What would you have done in this peculiar situation?

What would you have done in this peculiar situation?

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put her in a bag and carry her to the nearest hot spring

Ask her where her sister Rainey is

Can you really get in trouble if she lies about being of age? That's entrapment, so technically he's a-ok

As a non-Chad I need not fear such a situation.

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get in the car. i mean, that's still brad pitt

Based and same.

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rape her and behead her. Possibly not in that order

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this was when white women had small asses. Remember when white women had small butts? what the hell happened? now they have huge butts and I'm honestly baffled how quickly they made that transition.

you should be a lawyer. because you're very not being one right now.

you sick freak, do you think that's funny?

muttification of american culture

I came just to suffer

>you have been awarded 5 likes

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Sóy, turning women into megastacies and men into sissies.

>drug addict
>lives in a ranch with a bunch of junkies
>most probably has some sort of STD

Obviously get the fuck out of there


This. When they were crashing at Dennis Wilson’s house all the Manson family had to get treated for gonorrhoea because they kept fucking each other without protection

of course , females are not responsible for their actions.

And it used to be uncommon for a man to be over 190 pounds. They put a bunch of shit in our food and water. That's why you see 12 year old girls with c cup tits.

The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. You didn't pay attention to fat asses before. Now you do. There are tons of cute white small butt girls out there.

I only fuck women who are obviously 40 or older to avoid this situation. Also because the older the berry the sweeter the juice if you know what I mean

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all the incels in here will say that somehow they all have fake silicone asses but if you look on Instagram literally every female is packed into gyms these days doing butt-centric workouts exclusively

suck her dick

christ, i just want to slip it right in

I want her to leglock me.

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Tongue. Punch. Fart. Box.

take whatevers on offer

Left her there.
I wasnt old enough to personally know any actual hippies, but I'm old enough to remember their predecessors: gutterpunks.
Late 90s, very early 00s there was this weird wave of late teens early twentysomethings that would just up and leave their homes and go hitchhiking. Live by eating out of dumpsters or what little change they made busking what shitty talents they had.
They all fucking stunk like you wouldnt believe because their hygiene was so fucking bad. Soon as I saw this flatty on the screen it brought back aroma memories I didnt want.
>but muh feminine sweat
You faggots have no goddamn clue how disgusting women are if they arent concerned with hygiene. Ballsweat doesnt even come close.

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Yes, it's still illegal even if she lied. And it won't change. Boomer Christians don't want people having casual sex, and feminists are the reason the age of consent was raised to 18 and they love it when men go to prison for consensual sex. So neither conservatives or liberals care if innocent men go to prison because a 17-year-old lied about her age.

Not in my country, basically if she looks like she could be older you are fine.

its all face and tits, wait till you see the body

I make her eat ALL the eggs

Ate ass

literally an std vessel

ask her if she is interested in doing an ass to ass show, you know she is identical to jeniffer conelli.

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i love girls who look like their pusy stink. its an animalistic lust

>third worlder loves to reference his country but refuses to name it because he's so ashamed and embarrassed

why is this so common lol

not him but czech republic is same and no, it's not third world, we just aren't as pozzed as big great american caring protector and brother

Suck on her toes till my mouth hurt

I would rape her, that's all if some women talk to me with those clothes I'll rape her, that fucking whore deserves it

>How old are you
>Sorry, that's too old
And then kick her out of the car

>czech republic
>not third world

Why are yanks so standoffish

slovakbro here, our countries are literally S tier right now. further east its gypsies and mongoloids and poverty and further west is refugee cuckery. 10-15 years ago i would have said id rather be born in scandinavia or something but right now? nah, i'm good.

It's disgusting, one such femoid once approached me, I barely managed to avoid fainting from the smell.

all pussy is the same in the dark user

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Let her piss and shit on my face and use me as a doormat of course


rip a loud fart and step on the gas because her feet are an abomination

Incredibly based fellow Rainey chad. I'd post pics, but my drive died.

Unironically this

I would make a song about Bruce Lee, the real star of the movie. Wait, I actually did. Check it out.

Brad did the right thing and I would have done the same in his position.

>don't have foot fetish
>still find girls with hideous feet like hers to be unattractive
>people still equate that to me wanting to fuck feet
Some are just disgusting.

Sitting upright Cowgirl while I lick/sniff her armpits.


>Actually enjoying blown out vagina

I will never fuck a MILF again. The post-birth vagina is the female equivalent of a micro penis.

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she looks diseased and her body and face aren't good enough to override that

this but unironically. being around women and listening their shit is irritating.

>That's why you see 12 year old girls with c cup tits.
no you don't

In the 60s? It's a freebie.

To get prosecuted back then, especially as a industry type in LA, she has to be blatantly young, like Camp Fire Girls young, and there probably has to be drugs or force involved.

You mean successors

Got verification she was of age, before fucking ravaging her.


I know what you're trying to do (and I respect the bravery)

I'll take one Pfeiffer and/or Tomei please, thx

Vera mogs them all. body still tight as fuck.

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You mean particular, you fucking idiot.

>Sorry hun Im gonna go hang out with Bruce Lee