#1 rated movie on IMDB

>#1 rated movie on IMDB
>check it out
>he could somehow did a 4'x4' mile long tunnel WITHOUT any guards discovering him
>he climbs out of the sewer pipes that ISN'T gated


How is this shit rated so fucking highly?

Attached: shawshank.png (965x680, 1.62M)

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suspend disbelief and enjoy the story, autist

The tunnel was a few feet, retard

Yeah, I've been saying this for years but no-one cares.

The film goes out of its way to say it's "not a fairy story" and then it has this nonsense. He's supposed to have dug the tunnel over the course of years. And all that time they never checked and they never moved him to a different cell (the way prisons always do, for obvious reasons)? Ridiculous.

>>he could somehow did a 4'x4' mile long tunnel WITHOUT any guards discovering him
a) he had a big god damned poster
b) he only carved out two handfuls of rock a day
c) he had the guard's favor
d) the guard checks were on regular intervals and never changed up
e) the tunnel wasn't a mile long. it was 15 feet at most

>>he climbs out of the sewer pipes that ISN'T gated
No one ever thought that a prisoner could/would go through a shitpipe to escape. Because it wasn't modern prisons.

>gets rid of dirt every day in the yard by shaking it out of his legs
>guards never notice him doing this one time in twenty years, or notice any new dirt piles in the yard

Your arguments are shit but who hung the poster back up?

Shut up dogfucker. We know its you.

the tunnel wasnt a mile, he burrowed through the wall into some maintenance hall then broke open a sewer pipe and crawled through that.

It's a very illogical movie that gets overrated because it's about the friendship between a white and black man. I was alive when it came out and nobody cared about this shit flick. It became a meme on IMDB and now normies claim it's the best movie of all time without even watching it.

Not changing the cell makes sense if he only started once he got that job working for the boss, special privilege. The rest doesn't.

Now THIS is a genuinely retarded argument. "Piles of dirt"

>>guards never notice him doing this one time in twenty years,
a) he had the guard's favor
b) if you notice, when he dropped a small pile of dirt, he spread it out with his foot.
c) he probably did this in random places on the yard over the years thus minimizing the noticibility

>5 years later
>this pile of dirty in the playground
>guards don't say shit

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he would actually die from the menthane and shit gasses in that waste pipe. the amount of oxygen is so low he'd pass out

When I saw that in the theaters, I kicked the lady sitting in front of me in the back of her head in protest and marched out

>Your arguments are shit but who hung the poster back up?
He never took it down. It was only hung up by the top when he was tunneling. When he wasn't, he attached nails or pegs on the bottom of the poster.

ok, boomer

That's not important, retard. If you wanna watch a nuanced prision escape film watch Le Trou

More like Le Poo

>he would actually die from the menthane and shit gasses in that waste pipe.

Because the guards are corrupt and retarded.

Andy could have treated the poster like a scissor door or something and went through the tunnel by lifting the posted upward then back down.

>he could somehow did a 4'x4' mile long tunnel WITHOUT any guards discovering him
The tunnel is only a few feet long, at which point he reacehs the crawlspace, where he breaks the sewage pipe open. Thats where the the real length was, but he didn´t carve that
>he climbs out of the sewer pipes that ISN'T gated
Pipework wasn´t that advanced in countryside estateD back then, nothing to speak off for an aging prison in the middle of nowhere.

You can't use that expression
It's not 2019 anymore, times have changed

Based tbqh family

old people watching TBS on Sunday overrated the movie, before syndication the movie bombed with critics and audiences

Are you 40 my dude?

fuck off and go home mythbuster spoilsport wanker
Superb movie, you wannabe contrarian pseudo intellectual little shitbag

take a really bad shit and hold your face 2" from the water and breath deep. Now do that for 30 minutes which is how long he was in the pipe

>take a really bad shit and hold your face 2" from the water and breath deep.

>Now do that for 30 minutes which is how long he was in the pipe
Difference being, there was airflow in the pipe and the methane had somewhere to escape to. It also wasn't just only shit and piss. It was waste and rain water, thus diluting the shit.

Red was a white guy in the book. He was nicknamed for his red hair.

How did Andy, an intelligent member of the superior Aryan race, manage to establish a friendship with a Negroid, a human sub-species know for having IQs of 60 or less? completely unbelievable, took me right out of the movie

Why didn’t he just take the eagles out of prison?

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don't speak to this wee fanny, let him enjoy his toilet bowl fetish, freudian slip if ever there was one

I think we're forgetting about the rape timeskip here

Yeah why?

>Why isn't this movie that's based on a King short story that was inspired by a Tolstoy short story hyper realistic?
I fucking hate you people.

Yup its overrated, not sure why though.

Have some fucking respect, dude.

I love how nobody ever talks about him bashing the metal pipe with a rock. Breaking the pipe. Then climbing through the hole.

Nobody ever talks about this specific thing. And it has to make me wonder. What the fuck is wrong with you all? How could you not point this out?

>Have some fucking respect, dude.

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>movie opened up to good reviews and made more than double it's production budget
Yeah, sure was a bomb all right.


>piles of dirt in the yard

In the book, Red, was an Irishman with red hair

Wouldn't be that hard to eat the dirt and let it pass right on through the sewer system.

>Wouldn't be that hard to eat the dirt and let it pass right on through the sewer system.
Yes, it literally would.

It's a mediocre, overrated meme movie. Move on.


So even less human

you forgot to mention how the pipe spurts up liquid when he breaks through it with the rock which is impossible because theres an opening to the pipe which means it cant be pressurized. Shit movie.

That's not true at all fucking retard, I bet you're fucking underage. It bombed then got rereleased in theaters the next year making way more money, and was one of the most rented movies of that year. The reason it became so beloved is they played it practically every day on TNT. It was getting voted one of the best of all time by audiences for a few years, and it only surpassed the Godfather on IMDB in 2008.

Thanks. At least one user here gets it.

Yup, and nobody is still talking about this...ever. Do any of you even remember him hitting the giant pipe with a rock as the thunder roared? And how he climbed through a metal pipe after making a hole in it with a rock?

The warden took a huge shit after eating that pie right at that time

still doesn't explain why the water spurts up when the pipe is open

>you forgot to mention how the pipe spurts up liquid when he breaks through it with the rock which is impossible because theres an opening to the pipe which means it cant be pressurized.
It's entirely possible he transferred from one type of pipe to another.

Cause an entire prison's waste system emptying out into a nearby pond never made sense to me. Especially considering the storm-water pipe he exits is larger than the poo gas pipe he enters.

Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean the answer is wrong.

Wouldn't it have been less conspicuous and much easier to flush the dirt and plaster down the toilet?

Oscar bait that brainlets like to pretend it's better than that.

>Wouldn't it have been less conspicuous and much easier to flush the dirt and plaster down the toilet?
It could've and probably would've clogged up the pipes and then led to them discovering it.

Even if it doesn't clog the pipes, what if something else does or he has a particularly nasty shit because of the anal rape that clogs his toilet

>still doesn't explain why the water spurts up when the pipe is open
It was a gravity drain system, so when the pipe broke open, the pipes contents took the path of least resistance and thus, came out of the pipe under pressure.

>Why didn't they have alarm systems and CCTV back in the '30s? All maxsec have CCTV in their cells so why didn't Andy?

Stick to chopping your dick off zoomer.

Imagine not mentioning the comical breaking of the steel pipe with a fucking rock.

Who the fuck said anything about CCTV?

>Oscar bait
>Doesn't win any Oscars and isn't about the Holocaust

>Imagine not mentioning the comical breaking of the steel pipe with a fucking rock.
It wasn't steel, it was hardened clay. Like all pipes back then.

The pipe was a mile long, retard, the tunnel was just past the wall.

And it's problematic due to its portrayal of homosexuals.