Why didn’t the crazy bitch just go under the water? lol

Why didn’t the crazy bitch just go under the water? lol

Bravo, Tarantino!

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I don't think she was expecting there to be a flamethrower present when she came up for air

ok but when she was on fire why didnt she just dip underwater to put it out? she was literally submerged in a body of water.

Tarantino is a hack.

it was already too late, she was fucked

How? If you're on fire you go to water.

The flamethrower covers you in fuel, so she'd still be coated, and ignite upon resurfacings

Not how it works.

why do you care, its violence against women on the big screen in 2020
ill take what i can get

Because it's fucking stupid.

panic and shock probably
she didn't seem all that competent to me anyway, I wouldn't expect her to be able to do anything to help herself

Because none of it happened, Cliff hallucinated the whole thing

Tarantuall wasn't going for "realism" in this scene

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its in because tarantino could put it in because as a lover of hollywood, he fucking hates the manson family and what they've done and he's willing to give them a brutal death while also mocking them at the same time


It absolutely is


Because she was "crazy"? Gone amok? Why you asking question you know answer to?


let's say this stupid bitch had the presence of mind to go underwater, then what? Hold her breath forever? She is a retarded teenage hippie who just had her faced caved in, she probably barely even knows where she is and you want her to act like a combat marine.

Prove it, faggot.

Have my upvote, good sir!

it's natural instinct to go to water

Nah. It does

I love how Yas Forums has turned into retards asking questions about movies. Or people not understanding why things are the way they are. Then you get people asking "WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY" ALL FUCKING DAY! HERE'S MYYYY REASONING FOR THIS THING TO HAPPEN IN THIS MOVIE. HERE'S WHAT IIIIIIIIIIIIII THINK, YOU'RE WRONG, BECAUSE IIIIIII THINK THIS. Fucking faggots.


Water extinguishes fire. You should have learned this in preschool.

Not when it’s a gel numb nuts

Nice copout.

Based tarantino making the best film of the year and making retards on Yas Forums seethe


Do you think a flamethrower shoots just fire?
It launches the fuel which catches fire as its launched. That shit does not go out unless you cut off the oxygen.

How's mine a copout? I'm tired of seeing the stupidest fucking questions being asked. I'm realizing more and more that people that come here are fucking stupid. There's so many actual stupid people here. No regard, they post constant threads with no meaning. The ask questions with no answer. Rhetorical bullshit that makes this place a fucking wasteland of idiots. Self centered retards.

>I love how Yas Forums has turned into retards asking questions about movies. Or people not understanding why things are the way they are. Then you get people asking "WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY" ALL FUCKING DAY! HERE'S MYYYY REASONING FOR THIS THING TO HAPPEN IN THIS MOVIE. HERE'S WHAT IIIIIIIIIIIIII THINK, YOU'RE WRONG, BECAUSE IIIIIII THINK THIS. Fucking faggots.

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Exactly my point hereCongratulations. You make this place more and more reddit everyday with this faggot bullshit.

>That shit does not go out unless you cut off the oxygen.
Kinda like going underwater? Pwnd.

Read this in Quentin Tarantino's voice

Water has oxygen bud


You read it. Don't lie on the internet.

Not enough.

Yeah enough

>no proof
Automatic disqualification. I at least provided a video. You lose and I am VERY based as usual.

>it's another act like a retard thread
tv """"""""""humor""""""""""""""


it would fuck your lungs up if you took one breath in while that flame was on your face. You would drown in your own phlegm, the water would put the fire out if you went under, but your lungs would be gone by then.

Not an argument.

He wasn’t making an argument spastic

>the water would put the fire out if you went under
Exactly. Thank you.

You mean you? Sad.

>schizo posting now to cope
Sad indeed

this is going to bother me on future viewings now

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she should have submerged herself, negating all damage, then double jumped out of the pool and then spun while in mid-air and shot Rick between the eyes. That's what I would have done, she had a gun

Keep digging. It's hilarious.

>future viewings of the shittiest film of 2019

Keep thinking you’re only arguing with one person. Fucking loser lmao

>Fucking loser lmao

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>wojak posting
That’s when you know they’re really mad

This is by far, THE most cancerous thread I've read on any board in a long time. Bravo Yas Forums

Why, because I’m right and nobody can refute it?

What you wanna drown or something? retard

You do know you can go under water and come back up to the surface, right? Do you not know how to swim?

When you touch a hot stove for a fraction of a second you still get injured, same applies if someone sets you on fire

I’m not saying she wouldn’t be seriously injured, but she could have lived.

Why didn't she just use the Eagles to fly her away from the flames?

There's going to be people that have no clue what you even mean.

Because she failed her constitution save idiot

She had blood in her eyes you fucking mongoloids
fuck i really hate this board

Huh, I wonder how she could have washed blood out of her eyes... Hmm.. if only there was some water nearby.

yeah, she should have plenty of HP left.

>excuse me hold on a second and don't torch me to death I need to wash the blood out of my eyes which are constantly profusely bleeding regardless if i splash water on them, thanks bro.

>why doesn’t character do X?????
Cringe and limp wristed

Ahhh, yes. Take a nice quick relaxing dip under the water to rinse off the blood. The blood in here face from the glass, the dog bites too. All she needed was to relax and take a dip! Right, man?! RIGHT!? IF only she just STOPPED screaming! Ya know??? If only Tarantino thought about REALLLLITYYYY!



Cope post