Was it rape?

Was it rape?

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post the face swap always gives me a chuckle


No, they were married.

It only turned into rape after she found her beta provider, Jon Snow.

It's so hot how you can see her belly paunch jiggling as she gets fucked.


it wasn't "rape" rape.

was it snape?

He raped her real good

Attached: Drogo_Dany_Season_1.jpg (1241x720, 136.13K)

>Let's rape a smile on that FACE

seemed less rapey in the book

No, it was podracing.

Attached: a4Q95pA_460s.jpg (460x242, 26.29K)

rape is a paradox because 100% of women fetishize it

she was also like 6 years younger in the book, the author is a freak.


Why weren't women upset by this back in 2011? Why did they all get wet for Drogo?

>Was it rape?
Rape is a social construct

No, but only because the dude was attractive. Otherwise yeah

Some did, and bookfags were upset because it was different from the books, but there was less overall rage because it wasn't as popular at first as it later became.

Remember when people lost their shit over Sansa being raped by Ramsay Bolton even though she agreed to marry him and become his wife?

apparently girls got wet as an otters pocket over this scene
funny too cos the actor has an older wife and step family. He hit his chad uber-streak while he wasn't able to do fuck all

The Drogo rape scene was necessary to tell the story. The Ramsay rape scene was pre sensationalism.

did you read the book version of that scene
shudders...yeeeeauch..poor theon

was it ever told how old she was in the show? maybe it's implied if not.

In the medieval world concept of marital rape wasn't recognized, so no. Furthermore, the Quran says a husband has the right to enjoy his wife's vagina.

Someone please post Sophie getting raped, I've never seen GOT.

Attached: 7be5c2e51140432c5e5ceb85ed784664.jpg (736x1308, 252.37K)

The scene is hot. Someone post the webm. I used to have it myself, but deleted it a while back.
Drogo has stroke game.

It wasn't rape though, see:

Book dany was 14, tv-show is 16

Ramsay did not rape Sansa, because they were married.

Quads and I'll post the video of my side pig diarrheaing my dick out during our latest lovemaking session.

Attached: terminator.jpg (1050x700, 94.97K)

ok, we get it. Haha, funny.

She looks like Lana Rhoades

>people got upset over it
>sophie is a perv and said she enjoyed doing the scene

Of course not.

Attached: LOL.jpg (1916x852, 120.8K)

>not Alex Tanner

Attached: MV5BYWQzNmMzYTEtMDg3Ni00ODNmLThhYzQtZGQxNWFiN2M1ZTRlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,687,1000_AL_.jpg (687x1000, 75.5K)

They don't actually show her getting raped, just her screaming

He butt fucked her. And was gay.
That wasn't rape, that was diverse enrichment.

What is so funny? Baseless rape accusation is a serious matter, kiddo.

Yeah, and it was beautiful

>You're kinda hot for a cunt.
>You bleeding, or you wet?

Just a lil bit rapey

No and neither was this.
Back in the good old days arranged marriages were common among high-borns, whether the girl likes it or not didn't matter. It was simply her duty.

Attached: sansa-ramsey[1].jpg (650x363, 27.53K)

lol no

Attached: but we are not men.webm (1280x720, 1.86M)

Womens number one fantasy is rape, they need it

Yes, but it was consensual rape.

i gaurentee countless fat broads that hate rape flicked their bean to the idea of getting pounded by khal lol.

>Back in the good old days

Attached: COOM.png (1119x898, 886.39K)

>Why weren't women upset by this back in 2011?
Women weren't watching GOT in 2011.

>I’ll even do it with the dogs! Please!

Becsuse he is hot

I thought it was
>”is that cum or blood?”

No, she gave it up willingly.

It was beautiful.

Full scene please.

But not from you though lol

Either way it was hot

Why do you holes always have the same pathetic tactic? I dont care about your holes, ive fucked best of the best.

Are doctors murderers because they aren't using nanomachines that aren't invented yet to cure everything?

Apparently you don't need to be some chiseled Chad for that though, it's enough to be really big and tall, even brutish. Some are even preferring that for their rape fantasies.

"Big" doesn't mean lardass bugmen or basement dweller though. Strength is the base requirement, if you look like you would be huffing and puffing subduing her, it's over.

You can't rape your property.

Doesn't matter, post Missandei