Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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>'peace' officers with assault rifles

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>im not gonna kill you
unloads fully automatic Ar 15.

depends how easy is it for certified loonies to get a firearm

really easy since it was a toy

which board do you think she was posting on?

The roast is toast

>"I'm not gonna kill you!"
>kills her

>get call about hermit hoarder woman
>better bring my assault rifle

>spics kill another spic

Better to have one and not need than need one and not have.

>bb gun

>bb gun

Thank god they shot her she could have hurt herself with that BB gun.

>police come to your house to check if you're ok
>kill you
Do murrikkkans really?

Scumbag landlord should be charged with murder since the dead actress used the welfare check the landlord check asked for to commit suicide by cop. Why did they have the right to enter her house? She clearly did not let them in. If they didn't have badges, she could have legally killed them. WTF

If she was a white woman she would be alive right now.

Maybe he was legitimately worried about her, and her being a mental case and all, wouldn't let him in.

>they hate us for our freedumbs

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Literally my kino station

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and that's a good thing

How do people even live like this?

literally mental illness

nice promo for Axon Body Cams

it may have been a shared unit. with the condition of that room, there may have been odors and vermin reaching other areas of the residence.

The cops are in the right for shooting her, but are in the wrong for barging into her apartment and forcing her to go the hospital (although legally they are in the right, I think).

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Different cop.

The bullet just did what the room was doing, but at a faster rate

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Yeah, cops should always wait for the person with what appears to be a gun to fire it at the cops first in order to find out if it's real or not

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only if you point a gun at them after being warned multiple times

Don't care. You don't enter somebody's home without a warrant for their arrest or for a search over an odor. Even if they thought she was dead, they should have left the moment they saw she was alive.

Checked and based

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AR-15s aren't automatic

But it's not her home, it's the homeowner's
He probably called the police, giving them legal authority to enter the house



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IIRC cops have always kept a long gun in the car ever since the north hollywood shootout

>"I'm not gonna kill you"
>kills her
based pigs

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Oh Fuck! Dirty Pair: Project Eden is on!

Retard logic

she looks comfy

Maybe I'm projecting but when they first wake her up it looks like she had the shakes.
t. alcoholic

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>didn't even wound or kill AT LEAST one cop
I hate women

explain how the logic is wrong/flawed you pseud. keeping in mind they're police officers.

She deserved it? Lol look at that room.

Did you even watch? She pulled out a gun.

They should do systematic "welfare checks" like this on fucking roasties.

>Who was in the wrong here?

The people close to her that didn't get her help before this point. And herself for rushing cops with a toy gun.

Cops aren't trained to handle mental illness. It's not their job to protect her from herself or to help her get well. Suicide by cop is a really shitty thing to do.

No. She was in the wrong. Personal responsibility does exist. Not everyone is a victim. In fact, the cops that had to kill her were the victims in this case. Take care of your shit. If you think you are mentally unwell, seek help.

pretty sure the guy with the AR killed her. he didn't lie.

because pew pew toys bad and hurties :(


how do cops not know she's firing a bb gun, it obviously doesn't sound like a normal handgun.

Vanessa Marquez - plays a character called Goldman
Jeanette Goldstein - plays a character called Vasquez

it's like panera

She didn't fire it. She pulled it out and pointed it at them. She was saying "kill me" too, meaning she knew it looked like a real gun and threatened the cops with it purposefully because she wanted to die

>Fully automatic
I didn’t know Bloomberg was posting here now.

This is one of the few cop videos I've seen where they seem justified

>only Bloomburg opposes right wingers owning actual weapons of war

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>Retard logic
The North Hollywood shootout from 1997 is responsible for that line of thinking. Cops were outgunned by two bank robbers in homemade body armor with full auto capable assault rifles. The LAPD had to hunker down behind cover for nearly an hour because their 9mm bullets were deflected by armor. The only reason no cops or civilians died is because a few had the bright idea to raid a gun store for rifles with more penetrative power and SWAT arrived.

t. nigger

>one of the few
ok reddit

>that can of raid on the bed

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