Post actor/actress doppelgangers

Post actor/actress doppelgangers.

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morena baccarin is unironically top 10 hottest actresses rn, wish she wasnt pigeonholed into TV only

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Not even close, lmao.

She's actually fairly trad too. Listen to her on Rosenbaum's podcast.

Damn. I had such a crush on her.

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God, left, Famke in that TNG episode was the hottest woman I've ever seen. Easily hottest Trek girl ever.

Fucking perfection, Famke Janssen.

and today is the day OP finds out he has face autism.

Yes, but only in so far enough that Millie looks like a young Natalie that got stung all over the face by bees.

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which one dummy

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Deff prefer Jamie dear lord she was hot

You should have chosen Sylvia Hoeks instead.

Damn shame what happened

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Holy fuck, Morena is hot as hell

>cheated on her husband so hard she was the one who got btfo in divorce court

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that lad on the left looks nothing like based Natalie

Why you fags seethe this hard about a picture.

Wait, what happened? Unless you just mean aging

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Monerfaggots are severely mentally ill

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>t homosexual pedophile

Dude, he said doppleganger, not fucking twins. The 2 in OP look slightly similar enough. That's not being faceblind.
Curb your autism.

Fun fact: there was a scandal a few decades ago about secret Jewish twins experiments where the people in charge of the adoption agency would deliberately separate twins at birth and have them grow up in different homes to research how they developed.

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It's aging, but be will probably say she bogged herself.

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>t mentally ill Monerfaggot

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>top: disgusting manjaw abomination
>bottom: angel

Not even close

fuck off retard

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Fucking hilarious, Brie Larson is delusionally posting on Yas Forums again

who cares lol


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i dont care about that little goblin but it appears you DONT deny the fact that youre a gay pedophile and likely a preop tranny

literal retard, they look nothing alike lmao

Evelyn Claire looks a lot like a young Lara Flynn Boyle to me

t. faceblind

I know shes a feminist twitter activist type so you must hate but she does look like her.

and moreso Brie is incredibley based

I don't see it

>I know shes a feminist twitter activist type so you must hate but she does look like her.
The only thing that looks alike is the hair style and make up, specifically done to create the resemblance, the face strUcture and everything else is absolutely wrong/disgusting.

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keep telling yourself that

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Going to have to disagree

Thats photoshopped. Shes good looking.

hahaha good lord

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You can't deny it

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I could just look up the IMDB comparison list that some user is dumping here so I get the same content without the cringe replies

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Famke Jannsen and Morena Baccarin are nowhere close, they don't even look like the same ethnicity.
Millie reminds me more of Elizabeth Perkins than Natalie Portman.
Yeah I've always considered Lili Reinhart as Brittany Murphy for Zoomers.
Raven-black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin is an undeniably kino combination.

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read the filename you dumb nigger, oh! of course i forgot Brieniggers where aliterate mouth-breathing niggers with shit taste

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Um, you can't say the n-word here

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Morena should be a lot more successful with looks like those.
Jesus Christ, get a new agent or convert to Judaism!

What was his pov? what did he saw?

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Based faceblind user

i can and i will you dumb brienigger

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No, it's very racist and not allowed

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What is wrong with you? No one cares about the filename. It's a shooped pic and you spend your time hating on actresses in a virginal fashion

what are you gonna do brienigger? cry?!?

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Delet this

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right is like they tried to make a clone of JDM but somehow a stray hair (pube) from Adam Driver got in the mix

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Face Blindness: The Thread


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pleb filtered, kek

you’re blind

Calm the fuck down faggots.

I've seen way worse faceblindism. OP isn't a perfect example but it's fucking fine, curb your autism.

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These are fair.
The others are a bit of an autistic proposition.

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Good! that will show you your place

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> Face blindness is the inability to recognize faces.

You fucking retards don't even understand the word you are using, embarrassing, pls kys already.

Fuck off.

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Then you are going to live as a LGBTQUIA+ member.

you’re blind.

That seriously just looks like James Franco


not true, i'm posting while penetrating my gf (male)

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Ernestua i shkret

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>you can't say the n-word here
Niggers cant say "nuisance" here?

sorry your shitty faceblind thread didn't work out
the only ones that fit OP topic is except for the Brie Larson one

75% and stop being a bitch

they aren't even the same race you fucking lunatic

>a brainlet put in check and start seething
you are definitely a retard
> your thread didn't work out
so you are a redditor, that explains everything.

you niggers are just trolling at this point or you seriously are blind as fuck

fucking kek

I've sucked a cock before but Jesus dude are you fucking gay? Grace Kelly is top tier pussy and Brie Larson is cute Barnes and Noble worker at best.


you can't farm karma here you fucking redditor, here is your silver, gold an platinum, so fuck off.

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true i thought denice bel torro was whoever that other guy was when i first saw him

That's the incredible part, user. They both have green anime eyes but one is Anglo and the other is half chink. And btw, Kristin played a white girl with white parents on Smallville.

God I've wanted to bury my dick deep in this weird looking bitch since I saw her fight naked in Altered Carbon.

nigga they are the same person

>thinks these are two different people

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Goddamn hot weird looking girls is my fetish.


Is this the face blind autists thread?

God, 2 perfect women.

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these 2

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What actually happened here, lads? How is it her eyes look more soulful in the "after" pic?

John Cleese and Billy Connolly.

They look nothing alike, you retard

I love the "genetically engineered Asian" look, lads.