Kinos for not wanting to live

Kinos for not wanting to live

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I hated life. My head would literally boil. Took sertraline everyday and am fucking booming.

Watched this movie in jail, had no idea what it was about, holy shit that was a hard week.

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A Single Man

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that video tape from the ring

Tell us your jail story, user? Pretty please?

this is the only film that nearly made me cry

When I was in jail, the cool deputy came in with his dvd player and binder of dvd's, hooked it up and said we can pick ONE movie only to watch.

inmates decided for over 10 minutes, going through about 100 dvds. in the end, King Kong (2005) was picked. All 3 hours and 21 minutes of it. It was glorious.

My gf of 8 years and 2 kids left me for a guy at work, I hit the guy over the head with a socket wrench, he needed stitches.

I got 5 years, in the UK you serve half your sentence, the rest on probation. There were good times and bad times.

>2 kids
lmao you got what you deserved

When I got to open jail I had a DVD player with a USB port. I went home for a couple days a month so would load up a stick and shove it up my ass to sneak it back in.

She was a slut and a liar, stuck with her because of the kids, didn't need to marry her.

is this manchester by the sea?

it’s a shame we don’t see more of casey b/c of the gay metoo movement

why did you have kids (TWO KIDS) with her in the first place then you dumb fuck

It just happens man, get off my back

>is this manchester by the sea?
>it’s a shame we don’t see more of casey b/c of the gay metoo movement
He is fairly present. Won the Oscar for Manchester by the Sea, had great performances in A Ghost Story and The Old Man & the Gun and directed his own film Light of My Life which was more than great, like a more intimate human oriented father daughter version of The Road, hated by feminist twitter warriors though.
Sure no huge name projects, but I doubt he is even up for that now.

Best way to kill myself lads?

smooch a chinaman

America you’d do like a month tops

I thought they checked the anus thoroughly upon arrival?

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these and Leviathan

the bar scene in both this and the fire within is great

They saw what films he picked and could not tell them apart from actual feces

Shoot some heroin. If you don’t OD, you get euphoria, otherwise you get the sweet release of death

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Wouldn't it just be quicker for me to inject air?

The point is that if you fail to die you get high

nah dont can give you an aneurysm which you then survive but with brain damage/ loss of motor function
no risk with heroin, you either die or you dont die and feel great

Stop trying to sell me heroin.

Fucking kek

just buy it come on everyone will think you're cool

My mom takes that and says i should try it, shit fucking terrifies me though.

He just directed a movie on amazon about his daughter being the last female on earth so he has to dress her up like a boy to keep her all to himself.

>every time

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I went 15 years with never taking anything etc, fucked my head up bad. Finally went to the doctors, let it all out and put my on sertraline.

My head is just completely free of literally all negative thoughts and pain. It really is amazing. Only side effect I got for the first 2 weeks when I started was just being tired. I know pop like 2 a day. It's great.

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There are people who just want to fucking die

>metoo movement
What's he done?

Its been about 15 years for me, all i think about is how ive been living each moment waiting for that to end so i can get the next thing over with, like that dumb wojak
>my feet hurt
Fuck it man

Dude go to your GP and ask for it.

Watch Endless Poetry by Jodorowsky

Why not hit her?

I decided to wageslave my ass off and save about 20k and go out leaving las vegas style but instead of drinking myself to death I'm gonna jump off the grand canyon, it's gonna be fun, I'll eat nice dinners, smoke weed and drink, hopefully score some coke and fuck some whores, a nice degenerate time.

Alpha move by the director

fuck it, cocksucker had it coming. imagine ratting another man out for that

Fuck off jew big pharma shill
Nobody needs pills

Anyone who posts this movie is a failed normie and deserves to get shot.
>I'm Norwegian Chad and my life is so depressive wah wah!!
Fuck outta here faggots

>yeah, man. mental illness aint real. schizos just need to eat some honey, man. natural herbs n bark n shit, man

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and feminists still shat on him kek


>>yeah, man. mental illness aint real. schizos just need to eat some honey, man. natural herbs n bark n shit, man

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Remember user, if you kill yourself, they've won.

Was gonna post this. Fucked me up at 18 yrs old and angsty af

Like how trannies pretend it’s possible to be born with the wrong brain because intersex disorders exist, 99.9% of the “mentally ill” use schizophrenia to validate entirely thought based “disorders.”

>Chads can't have it rough too
Look at Kurt Cobain, he had everything and he offed himself

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Cobain was a drug addict, who knows what went through his head

>who knows what went through his head
I know what you want from me but you aren't going to get it

He would get dragged into a groid fight and have to serve an extra 6 months.

he was a cuck clown