James knows more about film more than video games. He knows so much about cinematography it's kinda bonkers

James knows more about film more than video games. He knows so much about cinematography it's kinda bonkers.

Attached: Jan Švankmajer's Genius Stop Motion Animation - Cinemassacre Review - YouTube - 0_46.jpg (1280x720, 224.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


James doesn't know shit about film or video games and he's a hack.
He's also a fucking retard who doesn't know how to do shit.
His entire "career" was a fluke and he's still nowhere in life.

All he knows is how to read the wikipedia articles

Based fucking retards.

its pretty obvious he lost interest in vidya around the n64/ps1 era


I actually find James has really bad takes on movies, and picked up all of his technical knowledge second-hand. Honestly if you're not a trained professional you shouldn't talk about technicalities. Stick to plot and generalities. His thoughts on those are even worse though

i dont mind his bad takes, i just hate how his reviews are unscripted now. he keeps saying uhhh and ummm every 5 second.

>and picked up all of his technical knowledge second-hand. Honestly if you're not a trained professional you shouldn't talk about technicalities

He literally went to film school and while he only seems to understand movies at surface level, he is pretty knowledgeable about them on a technical level. One of the reasons why he stood out so much on early YouTube was because his videos were actually shot and edited competently, even though they were simple and amateur.

I'm just glad James has been putting out these solo videos lately. That's all people want and I think the fatties at Screenwave realized that.

>Honestly if you're not a trained professional you shouldn't talk about technicalities.

James has been making films for years. A lot of his AVGN stuff had some actual cinematography. Also he made his AVGN movie. Dork.

rocket launch from the avgn movie

Attached: 1552710291841.png (957x409, 660.32K)

>Obvious colander
>But it's supposed to look like shit on purpose!

But it's supposed to look like shit on purpose. It's a comedy movie loser.

James Rolfe's Top 10 films:
1. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
2. King Kong (1933)
3. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
4. Back to the Future (1985)
5. Rocky (1976)
6. Star Wars original trilogy (1977-1983)
7. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
8. Ghostbusters (1984)
9. Gremlins (1984)
10. Disaster Artist (2017)


>4. Back to the Future (1985)
>5. Rocky (1976)
>6. Star Wars original trilogy (1977-1983)
>7. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
>8. Ghostbusters (1984)
>9. Gremlins (1984)
peak reddit le 80s

>the fucking disaster artist

>Tum Burdm
>Teirrie Gillm
>Brufers Qway
Jesus fucking Christ James

Because they are literally reading these threads you dingus

Mike here to confirm it. You may be a bunch of jokers, but I'm quite the joker myself Yas Forums

Based fatties taking onboard Yas Forums's constructive criticism. Go Denim! Go Hack! Go Butterball!

So why can’t he make a good movie?

Why is this guy's fantasy to be a cashier at a video rental store?

I love that someone genuinely enjoying movies makes Yas Forums go into an autistic rage

>mentions that shitfest called AVGN the movie
Opinion dismissed

why do people act like you have to be an expert to talk about things on the internet? there's absolutely zero pretension about james rolfe, he just talks about the stuff that he's interested in. that's why people enjoy his content. it's almost like people enjoy listening to someone who is speaking in a relatable way over being lectured to by a smarmy "expert" critic.

>it’s another thread sucking some eceleb’s dick
Please leave.

>it's another post telling people to leave
>this is my 300th today
>tomorrow it will be the same
>years of telling people to leave

I just love how he managed to piss off the left with his Ghostbusters 2016 video and pissed off faggots here with his "great movies i dont like" video

And yeah Godfather 2 is overrated

>why do people act like you have to be an expert to talk about things on the internet? there's absolutely zero pretension about james rolfe, he just talks about the stuff that he's interested in. that's why people enjoy his content. it's almost like people enjoy listening to someone who is speaking in a relatable way over being lectured to by a smarmy "expert" critic.


I'm more than willing to suck Jame's cock. Yummy.


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The Disaster Artist?

? I don't get it.

It means you sound like a retarded redditor and should fuck off

No kidding. It's always been that way. That's why he had Mike write many of the earlier AVGN episodes like TMNT, Swordquest, Zelda 2 etc. Because Mike is autistic about retro vidya and James BARELY cares about it.
This is obvious if you watch any James and Mike Lets play or Mike stream.
James very casually enjoys retro video games. Mike is obsessed with playing video games.

James likes to make videos like this one here. THIS is his passion. AVGN was a fluke but it's the only think that pays his bills.

In the early ays of AVGN James had Mike write and record many of the videos. When Mike left James ended up getting the "slobs" to write it for him.

James does write many of the episode himself as well. But he has other people take on much of the workload because he doesn't like working on AVGN nearly as much as content like this.


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If so, why did his movie suck cock?

Attached: avgn1.jpg (1280x720, 59.93K)

Didnt he get so drunk at Mike's party that he shit in some vintage pac-man garbage can, puked on Mike, and fucked some fat chick on Mike's kitchen counter before being thrown out of the party? Then came back the next day to call Mike a fucking nerd and to collect his hat he left there?

AVGN web series written by James and Mike
AVGN movie written by Kevin Finn and April Rolfe

i didnt know that

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the idea that James ever had sex with anyone other than his wife

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College James was a completely different person than adult James.

how was he in college? i remember a couple of his friends made a documentary about him, and he really had the same personality as his current self

Attached: james rolfe pickle.jpg (2048x1536, 387.73K)

Way more of a Chad. Kinda reminds me of Brodie from Mallrats.

share more stories about his college years, this is interesting

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I hope he gets to make his zombie movie one day

he's not cool enough to do that

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I don't follow.

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Mike and James look the most convincing here. Vinny's pants are off-color, Ryan is Ryan, and Pat looks like a wigged-out drug dealer who they pulled off the street and pinned a badge on.

>Ryan is Ryan

Attached: ryan the godfather schott.jpg (1400x2600, 704.67K)

>g-g-guys before i talk about the three stooges I need to give a trigger warning some of the humor here was unaccaptable then and its unaccaptable now
Anybody still interested in anything he has to say is an idiot.

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>TFW no Jan Blu-Ray

>Mr Hardcore Skulls n Flames Metallica Slayer Rock music fan
>is a limp wristed cuck