Do Blade Runner and Alien take place in the same universe?

do Blade Runner and Alien take place in the same universe?

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faggot op nobody cares go watch capeshit for stuff like this

Yes. There's links shown in Aliens (during the hearing) and stuff on the Prometheus extras.
Also that Sulaco-like ship in BR2049 if you want to include that.

>weyland yutani
blade runner
>tyrell corporation
>wallace corporation



>Bladerunner takes place in 2019. Earth is fucked and everybody who isnt scum has left.
>Alien takes place in 2122. Earth is fine and dandy and the base for humanity.
no they dont take place in the same Universe.

Yeah, and I think also Soldier (1988)?

Huh? I thought only replicants were sent to space to mine shit and explore? Isn't most of humanity is still on Earth?

>Yeah, and I think also Soldier (1988)?
Correct. And the Predator movies, obviously.

Earth isn't fine in Alien
Africa was uninhabitable that's why they crashed the ship there

Dude like 10 mins of the movie is about how everyone is living on space stations


Not much has changed then.

What's more dangerous? A bunch of disgusting giant sneaky blacks with mishapen heads or aliens?

But what about THE BONUS SITUATION???

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those are just easter eggs like the predator ones that eventually got taken too far
why would there be both weyland robots and tyrell replicans in the same universe?
why would weyland manufacturers get so jazzed up about how their new models are more human like than ever before when there is also synthetic man made human androids in the same universe
its just a easter egg and no they arent actually in the same canonical universe

soldier was released in 1998
>Correct. And the Predator movies, obviously.
the avp movies arent even canon with the predator movies or the alien movies. they are their own timeline and universe.

On a computer screen in Alien detailing Dallas' career it mentioned he used to work for the Tyrell corporation

>the avp movies arent even canon with the predator movies or the alien movies. they are their own timeline and universe.

I'll take your word for it since I haven't seen any of those. There's a xenomorph trophy in the Predator ship at the end of Predator 2 though.

Outland definitely fits in

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Yes, but they're actually both just dreams experiences by an autistic boy in the marvel universe. Who gives a shit?

didn't they say in alien 4 that earch is a shithole when coming back to earth?

yea that's an easter egg
predator 2 has a deleted scene at the end where yutani corp shows up
its all just easter eggs and not actual canon

>muh canon
Who gives a fuck? It's all fiction.

Outland was High Noon in space.

it appears that a lot of people care since we are here dicussing it. that includes you.

No shit. But it was made by a lot of the same crew as alien and I like to think the ore they're mining us what the nostromo is taking to earth. Not a far stretch to imagine con-am is part of WY.

>A bunch of disgusting giant sneaky blacks with mishapen heads or aliens?

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What's does bonus situation even mean

Aren't you mixing BR with Elysium?

yes, is canon

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Is Soldier the last major release action sci fi to have a simple, well executed plot? I'm struggling to think of one.

if they find any sign of alien life then they have to investigate and then be rewarded

>easter egg
this is your brain on disney

Since everyone in this thread is a completely retard and this board is flooded with faggotry, yes.

Dallas use to work for Tyrell
>There are also a few Alien name cameos in the dossiers, including the Hill Company (producer Walter Hill) the USCS Shusett (Ron Shusett) and Dallas’ schooling at Rambaldi High School (Carlos Rambaldi) and O’Bannon Preliminary School (Dan O’Bannon, of course), as well as Dallas’ one-time employment (8 transits, 678,000,000 miles) for the Tyrell Corporation (Blade Runner). The dossiers also mark the date 2/17/34 as being when the Nostromo crew was terminated, or at least, their contracts were. 12 years passed before the Nostromo was written off as forever lost.

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Can Aliens even see to see things you people wouldn't even believe?

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>Weyland shit talking Tyrell

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different realities with similar pieces

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it is whether you like it or not

>“So almost this world could easily be the city that supports the crew that go out in Alien. So, in other words, when the crew of Alien come back in, they might go into this place and go into a bar off the street near where Deckard lives. That’s how I thought about it.”

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>another easter egg
okay, you retards dont seem to understand that they are called easter eggs because you have to actually try to find and catch these things on screen. if it isnt blatently put into words or is just some breif visual reference then its not actually canon.
god damn you zoomers are dumb.

huh interesting

wayland buys tyrell corp in the future.

its not and im glad it isnt because if would be really dumb

This. Literally just a fun thing for fans to spot, nothing more.

I saw a ship from Command & Conquer in BSG and Farscape so that means Critchon's Earth isn't our Earth

>explicit references to two stories happening in the same universe don't count
stay mad autismo

>explicit references
>screenshots taken from a 1 second clip of a wall of text is explicit
zoomers are dumb


you would literally have to pause the screen and read this shit to get the reference. it is an easter egg and not actual canon.

Reminder that Ridley Scott is kind of a fuck up and actively tried to ruin both Alien and Blade Runner. Those movies are good in spite of him, not necessarily because of him.

>director word of mouth says they're both in the same universe
>it doesnt count!


Androids were specifically created due to the failure of Replicants.

Imagine not knowing about the bonus situation.

>ignoring word of god

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>>director word of mouth says they're both in the same universe
>word of mouth
jamie pull that up

See . Ridley Scott so badly wanted Deckard to be a replicant that Harrison Ford had to go over his head and get the studio execs to intervene. Ridley legitimately has terrible storytelling instincts and should not be trusted.

are these zoomers serious?

What about

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so what?

isnt this more like the thing

Yes, he's just a bumbling fuck up who created a bunch of amazing universes and movies by luck. You figured it out, user. You're very smart.

See . He’s still butthurt about it to this day. He also tried to pitch an ending to Alien where Ripley dies and the alien then duplicates Dallas’ voice and leaves a ship’s log.

He wasn’t the screenwriter for Alien or Bladerunner. He’s just an idiot control freak director.


do Coming to America and Black Panther take place in the same universe?

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>Yes, he's just a bumbling fuck up who created a bunch of amazing universes and movies by luck
blade runner is based on a book

the "world" of alien is nothing outside of whatever giger contributed

ridley scott has made nothing and is just the person who oversaw the creation of the films compiling things from talented people

>ridley scott created the alien and blade runner universes
zoomers are dumb af

Yes, same universe. Period.

no why would it?
it is in the same universe as trading places though

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blade runner
the matrix
the x-files + millenium
and the whole stargate franchise
all take place in same universe.
and its all real life, time travel exist, alternate realities exist, alex jones did nothing wrong, Yas Forums is always right, and OP is a fag
prove me wrong

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One's part of the DC universe the other is an independent film for the sole purpose of comedy. This has no relationship with OP's question, are you having a stroke?

>Yes, same universe. Period.

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Holt shit imagine getting to btfo'd.

The X-Files canonically exists in the Law & Order universe because John Munch appears in an episode.

>this post

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>the avp movies arent even canon with the predator movies or the alien movies. they are their own timeline and universe.
What cock you smoking? of course they are in the same universe