Why are there so few jewish kinos?

Why are there so few jewish kinos?
All we get is Holocaust or Jesus movies. Even muslims get more movies than us.

Also what jewish themes would you like to see in the future?
I start: King Solomon

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Documentary on the samson option and the kallergi plan

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Belfort isn't jewish

Brighton Beach Memoirs. Is it good, I dont know but I know Jews factored into it somehow

Every movie created by Hollywood in the last like 70 years is a Jewish movie.

seinfeld is kikekino

He literally is, look it up

This. Try and find a Hollywood movie without at least one Jewish actor, producer or writer. I dare you.

Fuck kikes.

Huh. Why wasn't that mentioned in the movie?

Uncut Gems was pretty recent

no it's shit, with a laughtrack

>tfw no cute big tit Jew gf to bully me
Why live bros

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>The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

Passion Of The Christ

Literally had a Jewess as the Virgin Mary. Try harder

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Well Mary was jewish.

Theres been a fucking "poor jews" WW2 movie/book/show/series/sequel farted out like every week for DECADES

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Jesus was a Jewish communist

Disgusting anti-jewish movie. The Coen brothers hate themselves and their culture.

why are trying so hard to fit

How much of a pathetic incel does one have to be to externalize your sad failures like this? It's not the Jews' fault you're unloved and unlovable.

And that's what makes it brilliant. The only people that enjoy A Serious Man are self hating Jews and anti-semites.

stop trying so hard to be called based, it just happens

>it’s not the Jews fault
But who else can I blame for my complete lack of success and self confidence? It sure isn’t the blacks

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gee I wonder who could be behind this post?

Uh hello, based department?

is this the daily stromfag support group?

>But who else can I blame for my complete lack of success and self confidence?

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Is it true that Jews actually despise this film because it shows them as dirt poor peasants?

Fucks sake. I knew it. Fucking Samites should all be gassed

Well I mean, that's what they were, they were basically Gypsies that sold goods. That's part of the reason the Ashkenazi hate the Saphardic Jews, considering the Saphardi actually adhere to old ways that show how hilarious Judaism is. Gotta hide the actual history at all costs.

I’ve heard the Middle Eastern Jews are even more crazy than the Ashkenazi because they still retain old tribal practices and customs from the ancient period

>jewish kinos

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The Sephardic, spelled it wrong in the other post, are probably what you're referring to. They have the same outline traditions as the Ashkenazi, but they do a lot more of the ritualistic shit that the Ashkenazi have distanced themselves from and actively try to hide that it ever existed as part of their culture. Some of the more minor things are like tearing bread with your hands and passing it around at a bar mitzvah. Ashkenazi Jews will unironically go on about Sephardic Jews being subhuman in private conversations.

>Or jesus movies

Almost never made by Jews, so it's not Jewish. Jesus also wasn't from one of the original 12 tribes, so he isn't Jewish in that sense either.

Because Scorsese didn't want to make it look like he was doing it because he was a degenerate jew rather than just a corrupted individual.

Not that user but I think he’s referring to the Mizrahi Jews: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews
They’re basically the niggers of Judaism

I've not read much about them, only seen them mentioned a time or two. Gonna read into them. Thanks, user.

All kino is jewish

jesus is jewish from the tribe of judah, kys faggot

Someone who can own up to his problems. Take the big boy pill user.

Movies have been a Jewish medium since at least the 1960s

"Before the establishment of the state of Israel, Mizrahi Jews did not identify themselves as a separate Jewish subgroup. Instead, Mizrahi Jews generally characterized themselves as Sephardi, as they either descend from these Jews who were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula or because they follow the customs and traditions of Sephardi Judaism"

I was right, kind of.

was it kino?

Attached: TheMeyerowitzStories.jpg (1280x720, 103.28K)

>stormed the temples which had been turned into a brothel and trading market by the Jewish state
>told people to buy weapons to defend themselves
>didn't care what race, age, gender, or social class you were
>was close friends with tax collectors
>supported the "might is right" approach where a strong man will defend himself and his own goods

Gospel of Mark: “But no one can enter the strong man’s house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man (3:27).”

Gospel of Luke: “When the strong man, fully armed, guards his courtyard, his property is undisturbed (11:21).”

Jesus was a based Libertarian Capitalist.

fuck whites.

You are beyond retarded, Jesus not a Judean, he was a Galilean.

Sandler’s getting fat

>it's a red priestess episode

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this is nonsense.
Sefardi jews were always moderates and still are, meaning they are conservative but not orthodox.
Its the ashkenazi jews that split between one group that became hype religious and one group that became essentially atheist.

>jesus was a communist
>jesus was a capitalist
he wasn't either because he lived in a pre-industrial economy where terms like this had absolutely no relevance or meaning, and also because he expressly stated his lack of concern with worldly politics and structures

he lost a bit since than
almost got canceled too

judaism has its own proper niggers, etheopiean jews though they are nothing like the savage black in the US.

>look it up
>they’re literally called Beta Israel

and that was a result of the enlightenment period.

Interesting revisionist history. Seems like you're trying to find the "based Jews" there, but they're both freaks and this is all pretty well documented.

Without spewing out Yas Forums macros can someone explain why so much media is controlled by Jews???

>descendant of david
>not judean
wow you're a dumbfuck aren't you?

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Basically because they founded a lot of the early Hollywood studios. The same thing happened with the Jewish mob starting Las Vegas

Rampant nepotism. The reason why you see jews pushing "diversity" (as in, not white people), is so they can continue this practice without being called out for their discrimination.

Both of these. Also doesn’t help that Jews are all hyper-emotional and unstable which makes them excellent melodramatic actors and schemers

it was mentioned. he mentions his bar mitzvah or something.