I just watched the first 4 Pokemon movies and they were all masterpieces

I just watched the first 4 Pokemon movies and they were all masterpieces
Why didn't anyone tell me this series was so kino?

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I did not really like them even as child. Plots are usually kaijushit without much resemblance to Pokémon. The fight scenes and Pikachu shorts were usually good.

Only good ones is the first and the Entei one (3rd I think?)
all the rest are dumb kaijushit

>tfw you have a nice little nestegg to retire on

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>tfw you saw it in theaters
>tfw those fucking cunts gave you this instead of Ancient Mew

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Watch the Deoxys one, it’s essentially a zombie apocalypse movie

early pokémon was so comfy.

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too long for me

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Damn that some real sick Jewry. I remember getting a Dragonite too.

What's the first longest binge watch?

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Probably some soap opera or Law and Order.

lmao these were given to millions of kids in theaters across the country. It's not worth $10.

>I just watched the first 4 pokemon movies
for the first time? how old are you?

Yeah it's based. I think the d/p movies were good too maybe just because of Dawn

>went on opening day specifically to get that card
>didn't get shit
I just stuck to playing tcg on the gameboy after tat

Days of Our Lives has 13,797 episodes.

470 days

>he doesn't have the misprint

Only one worth it is the first series. After that it loses its soul.

I pictured Rayquaza as at least twice this size.

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I wonder if there's actually people who know all the Days of Our Lives lore by heart
Last I saw that show must've been 15 years ago or something and I remember some bad guy was back from the dead or maybe it was his twin brother or some shit

>he fight scenes and Pikachu shorts were usually good.
Fuckin' A, you just reminded me of the pikachu shorts. Those were so fucking based.

I imagined it Shenlong tier big

All I remember is the Pikachu and Pichu one

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I've got three of them if it makes you feel any better

it does actually
I'm glad some people came out on top

i only fap to the doujins fight me

My mom used to keep track of the genealogy of the Brady and Horton families, shit gets convoluted as fuck in soap operas.
The Words Worth crossover one was fantastic.

Don't worry I'll give back to the people when I come in to the money

I enjoyed DP most. Best character development and battle scenes. No season has had as original filler episodes as OG though.

>Drop Pokemon before the Orange Islands
You can hate Johto but the orange islands were kino and are required viewing

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There's millions of those out there user.

rayquaza is a nigger and what a pain in the ass it was to catch him in Emerald

I've never played any of the games or watched any of the cartoons, but the setting always seemed interesting. Would it be worth it to me to watch the first movie?

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Not a single thing is difficult in any pokemon game except unfucking your 1st gen cartridge after dickin around with missingno

I had a whole party made up of Missingnos and infected level 250 pokemon, shit was cash.

Nice try but I'm not selling

I'd recommend it, though I don't rank the first movie as highly as some others might
it features the main characters from the show but the movie is mostly about a pokemon named Mewtwo and it's own personal conflict
also, as with any anime, watch the subbed version

genwunners are insufferable

zoomie get out

>also, as with any anime, watch the subbed version
I prefer to watch anime with Spanish dubs and English subs. It's much more entertaining than the monotonous Japanese vocal track.

>Spanish dubs and English subs

The fourth movie is boring, but at least it doesn't look shit like everything after the 5th.

Can't believe Deoxys fucking died.

I appreciate that the fourth movie chose to go for a more simple plot that didn't involve deities shooting lasers at eachother
Celebi was cute
I enjoyed it

The best ones are Mewtwo Strikes Back and Heroes.

can't beat niggers at their own game, deoxys never stood a chance

Every frame where fug is wrapping deoxys is beyond fucked

>Dox this

>Beyond fugged

I first discovered this preference while watching Redline, and recently downloaded a rip of Dragon Pink with hard Spanish dubs and English subs that was ripped from some Mexican channel.

Deoxys is such a chad. Protecting Earth from aliens.

rayquaza you mong

You've never seen an anime for adults, just this kiddie/shounen shit, right?
I hate pokefags for being the the bastard child of furries and weeaboos, it's not even good

if you watch the original Pokemon feature films
you should watch The Pikachu Project short movies that came with each one

newsflash, bud
trash like Redline, Akira, and End of Evangelion don't hold a candle to the absolute pinnacle of kino that is Destiny Deoxys
maybe grow a few more taste buds before you chime in next time, champ

>"trash" like Redline, Akira, and End of Evangelion

You're supposed to skip BW and most of Johto though.

>bought the movie on vhs
>came with 4 of these bad boys inside

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