/who/ the fuck just deleted our thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


...to this

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Is Chibnall a fucking janny?

Maybe someone does not like Orbital
Either way that concert would have been great to attend and even better with some mdma
Here I think this is their whole performance
fuck how did we go from that to what we have now?

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You know who else was pretty darn cute besides Clala? Jenny

Corona virus is a Cyberman origin story.

Not only is she cute but her voice is sexy as fuck and she is a better written women then Jodi.
give it a listen anons

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I meant Jenny Flint, whoops, but sure

Hey kids, want some audios?

Recommend me some 5th Doc audios.

I'm pretty new to BF so the only particularly good 5th Doc one I know of is Spare Parts

Spare Parts.


The Kingmaker


>chibnail brutally murders doctor who
>/who/ threads still keep getting filled with retards that hating on moffat to make themselves feel smart

we deserved this

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Eating shit doesn't make piss taste better.

it's easy for a retard to pretend apple juice is piss

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We're trying to get them to APOLOGISE. It's just not working.

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Doctor Who is dead.

That scene of her posing for Vastra in Deep Breath purely because Moffat finds Catryn Stewart sexy.

Has any Doctor Who actor shown hints of not liking what has happened to the show? kind of like what happened with GoT

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Well I woke up today
And the world was a restless place
It could have been that way for me

And I wandered around
And I thought of your face
That Christmas looking back at me

I wish today was just like every other day
'Cause today has been the best day
Everything I ever dreamed

And I started to walk
Pretty soon I will run
And I'll come running back to you

'Cause I followed my star
And that's what you are
I've had a merry time with you

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Peter Davison lamented The Doctor being female because of a role model for boys being lost.

Don't worry Billy Big Bollocks and the crew are haunting Chib. Willy Russell and Maureen performing a seance getting Bill and Jackie to fuck that specky gimp up every night

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Chibnall sits inside your head
Chibnall lives among the dead
Chibnall sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping

Chibnall at the end of days
Chibnall lies all other ways
Chibnall comes when Lore's a maze
And all of Who weeping

Chibnall taking Who apart.
Chibnall fears the Fan heart.
Chibnall seeks the final part.
The reward that he is reaping.

Chibnall sings when all is lost
Chibnall takes all those he's crossed
Chibnall wins and all is cost
The Fan's hearts he's keeping.

Chibnall seeks the Writers's pen
Chibnall needs the story to rip
Chibnall sups Who at a drip
And life aside, he's sweeping.

And he set then his course
To a scar on the face of Who
Where the actors lived and died in the churn of one night
Where the character motivations might move in the blink of an eye
And decay was the only true constant

And the gate of Chibnall opened before him
And all of the Retcon was releaved to him
And its terrible beauty ached in his hearts

So through them he ventured
There to do battle with Chibnall, the Beast
Never resting as long as Who is lasting
Until either or both are laid to waste.

Chibnall waits at the end of Who
For Chibnall is the end of Who
His time is the end of canon
And his moment Who's undoing

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I just watched the Last Epside, what the fuck was that? I mean the origin story.

The bit with the Master trying to hijack the Cybermen wasn't that bad, and I think he is very good, but all the rest looked like a schizoprenich Mass-Effecty like food induced nightmare.


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Chibs has to be a secret incel. No way a feminist would write the first female Doctor as such a incompetent fool, right?

that reminds me those 3 just show up in deep breathe with an assumed back story amd history with the doctor, does any BF or anything explain it? mainly strax

Don't they show up in A Good Man Goes To War?

Also the Snowmen.

just looked it up most of the 3s backstory is in 'the cars that ate london' audio

This is a perfect theme for 9 honestly


Doctor Who is dead.


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Was Christopher Eccleston the most talented actor to play the Doctor?

I have not watched this season and it looks like I made the correct decision.

8 is the best Doctor

I'm listening to his audios, and he really is the best.

A better doctor than jodie ever was

Peter Cushing was a better Doctor than Jodie and he got it completely wrong

All of the Curse of the Fatal Death Doctors were better than Jodie.

Both versions of Richard E. Grant are better than Jodie

Clara was a better Doctor than Jodie.

The wax figure of Tom Baker was a better Doctor than Jodie.

Rory was a better Doctor then Jodie

My Christopher Eccleston action figure I used to make my own DW videos with 15 years ago was a better Doctor than Jodie


My GP is better than Jodie

Did anyone see this:

is a better than Jodie.

What soundtrack is playing in these scenes?

All the Strange Strange Creatures

This makes me want to watch the whole show again.

>zoomers shitting on chibs
Thanks user this is precious

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I just googled what Chan Tho's actress looked like without the make-up on because I thought she was a qt asian.

If you don't know don't do it. You won't gain anything from it.