Is the series filmable?

Is the series filmable?

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I remember blasting the demo of this game as a kid. Was the full game kino?

netflix at best

@OP: It's basically capeshit, so yes.

Yes. Beyond belief.

I'd say.

tried playing 1 on dc, its shit.

It basically is a film with zero gameplay.

Cast him

Too deep for kino.

all cgi use the og VAs amy hennig writes it

>it ended up taking Crystal Dynamics 3 games and two generations of consoles to tell the story they initially planned to tell with SR1 alone
>Defiance still ended on a question mark rather than a period

The films would be an overambitious mess, just like the games.

but now that amy has the whole story she can streamline it a 10ep series could do the whole story preferably 3 seasons but its doable in 1 imo

The atmosphere, story, voice acting and graphics were great. The gameplay itself was pure shit. Still glad I played them, just wish a good team had designed the actual game elements.

>remake of BO, SR 1-2 & LoK:D, with same story, characters and theme as original game
>this time with Dark Souls 1/3 gameplay

GOAT intro.


second game has a lot of backtracking & long infodumps, no badass vampire bosses but still worht playing

Soul Reaver 1>Blood Omen 1>Blood Omen 2>Soul Reaver 2>Defiance

>Dark Soul Reaver
>consume souls, undead, explore lost kingdom
it would be great.

fuck no take BO2 right out of their Amy didn't even write it

>The gameplay itself was pure shit.

The Blood Omen games were the most satisfying in the series, gameplay-wise. The gameplay/combat in Defiance feels like it should be satisfying, but for some reason it isn't.

i thought it was fun

I really like it the fight between Kain and Raziel is great fun, just a shame they had to nerf the Reavers to make it work

fun sure but it really doesn't count and the story fucked with the lore hard, kudos to Amy for finding a way to fit it in

Defiance was cheap DMC, and it kind of works, but it's mostly so janky and floaty that it ends up feeling worse than it looks like it should. The combat is just weird and off.

>defiance was cheap dmc
probably why I didnt mind it much ita not like it was a difficult system to use

what's the point?
>tfw you lived long enough to see most of the voice-over cast either reach retirement age, or die
>didn't live long enough for AI to get to the point where it could master an actor's speech patterns from their existing works and recreate their voices for new dubs

michael bell and simon templeman are fine, only tony jay the Elder God is dead

janos audron is dead too

Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him.

The game itself is barely playable.



Why doesn't vidya still have that gonzo spirit of the 90s? Reading up on the development of Soul Reaver, Silent Hill, Quake etc. is nuts. So much passion and spirit went into these games.

the writing and voice acting was perfect in the games, it would be a disservice to try and make a pale imitation of it.

More women are involved now

It needs to be either animated or CG. The designs are too weird for them to work on a live action movie. Also, this way you can get the original voice actors (Except Tony :( )

>to tell the story they initially planned to tell with SR1
To be fair the story changed a great deal. It changed for the worse, too.

videogames were still a fairly niche interest back then and the formula for what works and what doesn't wasn't set in stone the way it is now. team silent was comprised of failures and fuckups who were given more or less free reign because konami didn't know what to do with them and didn't expect them to come up with anything of value in the first place. there was nowhere as much corporate oversight as there is now.

I bet you think Matrix 1 ended on a question mark too

Original was pretty bad at a lot of Places. At the end we ended up with something better.

Cast him in

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which is a funny thing to say considering this game was made by a woman

Here’s your (You)


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>At the end we ended up with something better.
No we didn't. The original SR story might have been a basic revenge story with a twist, but it's better than the hackneyed time traveling soap opera we got in its stead.

As an actual game it has some flaws. Short, very linear, lack of variety, no boss fights, a couple game-breaking bugs. Almost a step back from Soul Reaver 1 in every way but graphically, but desu I didn't even notice the first time because the story was great and it felt really rewarding to move forward to each chapter. The gameplay's juuust good enough not to detract from the experience.

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And it was kino

blood omen was all about time travel and paradoxs would've been weird to just ignore all of that

Why was Vorador such a pompous asshole in Blood Omen?

>blood omen was all about time travel and paradoxs
No it wasn't. Only the part of the game that revolved around Mobius was all about time travel.

blood omen 1 is so fucking bad bros

the death of king whats his face and hashakik are both the result of time travel, also the first paradox with 2 blood reavers

>use the og VAs

Tony Jay's dead, though

A bit harsh, but ill agree u get OP way too fast in the game, so most fights excluding the boss fights are window dressing.

I know user it hurts everyday

>>remake of BO, SR 1-2 & LoK:D, with same story, characters and theme as original game
>>this time with Dark Souls 1/3 gameplay

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Billy Nighy is an obvious choice for Kain.

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I love this game, but this design is so fucking cringe

I love Bill Nighy, but it's Simon Templeman or nothing
