Actress Vanessa Marquez suicides by cop

Why did she do it?

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suddenly i feel better about my life

Give her a sticky for 3 days mods please

she died two years ago fuckface

i remember reading about this, never expected a video to be released
we could've saved her bros

how many hours a day she spent on Yas Forums you think?

thats a fucking bb gun

Why did she fake that seizure?

Women are retarded, nothing new here.

>she was on intervention

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Is there anything better than seeing a female being murdered? I dont think there is.

>uh, you're, uh uh uh uh


>tfw the europeans are asleep so i can’t watch them reeeeee about how the cops should have tried to shoot her on the legs

Is it really necessary to unload a killer machine 12 times against a tiny woman showing a tiny pistol? Look how scared those "trained" officers look when she shows the toy. Is not enough to, I don't know, shoot her one time or two? Did they really have to exterminate her like a guy using a flamethrower to kill a spider?

well that "wellness check" didn't go so well

if you actually care about someone NEVER CALL THE POLICE!

>suicide by cop
Was the cop's name John Kramer by any chance?

it is kinda funny tbphwyf

You over estimate "killer machines" and under estimate "tiny pistols"

>out of state "friend"
>called fire department
>express concern for her well-being
>fire department then called the police
do amerishits really do this?

a handgun will kill you just the same at that range

Because she's fucking crazy

>quick, it's coming right at us!

>Is not enough to, I don't know, shoot her one time or two?
Gotta make sure she's dead.
If you pull a gun on a cop you're too stupid to live & you do humanity a disservice by not eliminating them from the gene pool.

She cute, would racemix

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>Marquez appeared in an early episode of the A&E series "Intervention", as she tried to manage her addictions (she later said that the series had not helped her).

Has anyone seen this?
What was she addicted to????

yes, my mom called an emergency response team on me when i avoided her toxic ass for 3 days. all of a sudden there were paramedics outside my door talking just like the people in this video. I refused to come out, and they called a cop who showed up with his hand on his fucking gun saying they just wanted to 'check my vitals". i called bullshit, but my mother had told them all kinds of lies about my mental health so they were convinced i was a danger to myself or others. took them hours to leave.

Oh no an itty bitty kid's gun, better use my hand cannon until she's red mush

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>What was she addicted to????

If you pull a gun on a cop you deserve death.
Just simply don't pull one and you live.
This shit isn't hard, at all.


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>hello officer im concerned about this person's safety
>dont worry we'll storm the house with assault rifles
>oh thank you thats a huge relief
why is america like this?

Yea why would they take any chances at that point?

i cannot wrap my head around this
why can't people just pay each other social visits, or even drop by unannounced or some shit? don't they realize that when you involve authorities and law enforcement there is potential for escalation?

>Marquez appeared in a 2005 episode of A&E's Intervention for OCD, addiction to shopping, and depression. She later appeared in a news report about her love of the Star Wars universe in 2010. Marquez had an extensive collection of Star Wars memorabilia and was featured on the news for a special about the May the Fourth Be With You celebration.

good thing you will never reproduce then

Did you miss the part where she pulled a gun on them? That's why

>being such a docile bootlicker it's in your very genetic code to be one
like sheep to the slaughter

Saw the video. The officers and the psychiatrist saff were literally ZOG robots. This is not how do you talk to person who wants to die or has mental illness. Why the fuck do you start to talk about law and shit when she is clearly beyond anything.
Hug her, sing to her, anyfucking thing even fingering her would help her at that point other than the shit show that went on. Holy fuck.

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It was nice of her to tell them she was having a seizure while she having a seizure

usa is such a shithole country

>showed up with his hand on his fucking gun
If I wasnt phoneposting I'd post a soijack so hard right now

I've never pulled a gun on a cop for literally fucking no reason so my genes are fine.
>docile bootlicker
Negroes always so look ballsy & "hard" bleeding out in the gutter.
At least they weren't "bootlickers" though, I'm sure that's more important than living.
Do let us know how pulling a gun on a cop works out for you personally.

So in USA police officers can invade your home and just take you out even if you not commit any crime? Why the fuck those officers and medical stuff are on her property, feeling themselves like its their territory? Why the fuck do they demand her to move somewhere and place some bond money? What the fuck is this freedom lol

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If you hoard, the fire dept will make you do something. There appeared to be a notice on her door as well. Did she owe money? What if you were the property owner? Or her downstairs neighbor? She had to get sorted out. She pulled a gun on cops.

If she had just been homeless, they wouldn't have had to sort her. She was a problem for others and in the system. Ground up in the gears.

>pull a gun in your own house
can you do that? either way maybe she took a gun out because there was a paramilitary unit in her house screaming directives at her

>Hug her
grounds for sexual assault lawsuit

If you lived in the apts I owned, I would not sing to you if you were 4 months late on rent. I'd call the cops.
You poor thing. Draw!


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It's fucking well known you will most likely be executed on the spot for pulling a gun on cops.
Right, wrong, indifferent, doesn't matter, it's fucking known it will happen. If you do it you're either dumb as fuck or you want to die, as there is no other realistic outcome.

>bond money?
When was there anything about bond money? They wanted to get her psychiatric care because she was completely nuts

>Actress Vanessa Marquez
Literally who

It's not. We're all slaves. That's why we need fully automatic weapons so when Uncle Sam tries to come take you away for some arbitrary reason you can kill anyone trying to.

>it's another room temperature iq user copying what he sees others say but in a retarded context episode


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But this only applies if you assault the officer.

so it doesn't come from a place of (misunderstood) altruism
she's basically a nuisance pest to her "friends" that "worry"
"concern for well-being" is a euphemism

Retarded furfag lmao stay in Canada retard

i had a crush on her when i was a kid and now i just saw her die
life's weird

How do you think that guy feels when he watch reruns of ER?
>Yeah, I legally killed that bitch

>S-s- seizure!

Wow I can't believe she wasn't even given a single chance to surrender

whats that at 3:39 about placing her on hold?
Also, you realize the state can abuse its power of pronouncing people psychologically unstable to seize their property, right?

>Prior to her death, Marquez made headlines related to the #MeToo movement, alleging that she endured harassment while on the set of ER. In October 2017, she accused series star George Clooney of helping to "blacklist" her after she complained to executives about the harassment. Clooney denied the allegations.
Rest in fucking piss, you sexist, lying twat. Pulling fucking guns on innocent men trying to help you not OD.

that's why the courts exist retard

She was, she pulled a gun so clearly had zero intention of surrender.

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>implying clooners isn't some high-level MKUltra asset/handler

wait wait hol up
so you're saying in AMERICA the LAND OF THE FREE i can phone the police because im err 'concerned' about someone and the police can then smash their door down with assault weapons and if ANY living thing inside that house moves in a way they dont like they can execute them?
why do you guys LARP as a free people kek even china isnt that bad

The cops were proven to be super calm until she pulled the gun, try again

>tried to shoot cops
I'm on Clooney's side here.

They had guns, said they weren't going to arrest her and were going to take her by force to a second location. If she had killed them, I'd almost be on her side. No warrant? And you won't leave? Ought to be a citizen's right to fight.

I can't stand zogbots either, but it was a justified shooting. She literally picked up a gun and pointed it at the cops. Did any of you even watch the video? Fucking yurop.

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Sure people can fight if they want, and she did. Look how that turned out for her retard

>AHH A GUN GUN GUNNNNN NNNN *fires 15 rounds into the ceiling and walls*
yeah kek real professional performance, at least he didnt slip in his own piss on his way to check the corpse


police are trained to open fire if they think they feel threatened at all.they're soldiers brainwashed into thinking citizens are enemy combatants. their job is to uphold the status quo not to protect anyone unless they hold money and status int he community and they absolutely will fucking kill you, or put you in prison for any reason and get away with it

Like that guy they killed in a hotel hallway because his shorts were falling?

i did but if i was mentally ill and they would talk like that to me "like robots" i would shoot them too because i would be afraid they came to kill me.

>Dude just let someone with a gun kill you bro lol

What would you do if someone pulled a gun on you? Just let them murder you? lmao

because you don't fuck around with your own life when dealing with a clearly deranged person, period
fucking put yourself in their shoes, they aren't immortal, they can die just as easy as they can kill her, retard

Should've shot her until the corpse was entirely unrecognizable.

>gun was a replica
What I don't get is why the cops didn't just leave.
I mean yea, she has what looks like a gun but she's wielding it inside her own home.
If you really wanted to de-escalate the situation you would fuck off and try again tomorrow.

cops are thugs with a badge
change my mind

It's the same principle as forcing hospitalization when someone states that they're suicidal. It's meant to help the person who wouldn't normally seek help, before they're able to harm themself. If you're mentally unfit to take care of yourself, they're supposed to force you into care until you're well, at which point you appreciate that they did it.

When you pull a gun on them, though, you turned it from a situation about your wellbeing into a situation about their wellbeing.

well im not an angry 80IQ pussy looking to legally murder people so i guess i'd just talk the woman wielding a painted nerf gun down
i love how when they open fire its literal hillbilly shootout time and they completely empty their magazines wildly lmao, yeah maybe just fire off a couple and see what happens next you fucks

4:15 "I'm not gonna kill you"
5:15 *kills you*
6:05 "the gun was a replica"

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de-escalate, like a civilian police force and not behave like an occupying army

>even fingering her would help her at that point

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She was a danger to herself, so they had to put her down with bullets so that she wouldn't attempt suicide

>all cops in existence are all that one psycho who shot someone
you've been brainwashed, easily I might add

>what looks like a gun
By the time you determine whether or not it is they've shot you.

She barely looked she could lift the gun let alone fire it.
And the cop was close enough that he could have literally leapt onto her and stopped her from drawing it.
Cops are trained in much too pussified tactics.

fuck, why didn't they think of that???

>simping for this dead bitch

I'm not the retard, I'm still alive. The retard is the dummy who sees a crazy lady commit suicide by cop and celebrates it as a sense of moral superiority. I bet you lick LIL DONNIES BOOTS

Because they still had a job to do. The police don't give up when you pull a gun out. If they came back the next day, she'd just be waiting with her gun again.

The retard is the dummy who sees a crazy lady commit suicide by cop and blames the fucking cops for it.

yeah look at her vaguely waving around that gun, there is literal 1% chance that it is both real and she kills someone better murder her ASAP
they're just cowards simple as, withdraw and back yourselves you actually return fire properly if she opens up on you

This is pretty sad honestly. What do you think was going on? I mean looking at the state of her home it seems to be a manifestation of how cluttered her brain was. Schizophrenia? Bipolar? Any smart niggas want to chime in?

>she gets a lucky shot splattering your brain all over the wall while you stand there like an idiot
what would you do next?

A lot of disgruntled democrat establishment bootlickers in this thread calling other people bootlickers. Typical projection

>runs out into the neighborhood and starts firing off shots
better to cap her right then and there, don't take out guns when there's fucking cops around they're gonna blast you, Jesus Christ how do people not realize that?

>you actually return fire properly if she opens up on you
>you literally have to wait until she shoots the gun at you to shoot yours
You'd still bitch & moan, admit it.

Cool. Good thing I didn't do that. Nice reading comprehension, Tyrone. You obviously didn't learn it from your father