/who/ General

The Rani Edition

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Doctor Who the fuck cares

What wasn't retconned in the end?

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We may need a new thread but at this stage do we WANT a new thread

Doctor Who is dead.

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Yes, we can shit on Chibnall more then.

>yfw ACKchually 13 WASN'T the first female Doctor

>sacrifices himself to save an ordinary teenage girl

>sacrifices himself to save an ordinary old man

>sacrifices himself to protect a single town for centuries

>sacrifices himself to stop the Cybermen and protect the people of just one ship
>last words for the next Doctor: "Be kind"

>cannot bring herself to push a button and sacrifice herself to stop The Master and the Cybermen, who are about to take over the whole universe
>A MAN has to step in and do the job for her
>yells at her companions and treats them like garbage for no reason
>leaves a grieving old man alone because "she's socially awkward"

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>started watching the new show as a kid
>loved it
>it got ruined in my 20s
>now an alcoholic



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Chibnall sits inside your head
Chibnall lives among the dead
Chibnall sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping

Chibnall at the end of days
Chibnall lies all other ways
Chibnall comes when Lore's a maze
And all of Who weeping

Chibnall taking Who apart.
Chibnall fears the Fan heart.
Chibnall seeks the final part.
The reward that he is reaping.

Chibnall sings when all is lost
Chibnall takes all those he's crossed
Chibnall wins and all is cost
The Fan's hearts he's keeping.

Chibnall seeks the Writers's pen
Chibnall needs the story to rip
Chibnall sups Who at a drip
And life aside, he's sweeping.

And he set then his course
To a scar on the face of Who
Where the actors lived and died in the churn of one night
Where the character motivations might move in the blink of an eye
And decay was the only true constant

And the gate of Chibnall opened before him
And all of the Retcon was releaved to him
And its terrible beauty ached in his hearts

So through them he ventured
There to do battle with Chibnall, the Beast
Never resting as long as Who is lasting
Until either or both are laid to waste.

Chibnall waits at the end of Who
For Chibnall is the end of Who
His time is the end of canon
And his moment Who's undoing

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>its a Delboy, Rodney and Grandad go to Benidorm but its clearly filmed at Southport or somewhere episode

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Zag poster going insane, with the rest of us, nice.


>That time where Grandad was an illegal gun runner to both sides during the Spanish civil war

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>Our Grandad was a MERCENARY.
>We didn't do it for the money, we did it on principle for an ideological cause.
>Oh yeah, which side did you sell to?
>Well, whichever side give us the most money for 'em.

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Still seething I take it?

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Our seethe is eternal and our rage knows no bounds.
We will only stop when the body of the criminal known as Chris Chibnall is dead and buried, and his crimes reversed

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>Chris Chibnall is dead and buried
Don't worry shes got this

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Holy fuck he really did rip off RTD, thanks subtitle-poster.

Yes he fucking did. And he turned the Doctor into a fucking coward in the most infuriating possible way.

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You got what you deserved for watching a children's sci-fi program.

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>tfw as a healthy 20 year old i could survive a month with corona-chan

doesn't this rip off Star trek though?

>Quiet down Moffat, they're about to APOLOGISE to us.

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What would a Doctor who series with Neil Gaiman as the show runner look like?

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>LOL we will never cancel Doctor Who, no matter how bad the ratings get! Next season we're going to retcon all the male doctors as having been just a dream! We're funded by the government, we'll be here forever!

Yeah, about that...

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The 60's and the 90's were the best eras. Doctor Who thrives when it's being weird and experimental and doesn't have any money or eyes on it. The more it becomes seen as an "institution" the more it loses it's soul.

He ripped it off the Parting of the Ways but didn't have the balls to have her go through it so he turned the Doctor into a coward.

I never doubted you RTD
Moffat on the other hand...
Please tell me you didn't endorse or pick Chris, only then will I forgive you and apologise.

Probably quite smug and impressed by itself, but also at least decently good.

Is this real?

It's real, all of it.

user, these are subtitles provided by the BBC, the subtitle-poster just turned them on and screencapped them.

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the whole point of doctor who is that he's a maverick from an advanced civilization who hates the elitisim of his society and decides to run away, exploit the technology of his planet, and explore the universe, meet/save new people.

i'm literally drunk and understand this.
fuck this show

It's real alright. With every day that passes I'm more convinced that Chinballs hates Moffat and loves RTD.

why the FUCK did they add teardrops to the cybermen
they make no sense

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Scherzo was kino

this, the only thing to properly do a "David Lynch does Doctor Who" story

Looks cool

it's kind of like a socket innit

If you were the show runner of Doctor who which past writers would you bring back to write new episodes for the new series

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Unironically the moffster

Paul Cornell, Robert Shearman, Andrew Cartmel, Steven Moffat, Alan Moore (he wrote some comics)

Paul Cornell. Fathers Day and the Family of Blood two parter are some of the best episodes of the revival.

No one, I'd adapt wilderness years stories everyone loved for fun adventures in space, then bring back RTD for the finale because everyone loves him.

i miss the chest unit of the cybermen
the idea that they still need that to breathe makes the fact they're still human much more present

Does anyone else feel like there isn't enough Dalek variations in the show? Whenever we get to see the Daleks, it's usually just the standard golden-bronze soldiers, with a few exceptions like Ironsides and Sec, but those are just recolors. Oh, and remember that time when new, larger Daleks with their color signifying their profession? Yeah, me neither. One of the few good thing to come from Chibnall was the Scout Dalek from "Resolution". And what about special weapons Daleks? Wouldn't it be great to see more task-specific models, like walker Daleks, underwater daleks, ect.?

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Why would robots need to breathe?

Matthew Graham (Rebel Flesh, Almost People, Fear Her)
Robert Shearman (Dalek)
The moff (as long as he is reigned in, he can write kino episodes)

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you've got 5 minutes to delete that post

the whole point of cybermen is that they're not robots

>casual viewers are black


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>Alan Moore (he wrote some comics)
doesn't he hate doctor who and compared the doctor to a pedo or something?
also one of the comics he wrote has cybermen that act like humans, the hack

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It's like poetry, it rhymes...

Eh, it'd be nice to see more siege Daleks with their debut with 7. But ultimately I think the idea that they're just rouge killing machines is better, but thats pure personal taste.

dont you mean DELETE my fellow whovian ;)

That reads like something I'd encounter in a Yas Forums thread where some one is mocking a characters reaction to something, maybe /got/

Get your jet boots and fuck off back to pete's world.

I will never forgive RTD for introducing that 'delete' bullshit

The fans get upset when 'core' elements of the show get changed. Like the police-box Tardis, pepper-pot Daleks are icons that are never allowed to be changed, no matter what.

Americans ruined Doctor Who.

Age of Steel/Rise of the Cybermen was kino

To be fair in 2006 computer terminology like that would have been considered new, modern, an upgrade. "Delete" wasn't an everyday word and sounded similar to how "data" does now.

lmao at this post
same here bro

The episodes themselves are ok but giving the Cybermen their own Dalek catchphrase was retarded.

stop copying me

I didn't say that classic Daleks need to go. What I'm saying is that it would be nice to see more specialised variants alongside standard "salt shakers".

I'll just leave this here:

Delete was fine, when used for rebels. Chibbers cybermen saying "execute the humans" was retarded. Cybermen aren't killers.

Got to have something for kids to chant on the playground.

I'm not sure who's more cringe, the nu-wave tranny fans who started watching it with Smith/tennant, or the oldschool virgins.

thots on this dudes's stuff?

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It's even more bizarre that dr who is having this level of forced diversity when its main demographic is autistic white nerds

Not even a Yas Forumsfag but it's bad enough hearing all these fucking yorksh*re accents

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I'd love a few episodes where they got the chameleon circuit working again, and had its cloaking ability actually be relevant. Far too often nobody even questions there being a blue box out of place.

Tranny fans because they were all fat and bullied or worse, American.
The old school fans (like me) were just people who watched a fun show growing up and got attached to it.

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If you're from England you'd know that a black person with a Yorkshire accent makes no sense.

To put it in terms an American could understand, it's like a black person with a north west accent (if those even exist), there simply aren't black people in Yorkshire.
Now a Pakistani with a Yorkshire accent? That's 100% normal, but there can't be more than 1,000 people in the world who are black with a Yorkshire accent. That isn't even a false statistic, I wouldn't even expect it to be that high.

Blacks seem to retain their accents really fucking well. I live in the Midlands, not a brummie and the blacks all sound alot more Jamaican compared to our cockney accents.

Irie mon.

But Spare Parts is better.

The only semi-normal non-pathetic one was the girl, glad she went on to work at the BBC. Even if they were all annoying twats paraded around by the nu-community on tumblr, glad I emigrated from /tg/ to Yas Forums and discovered /who/

Maybe so but still kino

Entirely acceptable. If modern daleks are going to fly over the place like aircraft then they really should looks more aerodynamic.

Personally I'm partial to the spider daleks that only ever ended up getting used in the comics. "Horrible mutant creature in an armored shell" is a concept with plenty of scope for creativity, but instead we're stuck with the same shouty trashcans. I like seeing the mutant part more because it stops people forgetting Daleks aren't just robots too, ala Destiny of the Daleks.

The new series hadn't ever done the Cybermen justice. Capaldi's finale has been the closest but Chincunt has taken a big greasy shit on them, to absolutely no one's surprise.

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>The new series hadn't ever done the Cybermen justice.
The greatest television Cyberman story ever was world enough and time.
Granted, the doctor falls ruins it, but you still can't get better than world enough and time.

>now then, who's making all that fuss? *adjusts drip*
>This should help

>Far too often nobody even questions there being a blue box out of place.
I agree with you that it'd be cool for it to start working again for a few eps but nobody says anything cos of the perception filter.

damn. what the ever fuck?

>Probably quite smug and impressed by itself, but also at least decently good.

So pretty much perfectly in line with the heart of The Doctor as a character?

The body horror part of it was kino yeah. I also liked the Master being involved.

Actually having thought about it WEaT might be in my top 10 Who episodes. I didn't mind The Doctor Falls but it did relegate the Cybermen to a background threat.

>we will never have more Capaldi/Bill/Nardole kino

It's not fair man.

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Yeah, I know, but that concept is also annoying.
A perception filter should stop you noticing it on a busy street where you just pass it off as "supposed to be there" but when it's in the middle of a corridor on a ship it shouldn't be invisible.

Remove Bill from that and I agree.

>Chinball gives the Doctor infinite regenerations
>there is now no threat ever to the character in any circumstances bar the most convoluted

I hate him so much it hurts. I can't believe he gets to ruin Who with his fanfiction nonsense.

There is still the threat of the timeout (if a timelord is killed again straight after regenerating they don't come back to life) but fuck knows if that applies to the new species the doctor is now.

11 also did this in the Eleventh Hour when tasting the rebuilt shed and nobody complained. Also Timey Wimey.

Bill was great in the finale

There have been many times where the show makes a point of something that would kill a Timelord and stop them regenerating. It just means they'll introduce something like the deadlocks that stopped the screwdriver whenever convenient because that became too easy.

>removing Bill from the equation
Now there's no straightman, it's just 2 fools

Yes but that was a nod. All of those examples happened in ONE episode. That's too many 'nods' in a single episode.

>Another season of Chippy and Jodie
I've been rewatching Smiths episodes, moffat making everyone "the most important person in the universe" really doesn't seem so bad after the timeless child

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Turns out the Doctor was the most most important person in the universe all along. How about that?

Has Smith done any Big Finish? He can't be getting that much work.

It's OK user. We all make cruel comments in the heat of the moment. Just say the word, in your own time. I'm ready.

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No surprise there, without him (and Donna) the whole of reality would've collapsed because of Davros.


Why didn't the classic series ever have any of this shit? It was just a show about a guy going round helping people, the closest it ever came to this was the cartmel master plan, which thankfully wasn't able to come to fruition.


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I can't wait to see how chibbers ruins based Dave Ross.

So am I. Just watched Vincent and the Doctor. RTD will always be my favourite but I miss Moffat.

Not yet, hopefully him and Capaldi do some BF audios soon


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Dalek design peaked with the Time Lord soldiers and its difficult to top that.

nice list but you forgot all the creepy stuff 11 did

Yeah, he's bound to be the next big villain return. Him or Rassilon.


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But I always liked moffat the best, he wrote the best stories, also he hired only pretty white girls as companions unlike RTD

RTD wasn't that good of a writer
>Dramatic and serious thing happens
>Doctor use the gun
>No I will not use the gun I am a pacifist because of my dark past
>Everything is extra dramatic and serious now

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He was supposed to be in Star Wars and some other big franchise but was cut out of both movies. I feel bad for him.

>all the creepy stuff 11 did

What time lord soldiers?
Do you mean the RTD version?

Rassilon got cucked big time by Sunday's pile of shite. In fairness Moffat had him loaded into a spaceship and fired off to the end of the universe for "reasons" last time.

Crippling autism, isn't it?
Just because he doesn't want women in his TV shows...

Maybe now this chink artist will put his talents to better use.

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Sorry I meant Time War not Time Lords.

We can go further

>Dies trying to save a single ordinary woman who absolutely hated him
>Gives his life to save some big titted slut
>Dies trying to do the right thing

Is this truly better television than Series 12?


Alan Moore hates everything

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Fuck I want to rewatch Series 1 - 4, I haven't watched them in like 5 or 6 years. Maybe more.

Please delete this before Chibnall sees it.

You cannot prevent it.

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Possible shitty spin-offs more interesting than the current Dr. Who

> Restaurant over the skies: Clara & Me
> EXTERMINATE: The adventures of Sec the dalek
> The Paternoster Gang vs Peaky Blinders crossover
> Judoon Academy
> Amy & Rory Love Marriage
> The Face of Boe
> We, the oods
> Cybermen: Electric Boogaloo
> Donna's grandpa side story

Rewrite this scene with 12 and 13, only with it being written by Chibnall.


Robert Holmes
Dennis Spooner
Kit Peddler
Brian Hayles
Bob Baker
Dave Martin
Barry Letts
Terrance Dicks
Malcolm Hulke
Douglas Adams
Terry Nation

>[rapidly takes notes]

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You mean 10 and 13 right? Chibnall HATES Moffat, he will never bring back his Doctors.

Hell, he won't bring back anyone else other than 10. You know it.

A thousand times better

I am seriously asking this here, but would Chinball's fanfiction have worked if all new series didn't exist prior to his?

Fucking do him Phil.

Just the exact same thing with Jodie as Smith and Capaldi as Tennant.


Although, Moffat created Jack Harkness.

>If you're from England you'd know that a black person with a Yorkshire accent makes no sense.

>implying Chibnall would write 12 as faithfully as Moffat wrote 10

You are dreaming.

It would still just be poor television. Also, going straight from Sylvester "Genocide" McCoy to Jodie Whitaker would be the most jarring thing ever.

Once saw him in a documentary about Rhodesia, where he went to perform comedy at a white only club in Rhodesia.

One of his jokes always stood out to me, he said "Alright lads, this is Africa, eh? And If you don't like it, we'll take it back."