Austin Powers

I grew up on these movies, but I never hear about them. Do people just not like Austin?

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The only relevant gags that still lives on after these movies are Fat Bastard, getting your car stuck between two walls, and ONE MILLION DOLLARS

The second and third are basically a retread of the first - the first is the one that had the most impact on pop culture.

They came out 20 years ago

deeply problematic, desu. tbfwy i always thought that maybe, just maaaybe there was a little bit of redemption to be had in that the series satirizes cishetmale-centric deeply misogynistic films like james bond or indiana jones but the films themselves fall into those same troubling "jokes" at the expense or marginalized persons, like fat "bastard", who is only funny because (s)he is large. or the fembots who shoot from their nipples, possibly empowering women were it not for their stereotypical barbie looks and their defeat by austin basically raping them

How about no you crazy Dutch bastard?


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>the most impact on pop culture.
Specifically they are tied in with the Bond franchise. Obviously they (basically affectionately) parody Bond, a franchise that at the time of International Man of Mystery's release many believed had gotten to silly. They also (alongside the Bourne films) influenced the direction of Casino Royale: basically they people behind Casino Royale went "Austin Powers has made Bond look camp and silly" and "people really like this Jason Bourne, let us try that."

They were parodies of a genre that doesn't exist anymore. The Connery and especially Roger Moore Bond movies and all their imitators. The whole premise kinda relies on the audience being familiar with those and today they just aren't. Spy Movies today are all Bourne style grim and gritty thrillers so the context for them to work isn't there.

>that's a man, baby
more relevant than ever

I watched them in middle school back then. I doubt the newer generation care for them at all.

What are:
Yeeaaaaah baby yeeeah!!!
Mini me!

Gen Z doesn't want comedy movies, they have YouTube. Any comedy has to be wrapped up into another film, e.g. Marvel quipping. Straight comedy films are pretty dead now

>allow myself to introduce...myself
The whole blackjack scene is classic

>They were parodies of a genre that doesn't exist anymore.
This user probably sums it up the best.

You could even argue they unintentionally helped kill that genre.

imagine spending your life larping as a sjw

On Yas Forums of all places.

"That's a man, Baby"

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"Why don't you just kill him?"

The conversations between Dr. Evil and Scott in the first movie are some of the best comedy writing of any film. The one they have after Dr. Evil closes the door on Austin's execution is so incredible if you've even so much as heard of a Bond movie.

Paraphrasing cuz i aint looking it up at work
>I'm not going to watch them die, I'm just going to assume everything went according to plan! What? *shrug*
>Scott... you just... don't get it, do ya?

There are more.

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>Do people just not like Austin?
A lot of people like Austin Powers however International Man of Mystery (the one most people are familiar with) is over two decades old, it is simply not as fresh in most peoples minds.

Or how No.2 points out they make way more money legitimately though the Stock Market than by holding the world hostage with Doomsday Weapons.

>the details of my life are quite inconsequential...

It reminds me of Star Wars where the evil organization has a ton of money waiting for investment or doing legitimate work but they are run by maniacal supervillains.

Is it true they cut out the henchmen family and friends scenes in the American release?

These movies are so fucking dated now.

Jesus Christ I knew I wasnt going crazy. The last time I had seen the trilogy was about 14 years ago. I decided to watch them again recently and loved em but I knew I recalled this fucking scene and I was wondering where they went. I'm in the UK though and they were even missing from here.

My gf won’t watch these movies with me because they’re “guy movies”

Austin Powers is the Scream of spy movies.
Once it was made, everything it made fun of for being overused was never used unironically ever again.

I love all 3 of them

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1 3 2


Sounds like you lost your mojo.

The steamroller too

Whoop dee doo, but what does it all mean, Basil?

Is her pusy and armpit and leg and nipple hairs like that too?

3 is garbage though, and so is Beyonce. Also Goldmember the character is so unfunny it's painful

you didn't happen to see.................. anything at all.....

Watched all these at probably way too young an age. I think the first one is still really funny. The sequels have their moments.

These were deleted scenes on the American DVD iirc.

One book... Swedish-made penis Enlarger Pumps And Me: (This Sort of Thing Is My Bag Baby)", by Austin Powers.

virtually every single line in the first movie is hysterical, there is no arguing this. it's really one of the best comedies ever made.

I enjoy it.

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>I had the group liquidated, you little shit, they were insolent

They're really really really fucking stupid with obvious humor, puns and toilet humor comprising almost all of its content. Mike Myers always had too much control over these films. He had surprisingly little control over Waynes World for example and a LOT more control over Waynes World 2. WW1 is funny and iconic. WW2 is the same lame cheesey shit he'd later go on to do with Austin Powers. Just bad comedy. As a bonus just know he HATED the final cut of the first Waynes World. Didn't get it at all. Probably still doesn't.

Three was by far the weakest, since it was mostly just rehashed jokes from the first two. It had some good parts, though, such as Michael Caine and the Asian twins gag.

I don't even remember a good comedy movie that came out in years. Last time I laughed a lot was with the other guys.

the part where she take alot of thing out of his ass

This is why you're a virgin user

It's really pathetic. WTF happened?


Liz Hurley and Heather Graham were top tier.
Beyonce is and has always been grossly overrated.

That's more the fault of all big budget movies being made the international market in mind. Comedies don't translate well so it's become a shrinking genre

i had this and alongside 3 other songs by green day and POD on an mp3 player in like 2002

Heather Graham started my mummy fetish

AP1 is bigger than WW1

Most of them just go straight to Netflix, and don't have A-list actors anymore. I'm glad Jim Carrey did the Sonic movie, because the last comedy he did was Dumb and Dumber To in 2014. The humor was too forced, and didn't hold a candle to the original.

But I'm not? :(



I always liked in the third movie the Beyonce song in Studio 69:

These movies are still hilarious, but the humor is so dated that no one under 25 is going to understand most of it. Mike Myers had stated that he was open to doing a Dr. Evil movie to reboot the series, but Verne Troyer died a couple of years ago, so I doubt it's ever going to happen.

>That's more the fault of all big budget movies being made the international market in mind. Comedies don't translate well so it's become a shrinking genre
This is pretty much true - China is the most obvious example that Hollywood tries to court.

The thing is though surely comedies do not cost a huge budget - I mean surely you can make them on a relatively small budget and still make a profit.

Boomer humor, but based.

>The thing is though surely comedies do not cost a huge budget - I mean surely you can make them on a relatively small budget and still make a profit.
Gotta get butts in the seats, though. It's easier to do that by just having the comedy tied to an IP like Avengers or Deadpool. A lot of the bigger comedy actors seem content with doing voiceover work. Either that, or they try forcing political humor (i.e. orange man bad) into everything.

Swedish penis pump
I too like to live dangerously

that entire group scene with carrie fisher was gold

u should be
lmfao based

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