Season 1 was kino

Season 1 was kino
Season 2 was complete utter garbage.
Nigger-Kovacs was literally sleepwalking through the role. Joel KINOman was god-tier compared to this shit.

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anthony mackie has 0 stage presence

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The plot was absolutely retarded and clearly written by tumblr whores

The critics all agree S2 was way better!

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I thought this nigger could act for some reason. Don't ask me why I had this impression, cause I don't know how I got brainwashed into thinking this. After this season I'm convinced he's Hollywood's version of a diversity hire. It's like this faggot didn't even bother to watch S1.

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>Literally saves your second season

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Season 2 in a nutshell:

>"Hey it's Takeshi Kovacs, the last envoy!"
>"You're right! Let's beat the shit out of him lol"

Do it for her

why is the audience so racist?

disappointing desu

Is this the right aspect ratio

>dark sci-fi atmosphere killed with fucking forest and stuff. you could say it became soulless
>s1 was an absolute kino noir story
>s2 became a boring military bullshit
>much less gore and tits
>cliches and useless elements, such as the fucking father-son or the "love story" things
>bad acting
>literally fucking no one cares about the envoys

as you can see, not the niggers made s2 so bad. switching the race of actors could work very well with the sleeve switching oriented story. most of us hate s2 simplay because they have fucking fucked that one up.

he stood out because everyone else was shit and because the guy at least tried to be consistent with the character of Kovacs.
Every time he showed up in S1, everyone was thinking: "can we hurry up and just get back to KinoKovacs instead of this?"
Now it was the opposite of that and I actually enjoyed his scenes. Funny how the low points of season 1 became the high points of season 2. It reflects the drop in quality.

>Casting a homosexual as a leading man in an action show

What could go wrong?

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did this seriously come out? any good nude scenes?

>everybody generally liked Poe
>the show went through some implausible asspull to bring him back
A bit cowardly, but understandable

>everybody hated Quell
>the episode centering on her was acknowledged as the worst of the series
>entire second season now revolves around her

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You're gonna love this: no. No nudity, almost no bloody violence, a lot of black empowerment and ruminations on how intelligent and righteous Quellcrist Falconer is

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Because >muh fucking diversion
If you actually watched it, you'll see the acting gap.

is this guy a closet-faggot or something?
He also kissed a guy in that Black Mirror episode.

I liked Jaeger seeing Takeshi as his son.

don't forget that AI bitch that got """raped""" because the bad man gave her sudo commands to overwrite her free will and make her talk kek

I like Poe enough that I don't care about the asspull bringing him back. Though it does devalue his kino death in S1.

Pls bring back cute sister and Latina cop

everytime a character says "Quellcrist Falconer" i literally cringe. so fucking campy. like maybe it worked in the books but hearing people say it twenty times an episode makes you realize how fucking retarded of a name it is.

when that cutie working the controls cut the power and said "Long Live Quellcrist Falconer" i almost dropped the show for good. GOD FUCKING DAMN THIS SEASON WAS SO BAD WHY DID I FINISH IT

The cop is a grandma now.

Should i watch last few episodes of season 1? I didn't know Poe died.

danica gets nude

When did absolutely every race get thrown under the diversity bus anyway?

Like I get the "fuck wypipo" shit goes back years but the "ideal diversity means no whites, no Asians, no Hispanics and no middle easterners" is kind of new and jarring

>replace good writing with shitty writing
>replace good actors with shitty actors
>replace bad rotten tomato critic scores with good rotten tomato critic scores

his death scene is amazing. The special effects for S1 where really out of this world, especially in that scene. It really gave me hope that if we can achieve this level of visual quality with a TV series budget, then a Warhammer TV series is also possible. Now I don't want it anymore because if it's going to be produced by Netflix or HBO it will be some cringe garbage where Tyrone will play the emperor.

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>Good Guys: Asians and Blacks

>Bad Guys: Whites and Mexicans

The second part of season 1 is noticeably weaker but it's watchable.

it wasnt the actor that ruined it it was the story.....
first was like some neo noir blade runner shit......second was like every meh netflix sci fi series ever

utter garbage doesn't even cover some of the acting and writing in season 2. I was hoping for something good and this turned into warm diarrhoea

the star of S1, Joel Kinoman, is Jewish irl

>it wasnt ONLY the actor that ruined it it was the story.....
fixed that for you
also it's like that other user said, they went full retard with the whole
>let's take this neo-noir/cyberpunk story that takes place in cool futuristic cities and move it in a fucking forest and a shit-tier colony. The funniest shit was with that governor bitch's lair which was literally a house in the woods. A house in the year 2500 that looked exactly like a modern day house on the outside, but with cooler screens on the inside.

I stopped watching it after the giant hologram tells the people inthe city that the mines are reopened, cause it was boring me, so I shouldn't watch the rest of it?

i just want to see this milf naked again

Hell, I only watched it for the sake of watching it. S1 is miles away from this shit.

i am now realizing the only thing that made season 1 good was the sexy latina with fake tits

Was it fake though?

pretty sure they are fake and as someone who hate fake tits they look fucking great

I really like sexy latinas screaming because they're mad

Don't watch it, it even undermines s1 with shit, revealing unnecesary things in a bad way while removing any mystery season 1 created.

oh shit they bring back wei shen? nice

I do hate fake tits, too, but hers look more on the natural side.

Yes. I want you to suffer like rest of us,

how come this is the first time i hear there's a second season
but i agree that the first season was pretty kino
>rewatching the show noticing everyone's behavior around kovacs knowing what they know
really satisfying

Theres an anime season coming as well

>Daniel Jackson dies in the first episode

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oh no no no no

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>before: perfection
>after: bogged beyond belief

fuck this gay earth bros

Women are fucking idiots

>People actually think the first season past episode 3 was kino

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> be 5 mins ago
> "I wonder when's S02 coming out, let me check IMDB"
> look it up
> top 3 episodes are all from S01
> think S02 is not out yet
> check release date
> already out
> highest rated ep is 7.4
what the fuck happened?

i feel bad for asian takeshi. he appears to be the only actor putting in any effort and it shows.

I heard they turned season 2 into an action story instead of a detective story like season 1.

I rewatched her resleeve scene a couple of times.

>after: bogged beyond belief
come on it's not that bad

give that shit a year to settle in and after the hollyjew money dries up it will be like the wall was strapped to rocket engines and launched directly at her face


>there's no nudity, half the gore, and less swearing
>worst character in season 1 (falconer) is now top billed
>Gay, black, female bounty hunter who's good at everything
>Anthony Mackie has none of the rage or sorrow that Kinnamen had
>dumb ass fucking stupid alien sentient virus horse shit.
Such an anemic season. It had no fucking teeth.