>Sam Jackson & Chris Rock's partner die
>Chris Rock lives
>The new killer is a background character seen throughout the film
>There are 5 traps
>There is NO timeline twist
>Hoffman is confirmed dead in the film. They mention his body found in the bathroom
>Gordon is not on their radar or ever mentioned
>The new killer targets cops because they indirectly create criminals because they turned their back so society

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>The new killer, called The Organ Donor by the detectives, collects organs from the dead bodies
>The box that Chris Rock finds in the trailer is Sam Jacksons organs. This marks the beginning of Rock's test
>The organs from the victims are collected and distributed to people who appreciate their life.
>The people you see in the church are part of a rehabilitation group. They survived Jigsaw's previous tests but this new killer creates a cult following


>The Train Trap
>The Cement Trap
>The Flaming Car
>The Degloving Trap
>The All Seeing Eye

>ALL of the traps require the cops to make a sacrifice in order to save innocent civilians due to these cops always looking away. The new killer is making a point that many cops avoid bad neighborhoods because it's easier to collect a paycheck and live their lives comfortably and effectively turn their back on society.

>Essentially thieves, killers, junkies, rapists, and low life's of the world are CREATED by the cops indirectly due to looking the other way. Chris Rock and his partner are now forced to NOT look the other way, once they are involved

>The Organ Donor perverts Jigsaws method and philosophy

>In the "All Seeing Eye" trap, we find Rock in his final game. Him and another civilian just like the previous traps. He's given one last chance to NOT look the other way and must take the sacrifice to gouge his eyes out or else the civilian will die. The civilians face is covered and unconscious (symbolizing the faceless helpless people who he refused to help as a cop).

>Rock ends up saving his own skin and cowardly leaves the masked civilian to brutally die. The twist is we find out that this killing is being livestreamed and he gets exposed to the world

>The whole point is how these cops don't care about civilians and only care about their own skin. They only become involved when they find out The Organ Donor is targeting cops. When it's livestreamed people see how corrupt the police system is now. The world now knows and will always be watching the cops actions, so long as The Organ Donor is alive (the all seeing eye)

Cops goto the "bad neighborhoods" (black) and get shit by dindus for always hassling us.

Cops don't go, they get shit on by dindus for not doing enough.

>it's all so tiresome

Ok but he clearly gave those cops a choice. Not guilty is my verdict.

They are guilty to the eye of the public when the traps are livestreamed. That's a brilliant idea. Livestreaming kills makes sense

He is saying the organ donor is not guilty meme you worthless fucking retard

>Livestreaming your games
Zoomsaw isn't fit to lace Jiggy's boots. Is there any mention of the apprentice from Jigsaw or is he just forgotten about entirely?

>Essentially thieves, killers, junkies, rapists, and low life's of the world are CREATED by the cops indirectly due to looking the other way.

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It makes sense tho. Good people (cops in this case) not doing anything creates bad people

>Hoffman is confirmed dead in the film. They

Hoffman is confirmed dead in this film. Gordon isn't mentioned at all. They have no idea he's an apprentice of Jigsaw

>The organs from the victims are collected and distributed to people who appreciate their life.
wondering how they go about this
>doctor: your son needs a new liver
>here's one! operate
>wtf where did you even get this
>lol i dunno, anonymous mail drop
>ok lol

Being a cop is a less dangerous job than construction worker or truck driver

I meant the guy from the movie 'Jigsaw', think his name was Logan?
Wouldn't surprise me if they just forgot that movie existed, looks like most people already have.

Didnt Spiral come out already years ago?

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Delete this image right now. You can't just take a famous work of art like that and turn it into some anime faggotry. This is probably the most degenerate thing I've seen in all my years on Yas Forums.

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Logan is being tracked by Sam Jackson. He is catching on but ends up dying. The film set Logan up as the killer who "speaks for the dead" but it's a red herring. He's not the killer


She is ssssooooo fucking HOT and I want to fuck her ssssooooo bad!

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I wish liberals could figure out if they are pro authoritarian or not already.

The last Saw movie I watched was in 2006

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seek psychiatric help

A pale imitation.

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>Hoffman dead


There's already a ruling that cops aren't legally bound to protect you and are only there to enforce the law. It's not like 1 dude is going to torture an corrupt marshall in Nevada with some ridiculously elaborate trap and be in New England doing the same the other day. Gay premise but thanks for the spoilers.

Oh neat.

I was to put her in a trap that is just her on top of a symbian with a vibrating buttplug and the goal is to squirt all over my face till I drown in it

Looks like elliot Rodgers wtf

Who gives a shit

Fake fans. So I guess you hated the first few Saw films

This sounds fucking retarded. Law enforcement workers aren't obligated to get themselves killed to save others. it's written in their policy to keep their own safety top priority.

Rock acts cowardly and make comments about this killer taking out the trash and clearing up traffic so he isn't late to dinner

It's nothing to do about danger. It's the contrived idea that these cops need to be punished for "looking the other way which creates criminals" while when cops are placed in the neighborhoods of basketball Americans they are called oppressors, that they are hassling the community

I would be beyond pissed to think i got a renewal on life with my new kidney but end up dying from sepsis or tetanus or some other painful condition because the organ was extracted on the floor of a rundown abandoned warehouse turned crackhouse and placed in some rusty overly complicated trap.

>implying people who are getting the organs are previous victims who are now a part of the cult
>implying it's not dr.gordon doing the operations

I told you one day, I said they'd have that red carpet rolled out, yo
I'm nice, yo, fuck it I'm out cold
Now everywhere I go, they scream out 'Go'
I'm bout to clean house, yo
I'm Lysol, now I'm just household
Outsold the sell outs, freak the hell out
Middle America, hear them yell out
In terror they were so scared, and those kids
Just about, belted out
Whatever spout that it fell out
Of my smartaleck mouth, it was so weird
Inappropriate, so be it, I don't see it
Maybe one day when the smoke clears, it won't be as
Motherfuckin' difficult, ch'yea, til then
Hopefully you little homos get over your fears and grow beards

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No but every original character is dead and I doubt Gordon is making an appearance. This is going to be shit just like Jigsaw.

>Rock ends up saving his own skin and cowardly leaves the masked civilian to brutally die. The twist is we find out that this killing is being livestreamed and he gets exposed to the world
And...so in the minds of liberals they see the cop as a "coward" as opposed to the sick fuck who put the cop through the whole ordeal.

Liberals really are mentally ill.

>The Degloving Trap
We aren't quadrupeds that shake themselves dry, our skin is attached through a massive network of connective tissue. You get maybe a third off before a weak spot in the skin tears away from itself.

I like all the movies except Jigsaw. I've been a fan since they first came out. You're all up in these threads screaming "fake fan" but I bet you just got into this series three weeks ago. Dilate and kill yourself.

Jigsaw is a liberal, retard. Remember Saw 6 is all about universal healthcare and how you jerks don't believe it's a right and essentially kill people because you want these sick people to pay a shit ton of money even though they may die

He also kidnapped a bunch of skinheads in Saw 7. Their leader had to rip off his skin to survive.

Based Jigsaw.

>Jigsaw is a liberal, retard.
Makes sense. So Saw is a liberal revenge fantasy film franchise.

God, they really are sick, sick people.


O shit I had no idea.

I wouldn't gouge out my eyes to save some schlub who I don't know either

>The twist is we find out that this killing is being livestreamed and he gets exposed to the world
It was about time Jigsaw tapped into the red room industry

It's a new decade, generation, and new killer

>Jigsaw is a liberal, retard
Stopped reading there.
Liberals love their sanctuary cities and now with "crime reform" they're not letting ICE take away illegals who commit crimes and are letting people out on no bail who are repeat offenders.
Cop killers and literal rapists are being set free. I don't think Jigsaw would.

Fuck off retard.

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I didn't say John Kramer. I said "Jigsaw".

It's not Jigsaw, retard. His name is The Organ Donor

I don't see what's wrong with this plot.

what's the cliffhanger white boi?

I don't give a shit. If you are the main killer in a Saw movie, you are Jigsaw.

I love the social commentary and the meaning behind the traps and how livestreaming will play a huge role. It's very modern.

Literally nothing wrong with it. I'm excited lads

>inb4 I'm a shill pajeet

Not really a cliffhanger but this is the twist, in case you missed it.

>In the "All Seeing Eye" trap, we find Rock in his final game. Him and another civilian just like the previous traps. He's given one last chance to NOT look the other way and must take the sacrifice to gouge his eyes out or else the civilian will die. The civilians face is covered and unconscious (symbolizing the faceless helpless people who he refused to help as a cop).

>Rock ends up saving his own skin and cowardly leaves the masked civilian to brutally die. The twist is we find out that this killing is being livestreamed and he gets exposed to the world

>The whole point is how these cops don't care about civilians and only care about their own skin. They only become involved when they find out The Organ Donor is targeting cops. When it's livestreamed people see how corrupt the police system is now. The world now knows and will always be watching the cops actions, so long as The Organ Donor is alive (the all seeing eye)

They sure are.

>The twist is we find out that this killing is being livestreamed and he gets exposed to the world

OH NO...what EVERY cop fears, being on camera while they work!

Meanwhile, in reality the vast majority of cops are for wearing body cams while on duty because it vindicates them and their actions in most cases.

>No timeline twist
Didn't someone in the editing room say they loved Hello Zepp but got sick of hearing it over and over in the edit?

> I wouldn't gouge out my eyes to save some schlub who I don't know either

This. And only in a liberal fantasy World would the general public see the cop as a "coward" as opposed to the sick fuck who put him through all of these " trials".