Kinos for this feel?

kinos for this feel?

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dont get it

bernie bros are mad at niggers


democrats already give blacks the gibs bernie bros want so badly
>I deliberately entered a thread...

>>I deliberately entered a thread...
off topic threads can be shat on

Based melanoids saving America from socialism

Bernie bros want education what they dont understand that Tyrone only wants free air jordans

you deliberately entered a board to post off-topic shit you dumb fuck kill yourself

>b-but i'm gonna be on debt
Just don't pay it

so can you though

based niggers dabbing on the soys

Bernie bros will end up voting for Trump

Bernie bros don’t vote at all

Keep on telling yourself that. Will be glorious seeing the Democratic Party fall flat on its face again

>following politics in 2020
fuck off im a NEET, this is a NEET board.

why are you white people so obsessed with blacks lmao

it's not white people, it's specifically yanks


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they are so frickin epic it's unreal. Every waking moment I think about how cool they are and how superior at basketball they are

Everything's free if you just don't pay for it lol what are they gonna do, put you in jail? that's free food, free housing and free entertainment.

lol this retard is a president
america's collective iq is like 5

oi you got a loiscence to be fucked in the ass by Americans?

At least Bernie is a dark horse candidate meanwhile Biden will get chewed alive by Trump. I genuinely would not get surprised if Biden starts crying during the debates because Trump is a meanie.

nonwhites have zero incentive to vote for bernie's democratic socialism when they already get shit like healthcare/college/food/etc for free anyway.

I told all my berniebro friends this back in 2016 and they didn't get it then either.

Seems like he struck a cord with the manlet bit

Hispanics and young blacks love him it's mostly the old blacks with obama brain voting for biden

lmao u seem butthurt as hell

Latinos like Bernie cause he wants amnesty for illegals. Blacks, except for some young blacks, prefer Biden for your reasons

Imagine Trump just asking "where are we. what day is it. what did you have for breakfast." and Biden stammering because he sundowns so fucking hard he can't even get the names of states right.

Blacks already get welfare, healthcare and free scholarships simply for being black, all paid for by middle class tax payers thus they see no need to vote for a progressive since the democratic plantation already gives them table scraps to keep them poor and voting blue

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Hunter Biden shitposting also, whatever happens it will be comedy gold

Even healthcare?

What do you think medicaid is? Nogs get everything handed to them on a silver platter

Love how libs hate the notion of america actually being on par with other 1st world countries so much they'd rather elect a senile faggot who can't even string a sentence together.
Anything to beat DRUMPF

>Blacks already get welfare, healthcare and free scholarships simply for being black

lmao and burgers dare to laugh at euros?

Some of this could be applied to biden too.

Then why don't all white poor people just get medicare and welfare? All of Brnie supporters could get it now since it's available, according to your logic. It's not only for blacks, moron

>White people getting food stamps and getting scholarships for playing sports is the Gov't way of handling blacks free stuff

Based retards

I was talking about Biden. Say what you will about Sanders, he's still mentally "there"

What happened to all the "anons" from a few days ago that were really hyping up Bernie? Where did they go?

berniebros are middle class. They don't get medicaid. And not shit it's not "just" for blacks, but proportionality is a thing.

cheque bounced

How are they middle class since so many of them are in school debt??

Trump is going to win so, so easily. lmao

not sure if trolling or just retarded

>Then why don't all white poor people just get medicare and welfare?

Same as in Europe they are seen as low priority with niggers or other shitskins put on top of the list

If they are middle class then why do they need free healthcare since they can just pay for it, user? Think about it

So the joke is not "I'm good at sports, so everything is free" ?

>namefag is a retard

Yes, they're already getting free shit for being a minority.

Black people benefit from those far disproportionately to anyone else in the US retard

>the former vice president of the first black president gets the colored vote instead of some old Jew
Who exactly was surprised by this again?

They're too busy trying to get their donations refunded

Yet you can't answer. If Bernie suppoerters (I'm a supporter) are middle class then why can't they just pay for their healthcare?

I'm sorry, but did Bernie already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only Super Tuesday. Does not having the lead at Super Tuesday count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Bernie is still playing right now and he has been the best candidate in the race for how many years now? He's playing one of the worst politicians in the DNC who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of SC boomer voters. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Sanders is one of the best fucking senators in congress, he went 13-3 last year and would of won the 2016 nomination if the voting wasn't rigged. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Sanders wins. Oh look at that, Biden just forgot his name again when he needed to remember it, just like Hillary did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this sub again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Sanders topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing

I'd rather have Biden losing against Trump than Sanders losing against Trump. Trump is gonna win as long the the economy keep doing well. That's just a fact. At least if Biden loses it might be a lesson to the Democratic leadership for nominating another conservative candidate when it's clearly not what people want. Under another four years of Trump hopefully a stronger opposition will grow.

That's absurd

I did last time, but this time I've decided I'm done giving a shit what happens politically

>niggers are so stupid they vote for a candidate that has brain damage and is literally going through dementia because he seems smart to them

completely btfo by last nights primaries. biden has a significant lead and most of the states left to vote are southern/midwestern rural and suburban retards who will go for Biden. And if it's anywhere near close the superdelegates will swing it for Biden.
It's basically impossible for bernie to get the nomination now unless biden has a complete breakdown (which admittedly is a possibility)

Young blacks overwhelmingly support Bernie but they dont vote, it's the old ones that voted for biden

The DNC isn't going to learn shit. They EXPECT Biden to lose, but he's doing his job by cucking Bernie. They like their party just the way it is, and someone stirring up the hornet's nest is too much trouble. They probably feel pretty comfortable that 2024 is theirs, and they'll just run Hillary 2.0 then. Biden 2.0 then. And unless the GOP has something up their sleeve, they'll win.

>13% of the population
>41.6 % of welfare queens


Real answer even though you're trolling:

Because all the social programs in america were designed to help americans in a depression. They were never meant to support a population of low IQ underclasses like blacks and illegals for perpetuity.

The rich and the democrats have twisted them into some horrible system of poverty you can't escape from and now we have billion dollar corporations like wal-mart with 60% of their employees on government assistance and black people who only vote for people who won't take away their welfare.

We are in a decline that is impossible to recover from btw

> brain damage and is literally going through dementia because he seems smart to them
Well yeah he is their most relatable candidate

Bernie won the Hispanic vote by a lot yesterday. Bernie also has more support than Biden among young niglets but like I said they don't vote ever

>candidate that has brain damage and is literally going through dementia because he seems smart to them

No you’re confused. They DIDNT vote for bernie, thats what the meme is about.

Bernouts seething that nignogs saved burgerland from communism
Andrew Yang was the only one willing to implement the long overdue UBI

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>off topic thread is still up

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is that you user?


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That's reality yeh

these will be the two only two possibilities if Biden gets the nom.

The American social service system has been manipulated via preferential tax- treatment and financialization to transfer wealth from the middle class upward to the elites

ok this is based

Is that you??

wew lad

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no (check'd)

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>trumptard seething

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I know you don't lol

what's the sauce for this lmao