W-what is this series about again?

w-what is this series about again?

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Satan worship. In other words, flesh worship.

what is it


Shitty version of Buffy and Supernatural combined

Kiki's satanic adventures

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that's not possible to begin with. there is no way to make crap even shittier

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Whatever gets you through the night but Buffy has objectively better characters with less hamfisted feminism while Supernatural used biblical lore more effectively. Sabrina throws things to the wall hoping something would stick.

It's clumsily progressive and woke, but also satan-y, and yet also shows off Kiki's deliciousness at every opportunity, yet does not give us the absolute Kino of Miranda Otto and Michelle Gomez spanking Kiki.

blacks and gays. they were white and straight in the comic but now theyre black and gay and sabrina fucks a nigger in the FIRST EPISODE and they went so far past the comic that no one can say
>its based on a comic so thats why its different
it hasnt followed the comic from the fucking start

>old hags

> She sees your cock.

I can't stand that shitty wig.

Imagine being mogged by your tranny look alike.

best girl

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indoctrinating an entire generation of young women into Satanism and black magic. The old testament holds black magic in the same vein as someone that kills another person, or kills themselves. It automatically severs your relationship with God, and guarantees you a trip to hell once the mortal world is finished with you. Will you get powers by making a deal with the devil? Possibly, sure. Is it worth forfeiting your soul over? Never.

lies and undeserved quads

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On the right is it a boy or a girl? clothing says girl but everything else says girl

you have a keen eye my good sir. That is a woman that transitioned into being a man

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Its a girl who fell for the gender fluid meme on tumblr and chopped off her breasts, which she will surely grow to regret as she gets older.

Isn't a preop ftm tranny basically a girl?
Anyway, would push on the groud and prone bone for half an hour.

damn, literally perfect body fat level

She isn't really a tranny, she doesn't want to be a man, more like this in between thing, the only thing I care about is that she's cute af and has a nice butt.

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Its sad that she feels the need to alter her body then.

>ftm tranny
she's genderfluid, shitlord
I don't know what it means but I guess she can decide which sex she is on a day to day basis and on how the weather looks outside on that day

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i wanna pull down her panties and rub my dick up and down her crack

do some squats you dumb whore

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what a shame, from the waist down that's a pretty nice setup she's got going

Lol what a good prank

she looks pretty boyish in her face desu senpai but I don't think she should become a man because of that

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looks like a girl to me, but i guess you see what you want to see

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Can tell it's some shitty mutt show by the way they're wearing underwear when they should really be naked.

What is fucking going on at Netflix? They go all sjw on some shows and then they have this young looking girl in her undies all the time. Is it somehow crucial to the plot to get them to strip all the time? Switch whoever is making this with who they have running Witcher.

based 60 fps poster

Am I supposed to fap to this?

So is she transgender and transage? she looks like she wants to be a 10 year old boy not a 18 year old man

>this young looking girl in her undies
You are worse than retarded SJW.

>small tits
>medium butt
>thick thighs
looks like kino is back on menu, boys

She looks like a 10 year old girl and that's a good thing.

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asking the important questions
simple answer? yes, no, maybe

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this show is more sjw than all of them

could barely get thru the first 30 minutes

>Have literally any scrap of meat at all

She cute

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I'm not saying it's improper, retard. It doesn't seem to fit with netflixs agenda.

How do you go from this...

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That's Netflix for you. Their originals are the store brand equivalent of the movies and shows you actually like.

to this??

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>Watson is genderqueer and pansexual and goes by they/them pronouns. Assigned female at birth, they received top surgery to remove their breasts.

>They are a feminist.

Wew lad, I want to fuck that thing to the right.

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The best part though is why would a devil, whose whole existence is defined by hatred of you, actually deliver anything?

She was unironically hotter at 10.

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he's against god's creation first and will use humans as a force of destruction against it. he doesn't care

I like short hair and all, but she really does look convincingly boyish. So you can have her.

Big cum

Reminder that the Bible was written by men, with no way of verifying their connection with god beyond "trust us bro."


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>worshipping Jew shit
You'll get the rope too Shabbos goy

>dude I'm a man lmao
>looks like this
>Is 5'8 and 70kg max

She looks like a small man, yes. They make men in small sizes too.

Shame the show is written so bleh, kiki's abs had them trending on Netflix for a while

No she doesn't. FtMs have got to be the biggest joke around