own ideal outcome to show people how woke you are by implying refugees are evil subversive infiltrators and women are incompetent?

I wish I was born a few decades earlier so I could have swung with her and Gene

>came to 4channel to complain

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you're just into old chicks, sexually
and that's gross because even picard is more attractive than her, faggot

I was thinking of phaser banks. I mean in "Who Mourns for Adonais?" they have to fire the phasers continuously to destroy a single tiny structure, but that seemed to be because it was super-advanced technology; at other points there's an impression that an orbiting ship could essentially destroy an entire region with a single phaser attack. They at least talk about doing something like that in "Mirror, Mirror"

>you're just into old chicks, sexually

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They usually involve the deflector dish, and generally arent contrived as weapons, their implication as a WMD is almost always glossed over

Wait. There are people who aren't into old chicks, sexually?

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You're in the holodeck when this guy comes in and disables safety protocols. What do?

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No, you need actual examples. I'm not buying it.

>Asked for cool and comfy edition
>Got a cool and comfy edition
People who say /trek/ is dead, btfo.

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They're called 'homos'.

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There was an episode in TNG where they talk about how everyone had Warhammer 40k virus bombs but agreed not to use them because they were too op (and dangerous)

>a wholesome hot 10/10 babe loving me tenderly
>now without safety protocols

Wow nothing happens.

>feeling cool
>feeling calm
>feeling comfy

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If you like Neelix then you must also unironically like Jar Jar Binks, because they are the exact same character, written the exact same way, with the exact same brand of childish "humor".

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The Romulan captain from DS9 who runs off the bridge to operate his own engineering section to keep the ship firing after his whole crew is killed in the Dominion battle.

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>move along!
>nothing zu see here!
>go back to wörk!

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There is an enormous difference in needed firepower between just wiping a region of cities or instigating a mass extinction event, and actually 'glassing' the surface of a planet.

TOS is extra inconsistent in power levels but photon torpedoes have always been portrayed as the heavier weapon, and we know the general destructive yield of them because we have examples of the amount of antimatter their warheads hold in supplemental materials, which are generally reasonable for the destructive capability illustrated in the shows

Based hetero friendship poster.

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how does it feel when your skull is cracked open and someone takes a massive shit in your empty skull?

This thread was made before the bump limit. Someone needs to make an authentic /trek/ or Neelixfag is going to be angry.

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kai winn is an amazing character and very well acted. the writers and actor managed to create a character who is so loathsome and hateable. my blood still boils whenever she calls someone 'my child' but it is so well done.

based riker9.jpg poster

>he was the changeling who bamboozled Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar to death
Based Founder.

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Feels like watching Voyager

what a waste of potential

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fuck you. fuck off

Yeah it's kind of undercut from being the most badass moment in all Trek by the fact that he's really just a changeling.

Will I get bullied if I have Trek sideburns?


plus they have killed a hell of a lot of refugees, like that senator. why are the 'heroes' killing refugees?

Fuck you

This is an incredibly disturbing image. Put it in one of those /x/ threads

>long road

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This is the actual post-limit Neelix-approved /trek/ thread (no trannies)

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>blocks your path
>remains cool and comfy

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There was a BF-themed Jazz general a couple days ago that was essentially the discord trannies' Waterloo, they're defeated now once and for all.

>waiting until this thread has almost 100 replies