I'm bad! I'm bad! That's right. Yeah!

>I'm bad! I'm bad! That's right. Yeah!

Attached: HalDances-1-.png (850x443, 219.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


iFunny has inherited Yas Forums's mantle.

Long live the King

Attached: KingofiFunny.jpg (590x393, 45.16K)

>animated movie from the 2000s
>ends with a dance party

Attached: E5A00301-70C8-423B-BEA2-D92602026191.png (399x400, 13.06K)

This, they slowly are becoming more based than all of our boards combined. God bless 'em

Attached: Huh.jpg (460x545, 31K)



Attached: Shrek solo.jpg (701x702, 148.12K)

penis music


Holy Christ kill yourselves

>character(s) dancing next to credits
>animated bloopers

Attached: 11EF462C-7842-43D0-A356-24651AA5E85C.png (744x687, 43.6K)

Make me, faggot

Attached: Teenage mustant nigga turtles.gif (300x225, 608.15K)

redpill me on ifunny
is it really based as they say?

>literally 9gag for 13 year olds


LITERALLY Yas Forums - the character

Attached: images (92).jpg (340x398, 11.2K)

Looks like Jared Genesis lol

Attached: 04106116-76F9-412F-9C5E-64D363DC27AE.jpg (400x400, 32.08K)

I agree.

Attached: JONAH HILL.jpg (713x598, 223.03K)

3D animation ages like shit

Attached: MV5BNmUxYTE0MWQtYWRkMS00ZmZkLWE1YTktNjk1ZGYzNmZkYjllL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc2NjA5MTU@._V1_.jpg (596x448, 167.83K)

what is this phenotype?

cock tunes

No one asked

Attached: NONONO AAAAAAAAA.webm (960x540, 1.79M)

le 106 face

The "guy named Kyle who plays modern warfare 2 seriously" phenotype.

Gotta subscribe to specific people first to get in deep. The frontal layer of the site is practically run bots. The only a real and meaningful way to browse the site is by subscribing to certain individuals within "deep ifunny" and going from there.

Start with FriendFox, Logart, Colaws, Amerikaner, UnfucktheRight, Threeyedbluepatrick, Bruce Campbell and JohnnyTesticles.

From there you'll branch off and find new things on your own.

you probably won’t be able to get into it
you have to ignore everything else and find the inner sanctum where the old Yas Forums type shit goes down

Suburban Jewish

thanks will check them out
now im even more curious
i thought deep ifunny was just a joke but if its real i want to find it

fuck off normie Yas Forumsoomer faggot

>why yes, I do watch all my yifi kinos on VLC media player, why do you ask?

Attached: 7b3[1].jpg (1000x1478, 73.08K)

You have to be 18 or older to post here

What genre is penis music?

Toy Story 2 is over 20 years old and still looks good

it’s real and still there but the glory days were a few years ago


Penis music

i liked the /f/ of this

Yas Forums is destined for irrelevancy unless gook moot allows webm with audio on all boards

You’re trying too hard on your first day

Reddit but for school shooters

Reddit for kids who think they aren’t normalfags but are still normalfags

>gets OP superpowers
>doesn't immediately start raping
He's a fucking disgrace.

You'd love Homelander


Erm that's Yas Forums sweaty.

He didn't rape anyone though

>Shrek 2
>Despicable Me 1/2 (haven't seen 3)
>Hotel Transylvania 1/2

The one who brings Leo and Chadding Tatum over and then leaves kind.

Toy Story 2, and 3 probably

What are the lyrics of penis music?

I seriously doubt that anyone in this thread is over 18


One of my favorite childhood memories is being 10 years old, dancing with my little sister and my little stepsisters to the end credits of Madagascar
Legit have the lyrics memorized lol

Fuck I miss being happy

Attached: madagascar.gif (400x197, 745.87K)


Attached: 1578188463449.png (225x225, 7.73K)

Unironically the best meme I've seen in years.


I’m turning 19 in April dad.

Attached: 53727BA0-19E5-4628-9D2E-5FB5C76D1B14.jpg (976x850, 57.91K)

If it makes it any better, we're all the same race? My dad is a good black dude who divorced a crazy white girl, and my stepmom is a good white girl who divorced a crazy black dude. So right from the beginning we all had a lot in common, it helped us feel like real siblings.

Garfield, Open Season, Over the Hedge

Dios mio...

Imagine a world where nobody dated black people... imagine the functionality.
Oh wait, that was the United States post WWII

Ice Age 4

My dad was the functional one in the relationship though. It was his first, 100% pure nordic, wife who was the psycho.

>IKEA had a kids crèche
>Had these massive wooden steps leading to a kino theatre
>Used to watch Shrek and ice age there

Point stands.

All's well that end's well, right?

who wanted to race-betray so bad he married some psycho twat and raised a broken family

Nothing is well right now but I guess your dad is an alright guy apparently?


Yeah he's great. One of the smartest and most hardworking men I've ever met. He's been a doctor for more than 30 years.

Well he didn't know she was nuts when he married her. He was walking out of cornell with his degree and some cute church girl from Ithaca was all over him, poor guy didn't consider an ulterior motive on her part.